About Department

The Department of Physics, established in 1994, offers the foundational course, Engineering/Applied Physics, essential for all engineering disciplines with highly qualified and committed faculty members specializing in various Physics/Material Science disciplines. Research lab has been established across different areas to meet the evolving needs of faculty, research scholars and students. Additionally, faculty members are recognized as research supervisors by Anna University. Faculty members frequently serve as resource persons at conferences, workshops, and faculty development programs, while also contributing as reviewers for esteemed journals.

Department Contact

Department HoD

    99650 06192

From the Hod's Desk


Associate Professor & HoD

Crystal growth, Nonlinear optical materials, Green synthesis of nanomaterials, Photonic & Optolectronic Materials, Functional Material Characterization

AICTE Faculty ID: 1-2188084742 | College ID:CTPHF003

LinkedIn Profile | IRINS ProfileProfile

Dr.V.Vasudevan is an Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Physics at K.S. Rangasamy College of Technology. He obtained his Master's degree from Madras University, Chennai, and his Doctoral degree from Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, where he received a CSIR Senior Research Fellowship for his doctoral studies. With a total teaching experience of 12 years, his research interests encompass Crystal Growth, Nonlinear Optical Materials, Green Synthesis of Nanomaterials, Photonic & Optoelectronic Materials, and Functional Material Characterization. He received a UGC minor research project entitled "Effect of metal ions on physical and chemical properties of unidirectionally grown amino acid based semi-organic single crystals" (MRP-6106/15 (SERO/UGC)). He is a recognised research supervisor from the Centre for Research, Anna University. He has published research papers in various international reputed journals and in conferences, and he has also filed and published his research findings in Intellectual Property Rights (IPR).

Mail-ID: [email protected], [email protected]

Our Intellectuals

Faculty Image

Assistant Professor

Luminescence materials, Solid State Physics

Faculty Image

Assistant Professor

Supercapacitor, Energy storage materials, Energy storage device fabrication

Faculty Image
Dr.P.Suthanthira Kumar

Assistant Professor

Materials Science, Luminescence, Glass Science and Technology

Faculty Image

Assistant Professor

Specialization Energy Storage Devices, Plasma Physics

Non-Teaching staff

Faculty Image

Lab Attender

Mail-ID: [email protected]

Video Lectures

Physics for Computer Technology

Physics for Textile Technology

Physics for Biotechnology

Academic Laboratory

Physics Laboratory
Area = 23.73m x 13.57m
Lab Incharge - Faculty : Dr.P.Suthanthira Kumar
Staff : Mrs.R.Gandhimathi
Lab Incharge Mail Id : [email protected]
1 Hall Effect Setup 03
2 Band Gap Kit 06
3 Zener Diode Kit 06
4 Air Wedge Setup 06
5 Newton‘s Ring Setup 06
6 Spectrometer 12
7 Laser Setup 06
8 Planck’s Constant Apparatus 06
9 Stefan’s Constant Apparatus 06
10 Stewart And Gee - Tangent Galvanometer 06
11 Young’s Modulus Setup 12
12 Torsional Pendulum 06
13 Solar Cell Kit 06
14 Digital Capacitance Meter 06
15 Travelling Microscope 20
16 Hot Air Oven (R&D) 01
17 Spin Coating Unit (R&D) 01
18 Muffle Furnace (R&D) 01
19 Constant Temperature Bath (R&D) 02
20 Photocatalytic Analysis Instrument (R&D) 01
21 Centrifuge (R&D) 01
22 Gas Sensor (R&D) 01

Research Centres

S.No. Name of the Staff A.U. Chennai Supervisor Recognition Lr. No. & Date
1. Dr. V. Vasudevan Lr.No.SUPR/22nd RB / DB & 21.11.2013
2. Dr. P. Suthanthira kumar Lr.No.SUPR/AR2 & 07.03.2023


S.No. Academic Year Agency Name of the Event/ Activity Amount
1. 2015-16 UGC-MRP UGC-MRP Effect of Metal ions on Physical and Chemical Properties of Unidirectionally grown Amino acidbased Semi-organic Single Crystals 3,00,000


S.No. Academic Year Book Chapters Journals Conference
National International National International
1. 2023-24 01 - 04 - 02
2. 2022-23 01 - 04 03 01
3. 2021–2022 - - - - -
4. 2020-21 - - - - -

Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)

S.No. Academic Year Patients Copyrights
Filed Published Granted Filed Granted
1. 2023-24 - 02 - 01 -
2. 2022-23 - - - - -
3. 2021-22 - - - - -
4. 2020-21 - - - - -


S.No. Name of the Equipment Purpose Photos
1. Spin Coating Unit (SpinNXG-P1) Spin coater used in microfabrication of functional oxide layers on glass or single crystal substrates using sol-gel precursors, where it can be used to create uniform thin films with nanoscale thicknesses. none
2. Constant Temperature bath with cryostat Constant temperature bath with cryostat used to grow single crystals by slow evaporation and slow cooling techniques none
3. Gas Sensor To analyze the gas sensing characteristics of thin films deposited by various methods none
4. Photo catalytic studies equipment Photo catalytic studies are used to analyse the biodegradation of various nanomaterials none
5. UV-Vis SPECTROMETER UV absorption spectroscopy be used for the quantitative determination of compounds that absorb UV radiation none
    Academic year :2023 - 2024
S.NO. Date Event Title of the Event
01 11.06.2024 Guest Lecture Energy Storage:Materials and Supercapacitor device
02 21.01.2024 Guest Lecture Recent Trends in Physics of Functional Materials & Devices
03 20.01.2024 Guest Lecture Sputtering Technology for Fabricating Nano Thin Films and Their Applications in Modern Devices
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