"We are proud that K.S.Rangasamy college of Technology is placed in 201-300 BAND at ALL INDIA RANKING-2024"

National Institutional Ranking Framework
Ministry of Education
Government of India
Government of India

National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF)
The National Institutional Ranking Framework, initiated by the Ministry of Human Resource Development on 29th September 2015, evaluates institutions based on several key parameters, including Teaching, Learning, and Resources, Research and Professional Practices, Graduation Outcomes, Outreach and Inclusivity, and Perception. Over the years, KSRCT has demonstrated continuous improvement in scores across categories such as Teaching-Learning and Resources, Research, and Professional Practices, consequently enhancing its overall score.
- Positioned 201-300 Band under Engineering category in NIRF 2024.
- Positioned 51-100 Band under Innovation category in NIRF 2023.
- Positioned 101-150 Band under Engineering category in NIRF 2018.
- Achieved 99th position under Engineering category in the NIRF 2017.
Year wise

National Assessment And Accreditation Council (NAAC)
The National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) offers an ideal platform for formulating and executing a quality framework aimed at implementing ongoing quality initiatives, sustaining quality measures, and continuously enhancing quality. The aspiration to establish a comprehensive quality assurance system across KSRCT was initiated soon after gaining autonomy, as part of a self-governing endeavor to innovate and provide the best possible services to students and society.
- Granted A grade with CGPA 3.21 in cycle - I.
- Granted A++ grade with CGPA 3.56 in cycle - II.
Cycle 1

Cycle 2

The National Board of Accreditation was established in 1994 with the primary objective of meticulously evaluating the qualitative competency of educational programs offered by technical institutions. Pioneering this national endeavor, K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology proactively embraced and enacted quality assurance systems tailored to align with the objectives of this pivotal initiative.
In the year 2005, K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology was awarded its initial set of Programme Accreditations, encompassing Bachelor of Engineering programs in Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering and Computer Science and Engineering.
Since then, NBA accreditation status is maintained in various programmes and, as of 2024 more than 75% of programmes offered in K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology are accredited under Tier I of Washington Accord.
Accreditation list
NBA Accreditation from 2024-2027 (MBA) - Click here!
NBA Accreditation from 2024-2027 (UG-MECH, MCT) - Click here!
NBA Accreditation from 2022-2025 (UG- CSE, EEE, BT) - Click here!
NBA Accreditation from 2022-2025 (UG- ECE, IT, TEX) - Click here!
NBA Accreditation from 2021-2022 (UG- BT, CSE, EEE) - Click here!
NBA Accreditation from 2020-2021( UG-BT, CIVIL, CSE, EEE) - Click here!
NBA Accreditation from 2019-2022 (UG-ECE, IT, TEX) - Click here!
NBA Accreditation from 2017-2020 (UG-EEE, BT, CIVIL, CSE) - Click here!
NBA Accreditation from 2016-2017 (UG-BT, CIVIL, CSE & EEE) - Click here!
NBA Accreditation from 2014-16 (UG-BT, CSE, CIVIL, EEE, ECE) - Click here!
NBA Accreditation from 2013-2015 (UG-IT, TEX, MCT; PG- MBA) - Click here!
NBA Accreditation from 2013-16 (PG-MCA) - Click here!
NBA Accreditation from 2009-12 (PG-PED, CSE, AE)- Click here!
NBA Accreditation from 2008-2011 (UG-MECH, EEE, ECE, CSE, BT, CIVIL) - Click here!
NBA Accreditation from 2007-2010( UG-MCT, IT, TEX; PG-MBA, MCA) - Click here!
NBA Accreditation from 2005-2008 (UG-MECH, EEE, ECE, CSE)- Click here!
K.S. Rangasamy College of Technology has steadily climbed the QS World University Rankings, reflecting its commitment to academic excellence and innovation in education. The institution's consistent focus on quality education, research, and industry collaboration has contributed to its recognition on a global scale. It’s consistent ranking in the QS World University Rankings is a testament to its dedication to academic excellence, research prowess, industry engagement, and holistic education. The institution continues to nurture alent, foster innovation, and make a meaningful impact on the global academic and technological landscape. In the ongoing process, we are waiting for the official results, there is a sense of optimism and pride among the K.S. Rangasamy College of Technology community.
Ranking and Accolades
KSRCT is proud to present itself as a highly esteemed institution not only within Tamil Nadu but across India. Serving as a focal point for exceptional students, who are poised to become the future's leading engineers, our reputation is not merely self-proclaimed but echoed by esteemed media and top-tier publications.

By fostering the development of students into
thought leaders and equipping them for success in
various spheres, KSRCT has attained a noteworthy position among engineering colleges
KSRCT consistently achieves high rankings in independent surveys conducted by reputable
magazines such as Career 360, The Week, The Times of India, Competition Success Review,
Career Connect. Being recognized as one of the top engineering colleges in India is a
great honor for
KSRCT, serving as validation for our dedicated efforts.
Year wise
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