About Department
Department of Textile Technology was established since 1997 with B.Tech - Textile Technology and well-equipped laboratories, experienced faculty and dedicated staff members to meet the technical manpower needs of the rapidly expanding textile and garment industry by creating industry-ready graduates.Department have PG program M.Tech - Textile Technology and Ph.D - Textile Technology (Full time & Part time) to create a research and startup culture in the area of textile and apparel. The department also recognized research center approval from Anna University, Chennai. Curriculum has been designed to update the knowledge of students in current technological trends.Department library is stacked with good collection of books, International and National Journals, to provide ample opportunities for the students to explore their propensity for learning and innovation in their field of study. Department has received funding worth of Rs.6.50 Crores from National Technical Textile Mission (NTTM) of Ministry of Textile (MoT) under "Education Guidelines - Enabling of Academic Institutes in Technical Textiles (Round 1.0). Department also has received funding from various other government agencies like AICTE, DST, DRDO, SERB, CSIR, etc. The department has inked Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with leading Universities and Industries for promoting research, Internship, training, technology transfer and consultancy activities.students undergo internships at various sectors and get placed in the leading textile and apparel industry, IT companies in India and aboard as well. Department conducted training through Central and State government skill development schemes for the under privileged. Our alumni have mentoring one student to support and guide their career and also alumni have contributed many scholarships to support the need of financially suffered and meritorious students. Through alumna matter, each alumnus has mentoring one student to support and guide their career growth. Alumni also contributed many scholarships to meritorious and financially struggling students.
B.Tech Textile Technology
To be the center of excellence in textile education, training, research and service.
- To enlighten the students about the latest technology in textile industries through innovative educational practices and multi-disciplinary approach.
- To engage with the industry as solution providers through consultancy.
The PEOs of UG Programme
PEO1: Production Process and Solutions to Problems: Graduates are competent in
textile production processes and be able to identify problems and suggest suitable
PEO2: Modern Tools & Technology and Ethics:Graduates use latest tools and
technology for the production of textile materials and serve society in an ethical
PEO3: Skills, Entrepreneurship and Life Long Learning:Graduates will exhibit
skills in their career and develop entrepreneurial culture through life-long learning.
The POs of UG Programme
PO1: Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering
fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering
PO2: Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze
complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles
of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
PO3: Design /development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems
and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate
consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and
environmental considerations.
PO4: Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and
research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data,
and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
PO5: Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and
modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modelling to complex
engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
PO6: The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to
assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent
responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
PO7: Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional
engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the
knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
PO8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and
responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
PO9: Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or
leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
PO10: Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the
engineering community and with the society at large, such as, being able to comprehend
and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and
give and receive clear instructions.
PO11: Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge understanding of the
engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and
leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
PO12: Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability
to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological
The PSOs of UG Programme
Engineering Graduates will be able to:
PSO1: Application of Basic Concepts: Apply fundamental concepts in the areas of
spinning, weaving, testing, garment making and processing.
PSO2: Solution for Industrial Problems: Solve industrial problems in textile industries
considering environmental issues to improve quality and productivity.
PSO3: Moral Values: Demonstrate social and ethical responsibilities relevant to textile
M.Tech Textile Technology
To be the center of excellence in textile education, training, research and service.
- To enlighten the students about the latest technology in textile industries through innovative educational practices and multi-disciplinary approach.
- To engage with the industry as solution providers through consultancy.
The PEOs of PG Programme
PEO1: Manufacturing Technique and Solutions to Problems: Graduates are professionally
competent in textile manufacturing technique and be able to identify problems and
suggest suitable solutions.
PEO2: Scientific Research Tools & Technology: Graduates follow scientific and
technological developments, to conduct research and prepare the technical reports.
PEO3: Interdisciplinary Skills and Entrepreneurship: Graduates will exhibit
interdisciplinary skills that results in desired textile products in their career and
develop entrepreneurial culture.
The POs of PG Programme
PO1: An ability to independently carry out research /investigation and development work
to solve practical problems
PO2: An ability to write and present a substantial technical report/document
PO3: Students should be able to demonstrate a degree of mastery over the area as per the
specialization of the program. The mastery should be at a level higher than the
requirements in the appropriate bachelor program
Contact Details
From the Hod's Desk

Dr G. Karthikeyan
Professor & Head
AICTE Faculty ID: 1-461760257 | College ID: CTTTF001
LinkedIn Profile | IRINS Profile| ProfileMail-ID: [email protected]
About Faculty Dr.G.Karthikeyan, is Professor and HoD of Department of Textile Technology, K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode, Tamil nadu. He is the member of Governing Council, KSRCT. He is having 22+ years of experience in Teaching, research and industry. His research areas of interest and field of practice cover chemical processing, garment technology, IoT and apparel science. He has published 17 research articles and 20 research and review papers in International and National Conferences. Under his leadership the department received Rs.6.5 Crores from National Technical Textile Mission (NTTM), Ministry of Textiles, New Delhi and also under his mentorship one idea has been selected in MSME Idea Hackathon with a total funding of Rs.14.50 Lakhs. He is recipient of “Distinguished Professor Award” and “Best Leadership Award” for his excellence activities in academic. He is the Board of member in the Textile Board for Directorate of Technical Education, Chennai and Academic Council member, for K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology. Under his leadership the department has received NBA accreditation in 2019 and 2022 and also an approval for our research center from Anna University, Chennai. He is also good cricketer, he leads the college cricket team and won the first KPL Premier League match in 2024.
Faculty List
Our Intellectuals

Dr M.B. Sampath
Weaving and Garments

Textile Technology

Dr Bharani Murugesan
Associate Professor
High-performance Technical textiles - Yarn, Fabric and Garment Characterization

Dr. K Saravanan
Associate Professor
Natural fibres, Textile composites, Marketing and Merchandising

Mr. G.Devanand
Assistant Professor
Fibre Science, Garment Manufacturing and Export Documentation

Mr. M. Arunkumar
Assistant Professor
Textile Processing and Weaving

Mr. P. Maheswaran
Assistant professor
Textile Technology (Textile Chemistry)
Fibre Science, Processing & Apparel

Dr. C.Premalatha
Assistant Professor
Textile Chemical Processing, Technical Textiles
Assistant Professor
Spinning and Knitting

Dr K.R.Nandagopal
Assistant Professor
Spinning, Technical Textiles, Composites and Fibre reinforced Concrete

Mr.J. Thiagarajan
Assistant Professor
Weaving Technology
Our Non-Teaching staffs

Students List
S.no | Batch | Name-list |
1 | 2024-28 | |
2 | 2023-27 | |
3 | 2022-26 | |
4 | 2021-25 | |
5 | 2020-24 |
Roll of Honour
S.no | Batch | Roll of Honour |
1 | 2023-24 | Hema S |
2 | 2022-23 | Yogesh R |
3 | 2021-22 | Jeyakrishna N |
4 | 2020-21 | Jeevanantham B |
5 | 2019-20 | Prasanna S |
6 | 2018-19 | Brajesh Singh Jadoun H |
7 | 2017-18 | Siranjeevi S |
8 | 2016-17 | Infanticiya J |
9 | 2015-16 | Amit Srivastava S |
10 | 2014-15 | Priya S |
11 | 2013-14 | Boopathy S |
12 | 2012-13 | Gayathri S |
13 | 2011-12 | Ramya R |
14 | 2010-11 | Antonarputharaj J |
15 | 2009-10 | Senthilkumar K |
16 | 2008-09 | Sanjay G |
17 | 2008-09 | Vijayaprabhakaran S |
18 | 2007-08 | Krishnaramesh S |
19 | 2007-08 | Chinduja B |
20 | 2005-06 | Tharani P |
21 | 2004-05 | Subramani P |
22 | 2003-04 | Kavitha R |
23 | 2002-03 | Senthilkumar R |
24 | 2001-02 | Kalaiarasan M |
25 | 2000-01 | Sundaramoorthy R |
Distinguished Alumni
S.no | Batch | Name of the Alumni | Designation |
1 | 2020-24 | Hema S | Quality Inspector |
2 | 2019-23 | Yogesh R | Chatbot Developer |
3 | 2018-22 | Jeyakrishna N | Merchandiser |
4 | 2017-21 | Jeevanantham B | Programmer |
5 | 2016-20 | Prasanna S | Section Manager |
6 | 2015-19 | Brajesh Singh Jadoun H | Merchandising Manager |
7 | 2014-18 | Siranjeevi S | Sourcing Manager |
8 | 2013-17 | Mr. S.Sivaprasad | R & D Engineer |
9 | 2010-14 | Mr. S. Mohan | Fabric Manager |
10 | 2010-14 | Ms. D.Hazel | Teaching Fellow in Textile Technology |
11 | 2009-13 | Mr. V.Vishnu | Merchandising Manager |
12 | 2009-13 | Mr.S.Jeyakumar | Senior Compliance Associate |
13 | 2008-12 | Mr. Yuvaraja.S | Senior Merchandiser |
14 | 2008-12 | Mr. Arun S Nair | DY Manager Purchase |
15 | 2008-12 | Mr. G.Karthikeyan | Operation Manager |
16 | 2008-12 | Mr. M.Gokul | Asst. Manager-Planning |
17 | 2007-11 | Mr. N.Vigneswaran | Ware House Incharge |
18 | 2007-11 | Mr.A. Anton Airuputharaj | Business Executive |
19 | 2002-06 | Dr.P.Ganesan | Assistant Professor |
20 | 2002-06 | Mr. I Suresh Balu | Deputy General Manager |
21 | 2000-04 | Dr.Subramani Pichandi | Post-Doc Researcher |
22 | 1999-03 | Mr. R.Sembulingam | International Consultant |
23 | 1999-03 | Mr.G.T.V.Prabu | Scientist |
24 | 1998-03 | Dr.R.Surjit | Assistant Professor |
25 | 1998-02 | Mr. S. Durairaj | Assistant Registrar |
26 | 2005-09 | Mr. A.Thambidurai | Assistant Professor |
27 | 2002-05 | Mr. G.Thiyagarajan | General Manager (Operations) |
28 | 1997-01 | Dr. R. Guruprasad | Senior Research Scientist |
29 | 1997-01 | Mr. S. Senthilkumar | Factory Manager |
30 | 1997-01 | Mr. S. Sivarajan | IT Consultant |
31 | 1997-01 | Mr. G. Jayabal | Factory Manager |
32 | 1997-01 | Mr. J. Ramesh | Senior Merchandiser |
33 | 1997-01 | Mr. M.R. Karthikeyan | Assistant Professor |
34 | 1997-01 | Mr. S. Chinnadurai | Assistant Professor |
35 | 1997-01 | Mr.K. Thiyagarajan | Manager - Total Quality Assurance |
36 | 1997-01 | Mr. P. Senthil Kumaran | Manager, Embroidery Dept |
37 | 1997-01 | Mr. S. Viswanathan | Divisional Merchandising Manager |
In-House Meets
Curriculum & Syllabi
Under Graduate - B.Tech(Textile Technology)
Regulation R 2022
Batch | Syllabi |
2024-28 | |
2023-27 | |
2022-26 |
Regulation R 2018
Batch | Syllabi |
2021-25 | |
2020-24 | |
2019-23 | |
2018-22 |
Regulation R 2014
Batch | Syllabi |
2017-21 | |
2016-20 | |
2015-19 | |
2014-18 |
Post Graduate - M.Tech(Textile Technology)
Regulation R 2022
Batch | Syllabi |
2024-26 | |
2023-25 | |
2022-24 |
Teaching & Learning
Video Lectures
Concepts of Industrial Engineering and Productivity
Product Development
S.No. | Name Of Course | Industry Associated |
1. | Apparel Production Planning and Control | SA Knit wears, Madurai |
2. | Industrial Engineering in Textile and Clothing Industry | Remmy Tex, Tirupur |
3. | Digital Printing | Indigo Fusions, Bhavani |
4. | Garment Merchandising | SA Knit wears, Madurai |
5. | Denim and Washing Technology | Indigo Fusions, Bhavani |
6. | Garment Manufacturing Technology | GHCL,Madurai |
7. | Yarn Manufacturing Technology | Pallava Textiles,Thiruchengode |
S.No. | Academic Year | No.of Students |
1. | 2024-25 | 60 |
2. | 2023-24 | 126 |
3. | 2022-23 | 118 |
4. | 2021-22 | 94 |
S.No. | Batch | No.Of Students Placed | Percentage(%) | Highest CTC |
1. | 2024 - 25 | 35 | 50 | 6 LPA |
2. | 2023 - 24 | 58 | 92 | 3.6 LPA |
3. | 2022 - 23 | 57 | 83 | 3.6 LPA |
4. | 2021 - 22 | 44 | 67 | 7.2 LPA |
5. | 2020 - 21 | 51 | 71 | 2.4 LPA |
Prime Recruiters list

S.No. | Batch | No. of Students | Key Institutions |
1. | 2023 - 24 | 06 | NIFT, New Delhi , K S Rangasamy college of Technology |
2. | 2022 - 23 | 03 | Anna University, University of East London, Docklands Campus, London , University of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom. |
3. | 2021 - 22 | 03 | SRM College of Management ,Trichirappalli.
, SSM College of Engineering,Komarapalayam , K.S. Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode |
S.No. | Start-up Name | Title | Sanction Number |
1. | MSME champions Scheme 2022-23 | Design and Fabrication of NanoJacqard for weaving machine | F.No. 6(19)/sanction to CAN/Incubation / 2022-23 |
S.No. | Acedamic Year | No. of Students | Examination Attended |
1. | 2023-24 | 06 | GATE-06,NIFTEE 2024 |
2. | 2022-23 | 01 | CEETA 2023 |
3. | 2021-22 | 02 | GATE-02 |
4. | 2020-21 | 04 | TANCET-02,GATE-02 |
Academic Laboratory
Lab Incharge - Dr.K.Nandagopal & V.Sakthivel
Lab Incharge – G.Devanand & S.Sudha
Lab Incharge – A.S.Subburaayasara & V.Arumugam
Lab in charge: M.Arunkumar & S. Dharmaraj
Lab Incharge – Mr. P.Maheswaran & N.Avinishlingam
Lab Incharge – Dr.M.Bharani & S.Sathiya
Special Laboratory
Industry supported laboratory
Type of Support: Fabrics Supply
Lab In charge – Faculty: Dr.M.Bharani ,Ms. S.Sathya
Type of Support:Software Provider
Lab Incharge – Faculty -Mr.G.Devanand , Mr.V.Sakthivel
Type of Support: Supply of Dyes,Fabrics and Chemicals
Lab Incharge - Faculty & staff : Mr.P.Maheshwaran , Mr.N. Avanashilingam
Seminar/Conference Hall
Class Rooms
No of classes : 04
Department Library
S.No. | Particulars | Number |
1. | Ph.D. Doctorates | 07 |
2. | Ph.D. Supervisors | 03 |
3. | Ph.D. Pursuing | 09 |
4. | Ph.D. Completed | 08 |
S.No. | Name of the Funding Agency | Title of the Proposal/Project | Investigator(s) | Amount Sanctioned (Rs.) | Status |
1 | MSME, New Delhi | Digital Shuttle Box for Power Loom Controlled by Mobile App | Dr. N. Sukumar, Mr. Suguneswaran, Mr. Manikandan | 14,50,000 | Ongoing |
2 | MSME, New Delhi | IoT Based Humidification Plant for Small Scale Industry | Dr. N. Sukumar, Ms. Ashmita | 14,75,000 | Ongoing |
3 | NTTM, New Delhi | Enabling of Academic Institutes in Technical Textiles Education | Dr. R. Gopalakrishnan, Dr. G. Karthikeyan | 6,50,00,000 | Ongoing |
4 | Sri Shanthi Tex, Gugai Salem | Optimization in Manufacturing of Sustainable and Functional Textiles for Fashion Retail | Dr. Bharani Murugesan | 2,00,000 | Completed |
5 | Navasakthi Paper Boards, Erode | Development of Textile-Reinforced Paperboards for Enhanced Durability and Flexibility | Dr. K. Saravanan | 1,00,000 | Completed |
6 | MSME, New Delhi | Design and Fabrication of Nano Jacquard for Weaving | Dr. G. Karthikeyan | 14,50,000 | Completed |
7 | TNSCST, Chennai | EMF Resistant Clothing | Mrs. D. Padmalatha | 7,500 | Completed |
8 | TNSCST, Chennai | Non-toxic Bamboo gauze Sanitary Napkin | Mr. T. Karthikeyan | 7,500 | Completed |
9 | TNSCST, Chennai | Design and Development of IoT (Mobile Application) for Controlling Shuttle Box in Drop Box Power Loom | Mr. M. Arunkumar | 7,500 | Completed |
10 | Santi Tex, Salem | Optimization of Energy Consumption in Power Looms for Sustainable Weaving | Dr. C. Premalatha | 1,86,000 | Completed |
11 | Navasakthi Paper Boards, Erode | Optimization of Felt Cloth for Enhanced Filtration Efficiency in Paper Particle Separation | Mr. P. Maheswaran | 2,50,000 | Completed |
S.No. | Academic Year | Book Chapters | Journals | Conference | ||
National | International | National | International | |||
1. | 2024-25 | 02 | - | 03 | - | 01 |
2. | 2023-24 | - | - | 02 | - | 01 |
3. | 2022-23 | - | - | 11 | - | 33 |
4. | 2021-22 | 01 | - | 17 | - | 37 |
5. | 2020-21 | 02 | - | 08 | 02 | 02 |
S.No. | Academic Year | Patents | Copyrights | |||
Filed | Published | Granted | Filed | Granted | ||
1. | 2024-25 | 03 | 02 | - | 02 | 03 |
2. | 2023-24 | - | - | 01 | - | - |
3. | 2022-23 | - | - | - | 01 | - |
S.NO | Academic Year | Name of faculty | Client Organization | Title of Consultancy of project | Duration | Amount received (in Rupees) |
1 | 2023-24 |
Mr.A.S.Subburaayasaran | Sowmya Tex, Tiruppur | Reducing end breakage rate in dhoti production | 1 Month | 15,000 |
2 | Mr.P.Maheswaran | INI Krishna Tex, Tiruchengode | Enhancing fabric quality in jacquard loom production | 3 Months | 25,000 | |
3 | Mrs.C.Premalatha | Vinayaga Plastics, Bhavani | Reducing unevenness in mass colorization of polyvinyl chloride | 3 Months | 30,000 | |
4 | Dr.Bharani Murugesan | Value Fashions, Tiruppur | Implementing reduction techniques to reduce cutting waste | 3 Months | 45,764 | |
5 | Dr.N.Sukumar | Mani Omega Fabrics, Truchengode | Production of linen fabric in rapier loom | 3 Months | 30,000 | |
6 | Mr.M.Arunkumar | KandhasamyTex, Rasipuram | Increasing production efficiency in power loom | 2 Months | 25,000 | |
7 | Mr.G.Devanand | Care 4 You, Tiruppur | Development of biodegradable bed pad for operation theater | 3 Months | 48,000 | |
8 | Dr.M.B.Sampath | S. Shanthi Tex, Salem | Weft sensor problem | 2 Months | 30,000 | |
9 | Dr.K.Saravanan | Sujjan Tex, Tiruchengode | Reducing defects in fabric | 2 Months | 32,000 | |
10 | Dr.K.R.Nandhagopal | Kowsaalya Textiles, Coimbatore | Improving realization in spinning | 3 Months | 50,000 | |
11 | Mr.M.Arunkumar | S Brindha Garments, Namakkal | Streamlining Production Workflow for Enhanced Efficiency in Garment Manufacturing | 3 Months | 80,000 | |
12 | 2022-23 | Dr.K.Saravanan | Sri Ranganayaki Textiles, Tiruchengode | Increasing machine efficiency in power loom and rapier loom | 1 Month | 20,000 |
13 | Mr.J.Thiagarajan | Sowmya Tex, Kunnathur | Saree Designing using dobby pegging system | 3 Months | 40,000 | |
14 | Dr.Bharani Murugesan | Astrah Fashions, Tiruppur | Fabric and sewing defects in production area | 2 Months | 30,000 | |
15 | Dr.G.Karthikeyan | Team Spirit Sports, Bangalore | Point of Sale | 11 Months | 3,50,000 | |
16 | Dr.M.B.Sampath | Sree Vari Yarn Mills, Komarapalayam | Maintenance of Textile Machinery, Yarn Quality Improvement, and Manpower Training | 6 Months | 1,15,000 | |
17 | 2021-22 | Mr.G.Mahaalingam | Sri Ranganayaki Textiles, Tiruchengode | Snap study on Rapier Loom | 1 Month | 20,000 |
18 | Mr.G.Devanand | Sujan Textiles, Tiruchengode | Modernizing of Power Looms | 1 Month | 10,000 | |
19 | Ms.Aishwarya V mohan | Karthick Tex, Elampillai | Dobby Design Process for Saree | 1 Month | 20,000 | |
20 | Mr.T.Karthikeyan | Quick Knits, Tiruppur | Needle Inventory System | 3 Months | 40,000 | |
21 | Mr.M.Arunkumar | Mahalakshmi Tapes, Komarapalayam | Startup marks faults on Tape loom | 2 Months | 25,000 | |
22 | Dr.M.B.Sambath | Sri Vishaka Tubes, Erode | Cone angle settings | 2 Months | 25,000 | |
23 | Mr.P.Maheshwaran | Priyanka Garments, Tiruppur | Reducing fabric waste and increase production efficiency | 2 Months | 30,000 | |
24 | Dr.M.B.Sambath | S worldwide, Tiruppur | Increasing throughput time in garment production department and E-Needle app | 1 Month | 20,000 | |
25 | Dr.N.Sukumar | Sakthi Fabrics, Salem | Production Technological adaption for weaving high-density fabrics on rapier looms | 1 Month | 20,000 | |
26 | Mrs.C.Premalatha | Shaharaatex, Karur | Technical Support in Home Textiles | 1 Month | 20,000 | |
27 | Mr.J.Thiagarajan | Seyyon Polymers, Erode | Enhancing Mechanical Properties of Polymers through Advanced Additive Technologies | 2 Months | 41,000 | |
28 | Mr.M.Arunkumar | Veena Cottons, Tiruchengode | Improving Productivity and Quality in Handloom Fabric Weaving through Process Reengineering | 3 Months | 75,600 | |
29 | Mrs.C.Premalatha | Shanthi Processing Mills, Erode | Implementation of Sustainable Water and Energy Management in Textile Processing | 1 Month | 15,000 | |
30 | Mr.G.Devanand | Rodamine Apparel India (P) Ltd., Tiruppur | Integration of Sustainable Practices in Garment Production | 2 Months | 62,000 |
S.NO. | Organization | Month & Year | Validity |
1 | Best Colour Solutions India Pvt. Ltd., Perundurai | June 2023 | 5 Years |
2 | Gainup Group of Companies, Dindigul | June 2023 | 5 Years |
3 | MAG Solvics Pvt. Ltd., Coimbatore | February 2023 | 5 Years |
4 | Giles Brooker Group, New Zealand | January 2023 | 5 Years |
5 | Centre of Excellence: Apparel, Made-Ups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council, Tirupur | January 2023 | 5 Years |
6 | IIHT, Fulia, West Bengal | August 2022 | 5 Years |
7 | Indigo Fusion, Erode | August 2022 | 5 Years |
8 | GHCL, Madurai | April 2022 | 5 Years |
9 | Gemini CAD Systems, Romania | March 2022 | 5 Years |
10 | Varifabs, Erode | August 2021 | 5 Years |
11 | Sakthi Fabrics, Salem | August 2021 | 5 Years |
12 | Playfiks, Chennai | August 2021 | 3 Years |
13 | Spade Works Sourcing, Chennai | August 2021 | 3 Years |
S.NO. | Centre of Excellence |
1. | Gemini CAD-Romania |
2. | Centre of Excellence in Technical Textiles |
3. | Auto Desk Fusion 360 Centre of Excellence for Modeling and Simulation |
S.No. | Academic Year | Number of Participation | Participated / Price Won |
1 | 2024-25 | 102 | 14 |
2 | 2023-24 | 199 | 32 |
3 | 2022-23 | 111 | 31 |
S.No. | Academic Year | Number of Participation | Participated / Price Won |
1 | 2024-25 | 87 | 16 |
2 | 2023-24 | 169 | 32 |
3 | 2022-23 | 101 | 31 |
S.No. | Academic Year | Number of Participation | Participated / Price Won |
1 | 2024-25 | 7 | 2 |
2 | 2023-24 | 4 | 1 |
3 | 2022-23 | 2 | 1 |

A Textile Park is a dedicated industrial zone aimed at boosting the textile and apparel sector by providing state-of-the-art infrastructure, fostering innovation, and promoting sustainable practices. These parks are designed to integrate the entire textile value chain, from raw material processing to the production of finished goods, under one roof.
TAFETA Association
- Office Bearers:
- Faculty President: Dr. G. Karthikeyan, HoD-Textile
- Faculty Coordinator: Dr. C. Premalatha
- President: Ms. Harini K
- Vice-President: Ms. P.R. Sowndharya
- Treasurer: Mr. R. Indhirakumar
- Members: All Students of Textile Department
Academic Year (2024-25) | ||||
S.No. | Date | Name of Event | Resource Person | |
1 | 14.12.2024 | TAFETA Alumni Reunion | 2019-2023 Alumnus | |
2 | 23.11.2024 | Parents Meeting | All Parents and Guardians | |
3 | 21.11.2024 | Sewing Threads: Processing and Finishing | Ms.S.Indudevi, Lab Assistant Manager, Madura Coats, Madurai | |
4. | 15.11.2024 | Inauguration function of TAFETA and National Handloom Day Celebration Seminar on “Awareness on Handloom Mark, Silk Mark, Indian Handloom Brand with GI Tag” |
Mr.N.Jegadeesan, Junior Technical Assistant, Department of Handlooms, Erode Mr.N.Ponmarimuthu, Proprietor, Handloom Products Manufacturer & Senior Handloom Weavers |
4 | 05.11.2024 | Women Empowerment | Ms.N.Rajashree, Planning Manager, Atraco Groups Pvt LTD, Dubai | |
6. | 05.11.2024 | Guest Lecture on “The Future of Global Fashion Manufacturing: Innovations, Challenges, and Opportunities” | Ms.N.Rajashree, Planning Manager, Atraco Groups Pvt LTD, Dubai |
Academic Year (2023-24) | ||||
S.No. | Date | Name of Event | Resource Person | |
1 | 29.05.2024 | Guest Lecture on “Quality Testing in Textile Processing” | Mr.R. SounderRaj, Internal and External Auditor, BARC-Mumbai | |
2 | 24.04.2024 | Guest Lecture on “Medical Textiles: A Sustainable Approach” | Dr.A.Jesica Roshima, Assistant Professor, Department of Fashion Technology, VIT Fashion Institute of Technology, Chennai | |
3 | 06.03.2024 | Designer Club Inauguration and webinar on Recent Trends on Fashion | Mrs.Archana Prasad, Designer, Archanaas Aakriti, Founder and Designer, Coimbatore | |
4 | 02.03.2024 | Workshop on Style Symphony-Crafting Choreography with Counter Charm | Mrs.G.Dhanapriya, Assistant Professor, Department of TT, KSRCT | |
5 | 30.01.2024 | World Skills Initiative: Empowering Textile Students for Excellence | Mr.A.Naveen Sankar, India Skill Consultant, Chennai | |
6 | 15.11.2023 | Inauguration function of TAFETA | S.Arunagiri, Managing Director, Vedha Fabrics, Bhavani |
Academic Year (2022-23) | ||||
S.No. | Date | Name of Event | Resource Person | |
1 | 21-06-2023 | Valedictory and MoU Signing Ceremony |
Mr.R.Karthikeyan, General Manager, Best Colour Solutions, Chittode, Tirupur Mr.C.Gangadharan, Gain Up Group of Companies, Thindugal |
2 | 24-04-2023 | Dakshaa T23 | Mr.Suresh Ram, Proprietor, Care4u India Pvt. LTD. | |
3 | 17-04-2023 | Webinar on Medical Textiles | Mr.Suresh Ram, Proprietor, Care4u India Pvt. LTD. | |
4 | 13-03-2023 | Magik 2k-23 | Mr.Giles Brooker, Giles Brooker Group, New Zealand | |
5 | 08-03-2023 | Women Empowerment | Mrs.Deepasri, Designer, Associate Dean, Vogue Institute of Arts and Design, Bangalore | |
6 | 13-02-2023 | Workshop on Weaving Techniques and Calculations |
Mr.A.Subramani, Proprietor, Sri Kandhaguru Tex Mr.K.Ravi, MD, Saranya Tex.T.Code |
7 | 02-02-2023 | Webinar on Colour Reproduction for Textile Printing | Dr.A.Arulmozli, Associate Professor, Department of Printing Technology, Avinashilingam Institute of Home Science and Higher Education, Coimbatore | |
8 | 18-11-2022 | Inauguration of TAFETA Association for 2022-2023 | Mr.J.Parameshwaran, Assistant Director, Textile Committee, Tirupur | |
9 | 07-10-2022 | Kasturi Cotton Quiz | Dr.A.Arputharaj, Senior Scientist (Textile Chemistry), CIRCOT, Mumbai |
Professional Body
The Textile Association of India
- Name of the professional Body: The Textile Association of India
- Office Bearers:
- President: Ms. Hiroshini S G
- Vice-President: Ms. Subhalakshmi B
- Vice-President: Mr. Ajay Sakthi R
- Secretary: Ms. Rajalakshmi K
- Joint Secretary: Ms. Shanmughapriya K
- Joint Secretary: Ms. Varshini K
- Treasurer: Mr. Arun S R
- Treasurer: Mr. Hiruthik R
Academic Year (2024-25) | ||||
S.No. | Date | Name of Event | Resource Person | |
1 | 28.11.2024 | Application of Numerical Methods in Textile Automated Inventory Management in Apparel Production: Reducing Overstock and Shortages | Dr. S. Sudha, Assistant Professor (SG), Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science, Chennai | |
2 | 26.10.2024 | Pioneering the Future of Smart Textile Materials with Innovations | Dr. D. Vasanth Kumar, Assistant Professor (SR) & HoD, VIT Fashion Institute of Technology (VFIT), VIT, Chennai | |
3 | 18.10.2024 | Innovation in Merchandising and Product Development | Mr. M. Arun Krishna Deva, Sr. Merchandiser, M/s. White House Export Ltd., Chennai | |
4 | 23.09.2024 | Innovation and New Trends in Textile Fabric Structure | Mr. Anas Shah B, Senior Lecturer (Textiles), Indian Institute of Handloom Technology, Fulia, Nadia, West Bengal | |
5 | 21.09.2024 | Empowering Minds Shaping Futures: Entrepreneurial Pathway and MSME Initiatives for Success | Mr. G. Vasudevan, Coordinator Entrepreneurship Development and Innovation Institute, District Co-Ordinator, Collectorate, Namakkal | |
6 | 27.08.2024 | Kickstart Your Textile Entrepreneurship Journey | Mr. Lalith Sanjeevi, Textile Business Consultant, Researcher, and Fashion Enthusiast, Chennai | |
7 | 24.08.2024 | Equip Yourself for Employment in Industry | Mr. T. Dinesh Kumar, Asst. Manager - HR, Rieter India Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore | |
8 | 23.08.2024 | Emerging Innovations in E-Textiles and Their Role in Shaping the Future of Smart Fabrics | Dr. P. Jagajanantha, Senior Scientist at ICAR-CIRCOT, Mumbai | |
9 | 29.07.2024 | Innovations in Digital Marketing and Fashion Branding | Ms. Shree Lekha, Head Marketing, Maybel, Chennai | |
10 | 19.07.2024 | Cyber Innovation Enhancing Awareness for Securing Your Digital Life | Dr. M. Senthil Kumar, (International Certified Cyber Security Analyst), Professor & Head, Department of Cyber Security, SRM Valliammai Eng College, Chennai | |
11 | 28.06.2024 | Innovative Approaches to Tap the Career Opportunities in the Textile Testing Sector | Mr. A. Saleemraja, Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance at TUV SUD South Asia Pvt Ltd, Ranipet, Chennai | |
12 | 20.06.2024 | Innovative Techniques Adopted in Sourcing Home Textile Materials | Mr. D. Satheeshkumar, Entrepreneur & Former DGM Arvind Life Style Brands Ltd., Bengaluru |
Academic Year (2023-24) | ||||
S.No. | Date | Name of Event | Resource Person | |
1 | 03.04.2024 | Innovations in Knitwear Production | Dr. T. Saravanakumar, Founder & Director at Dev Innotech LLP, Karur | |
2 | 06.03.2024 | Recent Trends on Fashion | Ms. Archana Prasad, Designer, Archanaas Aakriti, Founder and Designer, Coimbatore | |
3 | 24.02.2024 | Opportunities And Challenges In Exports Of Textiles | Mr. R. Chandran, Deputy Director, Export Promotion & Quality Assurance Division, Textiles Committee, Ministry of Textiles, Government of India, Mumbai | |
4 | 05.01.2024 | Innovative Techniques used in Wet Processing Industry | Mr. J. Karthikeyan, General Manager, Ideal Textile Processers, Komarapalayam | |
5 | 19.12.2023 | Biopolymers Of Wound Dressing Applications | Dr. P. Ganesan, Assistant Professor (SG), PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore | |
6 | 27.11.2023 | Industry Requirement Of Quality Assurance & Control | Mr. R. Muruganandan, Senior Trainer, SGS Testing Industries Pvt Ltd, Tirupur | |
7 | 15.11.2023 | Wantrepreneur to Entrepreneur - Need of the Hour | Mr. S. Arunagiri, Vedha Fabrics, Bhavani | |
8 | 27.10.2023 | “Problems to Progress" Innovations in the Spinning Industry | Mr. P. Karnan, Regional Sales Manager, Coimbatore | |
9 | 23.09.2023 | Innovation & Entrepreneurship in Garment Manufacturing (Industry 4.0) | Mr. S. Boopathy, Operation Excellence, Page Industries Limited, Mysore | |
10 | 11.09.2023 | Innovative Business Models for Textile Retailing | Mr. Kaarthikeyan Gopal, Senior Manager, Business Development Arvind Limited, Ahmedabad | |
11 | 05.09.2023 | The Handloom Reservation Act-1985 | Mr. KA.RA.Jayavel Ganesan, Assistant Enforcement Officer, Tiruchengode | |
12 | 30.08.2023 | Supply Chain Management In Textile Industry | M. Yokesh, Merchandiser, Eastman Exports Pvr Ltd, Perundurai, Erode | |
13 | 26.08.2023 | Entrepreneurship Opportunities in Textile Sector | Mr. G. Devanand, Assistant Professor, K.S. Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode | |
14 | 27.07.2023 | Skill To Empower As A Qualified Textile Professional And Entrepreneur | Mr. V. Vimalraj, Managing Director, Varnamayaa Dyechem Pvt Ltd & Elevar Fashion, Tirupur | |
15 | 24.07.2023 | Industrial Engineering In Textile Industry | Mr. R. Sembulingam, Senior Merchandiser, Victos Industries PVT Limited, Tirupur | |
16 | 19.07.2023 | Readiness Towards Tomorrow – An Entrepreneur View | Mr. A. Imran Khan, HR Site Head – Tirupur & Chennai | |
17 | 17.06.2023 | Innovative Practices in Shuttleless Weaving | Dr. Sajid Ahmed Qureshi, Assistant Professor, Department of Textile Engineering, Wollo University, Kombolcha, Ethiopia |
Academic Year (2022-23) | ||||
S.No. | Date | Name of Event | Resource Person | |
1 | 26.04.2023 | Startup Business and Loan Opportunity in Textile Industry | Mrs. G. Kavitha, Branch Manager, Indian Bank, Bhavani | |
2 | 17.02.2023 | Employable Skills for Success in Textile Industry | Mr. K. Kannan, Director-Universal Group, Hon. Secretary- The Textile Association (India), Karnataka Unit, Bengaluru | |
3 | 16.12.2022 | Entrepreneurship Development Programme | Dr. Mai Gnanam, Assistant professor & Head, Department of BBA, Arulmigu Arthanareeswarar Arts and Science College, Tiruchengode | |
4 | 16.12.2022 | Entrepreneurship Development Programme | Dr. Ramanigopal, Treasurer, Salem District Small Scale – Tiny Industries Associations, Salem | |
5 | 24.11.2022 | Smart Production Strategies in Apparel Manufacturing | Mr. K. Kannan, Director-Universal Group, Hon. Secretary- The Textile Association (India), Karnataka Unit, Bengaluru | |
6 | 03.11.2022 | Streamlining Spinning Processes with Technology | G. Kaarthikeyan, Raymond Limited, Business Development Manager, South India | |
7 | 20.10.2022 | Salesmanship Skills in the Apparel Industry | S. Arun Prasad, Managing Director, Aiswariyaa Packaging, Tirupur | |
8 | 18.10.2022 | Finance for Apparel Startups: Tips and Strategies | S. Suresh, Block Dobby Clothing Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru | |
9 | 03.10.2022 | Labor-Saving Techniques in Textile Operations | G. Thiyagarajan, General Manager, Operations, Jupiter Knitting Mills, Tirupur | |
10 | 22.09.2022 | PR Awareness Programme under National Intellectual Property Awareness Mission | Mr. M. Madhanraj, Examiner of Patent Trainer, Indian Patent Office | |
11 | 21.09.2022 | Sustainable Practices in Textile Design and Production | S. Arun Prasad, Managing Director, Aiswariyaa Packaging, Tirupur | |
12 | 08.08.2022 | Entrepreneurship in Medical Textile | Mr. Suresh Ram T, Proprietor, Care 4 U Pvt Ltd, Tirupur |
The Institution of Engineers(India)
- Name of the profession Body:The Institution of Engineers(India)
Academic Year (2024-25) | ||||
S.No. | Date | Name of Event | Resource Person | Organization |
1 | 24.12.2024 | Sustainable Garment Production with Automation: Energy, Labor, and Resource Efficiency | Mohammed Feroze M | Sourcing and Quality Assurance Manager, Claire Group A/S, Denmark, Tirupur |
2 | 23.12.2024 | Lean Manufacturing in Weaving Industry: Combining Automation with Process Optimization | Maheswari V | Proprietor, Sabari Tex, Namakkal |
3 | 23.12.2024 | Workforce Empowerment Through Automation: Redefining Labor Roles in Denim Fabrics Production | Balachander M | Factory Manager, K.G Denim Pvt Ltd, Mettupalayam |
4 | 18.12.2024 | The Role of Merchandiser in Garment Design and Production | Maryrosaly C | Merchandiser, RTR Garments, Tirupur |
5 | 08.12.2024 | 3D Pattern Making and Virtual Fitting: Saving Time and Improving Fit | Manoranjith S | Manager, Bhavanya Tex, Tirupur |
6 | 25.09.2024 | AI-Powered Quality Inspection Systems for Apparel Manufacturing | Kathiravan K.R | Merchandiser, Prachi Exports, Tirupur |
7 | 25.09.2024 | Digital Cutting and Stitching: Enhancing Precision and Reducing Wastage | Vimalraj C | Merchandiser, TSK Garments, Tirupur |
8 | 24.09.2024 | IoT in Garment Manufacturing: Real-Time Monitoring and Quality Control | Gopinath S | Buying QC, March Work Pvt Ltd., Tirupur |
9 | 19.09.2024 | Smart Factories: Revolutionizing Apparel Manufacturing with Automation | Chakkaravartee M | Managing Director, Ajna Clothing, Tirupur |
Academic Year (2023-24) | ||||
S.No. | Date | Name of Event | Resource Person | Organization |
1 | 10.05.2024 | Innovations in Nonwoven Structures | Dr. J C Sakthivel | Associate Professor, Department of Textile Technology, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore |
2 | 18.04.2024 | Innovation in Medical Textiles and Testing Methods | Ms. M. Jercy | Manufacturing Executive, Madura Coats Pvt. Ltd., Kanyakumari |
3 | 27.03.2024 | Innovation in Medical and Defence Textiles | Mr. T. Sureshram | Proprietor, Care 4 U Pvt Ltd, Tirupur |
4 | 23.03.2024 | Innovative Practice in Textile Testing | Mr. P. Bala Saravanan | Assistant Manager, Intertek India, Tirupur |
5 | 15.03.2024 | Startup Opportunities in Supply Chain Management for Textile Material Exports | Mr. M. Nagarajan | Partner, GLV Logisticx, Coimbatore |
6 | 22.02.2024 | Innovative Braiding in the Startup Landscape of the Textile Industry | Dr. Zunjarrao Bapuso Kamble | Assistant Professor, Department of Textile Technology, National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar |
7 | 10.02.2024 | Unlocking Entrepreneurial Opportunities for Early-Stage Innovators in the Textile Industry | A. Gnanasambandham | Group Project Manager, HCL Technologies Ltd., Chennai & Proprietor: Ancient King of Garments, Tiruchengode |
8 | 19.01.2024 | Innovative and Entrepreneurial Opportunities in Textile and Apparel Industry Using Computer-Aided Design | C. Rajesh Kumar | Associate Professor, Department of Fashion Technology, Sona College of Technology, Salem |
Academic Year (2022-23) | ||||
S.No. | Date | Name of Event | Resource Person | Organization |
1 | 07.03.2023 | Innovation and Advancement in Garment Technology | Dr. T. Saravanakumar | Dev Info Tech, Karur |
2 | 07.03.2023 | The Institution of Engineers (India) | Mr. G. Somasundaram | Advisor, Mechery Handloom Cluster - Ministry of MSME, Bengaluru |
3 | 07.03.2023 | The Institution of Engineers (India) | Mr. R. Sembulingam | Managing Director, Infinite Excellence LLP, Chennai |
4 | 07.03.2023 | The Institution of Engineers (India) | Mr. V. Sureshkumar | Raw Material Manager, PVH – Tommy Hilfiger North America, Bengaluru |
5 | 07.03.2023 | The Institution of Engineers (India) | Mr. N. Giridharan | Assistant Professor, Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, K.S. Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode |
6 | 11.08.2022 | Enhancing Sales Through Branding and Marketing | Mrs. G. Kavitha | Branch Manager, Indian Bank, Bhavani |
7 | 23.07.2022 | Innovations in Physical Testing of Textile | Mr.K.Navaneethakrishnan | Quality Assurance, Jay Jay Mills Pvt Ltd., Perundurai |
8 | 19.07.2022 | Customer-Centric Marketing in Fashion Retail | Mr.G.Kaarthikeyan | Raymond Limited, Business Development Manager, South India |
Cells & Clubs
- Name of the Cells/Clubs: Join Hands Club
S.NO. | Date | Event | Title of the Event |
1 | 18.11.2022 | Inaguration | Join Hands Club |
received ₹1,00,000 as winners of Bagathon 2024 and were awarded
by the Hon’ble Minister for Finance, Environment, and Climate Change at
Eco-Conclave 2024, held on 13 November 2024 at Taj Coromandel,
in the presence of the Principal Secretary, Environment, Climate Change,
and Forest Department, and The Chairperson, TNPCB, Chennai.
Academic Year (2024-25) | |||||
S.No. | Date | Name of The Student | Name of the Organizer | Name of the Event | Prize |
1 | 11.12.2024 | Sharmila M | Jaya Engineering College, Chennai | Fashion Design | I Prize |
2 | 11.12.2024 | Thulasimani V | Jaya Engineering College, Chennai | Fashion Design | III Prize |
3 | 11.12.2024 | Vasikaran V | Jaya Engineering College, Chennai | Fabric Draping | II Prize |
4 | 11.12.2024 | Shrnitha N.M | Jaya Engineering College, Chennai | Face Painting | I Prize |
5 | 11.12.2024 | Thillaiarasu U | Jaya Engineering College, Chennai | Face Painting | III Prize |
6 | 11.12.2024 | Thillaiarasu U | Jaya Engineering College, Chennai | Fashion Photography | II Prize |
7 | 27.11.2024 | Raghavendhar A.V | Sona College of Technology, Salem | Face Painting | III Prize |
8 | 27.11.2024 | Shanmugapriya K | Sona College of Technology, Salem | Tie and Dye | I Prize |
9 | 27.11.2024 | Subhalakshmi B | Sona College of Technology, Salem | Tie and Dye | II Prize |
10 | 27.11.2024 | Dhivyasri Y | Sona College of Technology, Salem | Identifying Weave Pattern | III Prize |
11 | 27.11.2024 | Saranyadevi J.V | Sona College of Technology, Salem | Identifying Weave Pattern | III Prize |
12 | 19.11.2024 | Ragupathi M | Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore | Toy Making from Waste Fabric | I Prize |
13 | 19.11.2024 | Munishwari S | Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore | Window Display | II Prize |
14 | 19.11.2024 | Rubanraj N | Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore | Toy Making from Waste Fabric | II Prize |
15 | 19.11.2024 | Shathya M | Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore | Identify Weave Pattern | II Prize |
16 | 19.11.2024 | Akshaya B.S | Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore | Identify Weave Pattern | III Prize |
Academic Year (2023-24) | |||||
S.No. | Date | Name of The Student | Name of the Organizer | Name of the Event | Prize |
1 | 15.05.2024 to 19.05.2024 | Sowndarya P.R | Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship, Government of India, New Delhi | India skills 2024 | State Winner & National Participation |
2 | 25.03.2024 | Sunmathi M | Vellore Institute of Fashion Technology, VIT, Chennai | TEX FASHION 24 FEST’24 Waste to Wealth | I Prize |
3 | 25.03.2024 | Dharun A | Vellore Institute of Fashion Technology, VIT, Chennai | TEX FASHION 24 Waste to Wealth | II Prize |
4 | 25.03.2024 | Varun S | Vellore Institute of Fashion Technology, VIT, Chennai | TEX FASHION 24 Waste to Wealth | II Prize |
5 | 25.03.2024 | Yuvaraj L | Vellore Institute of Fashion Technology, VIT, Chennai | TEX FASHION 24 Waste to Wealth | III Prize |
6 | 25.03.2024 | Yaswanth B | Vellore Institute of Fashion Technology, VIT, Chennai | TEX FASHION 24 Hand Designing | II Prize |
7 | 25.03.2024 | Akshaya B.S | Vellore Institute of Fashion Technology, VIT, Chennai | TEX FASHION 24 Hand Designing | II Prize |
8 | 25.03.2024 | Baskar S | Vellore Institute of Fashion Technology, VIT, Chennai | TEX FASHION 24 Hand Designing | III Prize |
9 | 25.03.2024 | Arjun R K | Vellore Institute of Fashion Technology, VIT, Chennai | TEX FASHION 24 Hand Designing | III Prize |
10 | 19.03.2024 | Abishek K S & Prasanth E | Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore | Tie & Dye | I Prize |
11 | 19.03.2024 | Gobinath K & Gokulavasan K | Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore | Identifying Machine Parts | II Prize |
12 | 09.03.2024 | Abu Syed Mubaraq | Anna University, Chennai | TEXTPLOSION & FESTITO’24 Weave Identification | II Prize |
13 | 09.03.2024 | Abishek K.S | Anna University, Chennai | TEXTPLOSION & FESTITO’24 Weave Identification | II Prize |
14 | 09.03.2024 | Thillaiarasu U | Anna University, Chennai | TEXTPLOSION & FESTITO’24 Fashion Photo Graphic | I Prize |
15 | 09.03.2024 | Sharnitha N M | Anna University, Chennai | TEXTPLOSION & FESTITO’24 Fashion Photo Graphic | III Prize |
16 | 09.03.2024 | Saravanan E | Anna University, Chennai | TEXTPLOSION & FESTITO’24 Fashion Tech Hackathon | II Prize |
17 | 09.03.2024 | Somasundaram N | Anna University, Chennai | TEXTPLOSION & FESTITO’24 Fashion Tech Hackathon | II Prize |
18 | 09.03.2024 | Harish D | Anna University, Chennai | TEXTPLOSION & FESTITO’24 Fashion Tech Hackathon | II Prize |
19 | 09.03.2024 | Kiruthikraja K | Anna University, Chennai | TEXTPLOSION & FESTITO’24 Paper Presentation | III Prize |
20 | 09.03.2024 | Nikhil Praveen | Anna University, Chennai | TEXTPLOSION & FESTITO’24 Paper Presentation | III Prize |
21 | 09.03.2024 | Gobinath K | Anna University, Chennai | TEXTPLOSION & FESTITO’24 Weave Identification | I Prize |
22 | 09.03.2024 | Gokulavasan K | Anna University, Chennai | TEXTPLOSION & FESTITO’24 Weave Identification | I Prize |
23 | 30.12.2023 | Shanmugapriya K | All India Level Karate Tournament, Namakkal | Puduvai Everest Martial Arts Academy | I Prize |
Academic Year (2022-23) | |||||
S.No. | Date | Name of The Student | Name of the Organizer | Name of the Event | Prize |
1 | 17.04.2023 | Obu Umamaheswari M | K S Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode | Project Exhibition Cum Contest 2023 | I Prize |
2 | 17.04.2023 | Moulidharan M | K S Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode | Project Exhibition Cum Contest 2023 | I Prize |
3 | 17.04.2023 | Santhosh P | K S Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode | Project Exhibition Cum Contest 2023 | II Prize |
4 | 17.04.2023 | Suganeswaran M | K S Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode | Project Exhibition Cum Contest 2023 | III Prize |
5 | 31.03.2023 | Prasanth S | Bon Secours Arts and Science College for Women, Namakkal | Chadar 2023 | I Prize |
6 | 31.03.2023 | Srinithi N | Bon Secours Arts and Science College for Women, Namakkal | Chadar 2023 | I Prize |
7 | 29.03.2023 | Sujeet S | Alagappa College of Technology, Chennai | Texplosion & Festido'23 | I Prize |
8 | 29.03.2023 | Arjun P | Alagappa College of Technology, Chennai | Texplosion & Festido'23 | II Prize |
9 | 29.03.2023 | Bharani M | Alagappa College of Technology, Chennai | Texplosion & Festido'23 | I Prize |
10 | 29.03.2023 | Jai Chandru B | Alagappa College of Technology, Chennai | Texplosion & Festido'23 | I Prize |
11 | 29.03.2023 | Sujeet S | Alagappa College of Technology, Chennai | Texplosion & Festido'23 | II Prize |
12 | 29.03.2023 | Indhira Kumar R | Alagappa College of Technology, Chennai | Texplosion & Festido'23 | I Prize |
13 | 29.03.2023 | Harini K | Alagappa College of Technology, Chennai | Texplosion & Festido'23 | I Prize |
14 | 29.03.2023 | Veeraragavan V | Alagappa College of Technology, Chennai | Texplosion & Festido'23 | II Prize |
15 | 29.03.2023 | Vinoth Kumar S | Alagappa College of Technology, Chennai | Texplosion & Festido'23 | II Prize |
16 | 29.03.2023 | Kiruthik Raja K | Alagappa College of Technology, Chennai | Texplosion & Festido'23 | III Prize |
17 | 29.03.2023 | Thakchanamoorthi M V | Alagappa College of Technology, Chennai | Texplosion & Festido'23 | III Prize |
18 | 29.03.2023 | Indhira Kumar R | Alagappa College of Technology, Chennai | Texplosion & Festido'23 | I Prize |
19 | 29.03.2023 | Harini K | Alagappa College of Technology, Chennai | Texplosion & Festido'23 | I Prize |
20 | 29.03.2023 | Vasikaran V | Alagappa College of Technology, Chennai | Texplosion & Festido'23 | II Prize |
21 | 29.03.2023 | Kiruthik Raja K | Alagappa College of Technology, Chennai | Texplosion & Festido'23 | II Prize |
22 | 29.03.2023 | Nikhil Pravin M | Alagappa College of Technology, Chennai | Texplosion & Festido'23 | II Prize |
23 | 29.03.2023 | Suryaprasanth R | Alagappa College of Technology, Chennai | Texplosion & Festido'23 | II Prize |
24 | 17.02.2023 | Ranjithkumar R | EIT Polytechnic College, Erode | Fashion Fest2k23 | II Prize |
25 | 17.02.2023 | Harini K | EIT Polytechnic College, Erode | Fashion Fest2k23 | II Prize |
26 | 17.02.2023 | Varunraj N | EIT Polytechnic College, Erode | Fashion Fest2k23 | Best Performance Award |
27 | 25.02.2023 | Yogesh R | Nehru Arts and Science College, Coimbatore | Good Performance in the Textile Spinning Technology subjects | Precitex Award |
28 | 25.02.2023 | Guru Haran R | Nehru Arts and Science College, Coimbatore | Good Performance in the Textile Spinning Technology subjects | Precitex Award |
29 | 25.02.2023 | Vasantha Kumar B | Nature Science Foundation, Coimbatore | Fifth Award Ceremony | Best College Student Award |
30 | 14.10.2022 | Gokul S | SSM College of Arts and Science, Komarapalayam | Fashionk22 Giltz | III Prize |
31 | 14.10.2022 | Hari I | SSM College of Arts and Science, Komarapalayam | Fashionk22 Giltz | III Prize |
S.No. | Year | Name of the Student | Title Of the Contest | Project Title | Fund Received(₹) |
1 | 2024-25 | D. Harish, E. Saravanan | Bagathon 2024 | Development of Bag using fresh Selvedge waste | 100000 |
2 | 2024-25 | V. Gokuluvasan, V. Gopinath | ED-II Hackathon 2024 | Innovation Development for agriculture land | 100000 |
3 | 2024-25 | T. Harikrishnan, S. Hariprasath, G.M. Sethubharathi | Start-up TN 1.0 State level Hackathon | Investigation of Thermal Insulation and sound absorption properties of recycled non woven and development of automotive interiors. | 110000 |
4 | 2023-24 | M.P. Asmitha | MSME Idea Hackathon 3.0 | IoT Based Humidity Plant for Small Scale Textile Industries | 1475000 |
5 | 2023-24 | K. Manikandan, M. Suganeswaran | MSME Idea Hackathon 2.0 | Digital Shuttle Box for Power Loom Controlled by Mobile App | 1450000 |
6 | 2022-23 | S. Sathishkumar | Next Generation Hand Crafts Skill Competition 2022-23 | Hand Art Painting | 2000 |
7 | 2022-23 | V. Pasupathi, K. Poovarasan, S. Govindaraj | MSME Idea Hackathon 1.0 | Design and Fabrication of Nano Jacquard | 1450000 |
8 | 2022-23 | K. Manikandan, M. Suganeswaran | Student Project Scheme, Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology | Design and Development of IoT mobile application for controlling Shuttle box in Drop Box Power Loom | 7500 |
9 | 2022-23 | G. Bommu Saravan, S. Swathi | Student Project Scheme, Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology | Non-Toxic Bamboo-Goss Sanitary Napkin | 7500 |
10 | 2022-23 | S. Bharathkumar, R. Sabari Sree Aravind | Student Project Scheme, Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology | EMF Resistant Clothing | 7500 |
Academic Year (2024-25) | ||||
S.No. | Date of Visit | Number of Students Attended | Name of Industry | |
1 | 09.08.2024 | 53 | Indigo Fusion Pvt Ltd, Erode. | |
2 | 21.09.2024 | 53 | Best Colour Solutions India Pvt Ltd, Perundurai | |
3 | 04.10.2024 | 47 | WFB Baird & Company (India) Pvt. Ltd, Kerala. | |
4 | 25.10.2024 | 63 | Gainup Group of Companies, Dindigul. | |
5 | 23.11.2024 | 59 | Pallava Mills, Veppadai. | |
Academic Year (2023-24) | ||||
S.No. | Date of Visit | Number of Students Attended | Name of Industry | |
1 | 04.11.2023 | 44 | Sri Senthil Murugan Ginning Factory, Perundurai. | |
2 | 05.11.2023 | 44 | Majestic Exports, Tirupur. | |
3 | 02.12.2023 | 48 | Knit Fair, Tirupur. | |
4 | 20.01.2024 | 63 | Grey Field, Tirupur. | |
5 | 20.01.2024 | 63 | Vasa Nonwoven Limited, Avinashi. | |
6 | 09.02.2024 | 66 | Pallava Mills, Veppadai. | |
7 | 01.06.2024 | 43 | William Good Acre and Sons India Limited, Alaphuaza, Kerala. | |
8 | 01.06.2024 | 43 | Kerala Ballers, Alaphuaza, Kerala. | |
9 | 01.06.2024 | 43 | International Coir Museum, Alaphuaza, Kerala. | |
Academic Year (2022-23) | ||||
S.No. | Date of Visit | Number of Students Attended | Name of Industry | |
1 | 22.08.2022 | 24 | Shri Cheran Synthetics, Veppadai. | |
2 | 11.09.2022 | 71 | Pallava Mills, Veppadai. | |
3 | 22.10.2022 | 41 | SITRA, Coimbatore. | |
4 | 19.11.2022 | 66 | Arthanari Looms, Tiruchengode. | |
5 | 19.12.2022 | 66 | MAG Solvics Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore. | |
6 | 27.01.2023 | 65 | Sakthi Fabrics, Salem. | |
7 | 15.02.2023 | 63 | Jansons Industries Limited, Tiruchengode. | |
8 | 17.03.2023 | 66 | Texvalley, Erode. |
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