Engineering education plays a pivotal role in shaping the future workforce and technological advancements of a nation. With the ever-evolving landscape of technology and industry demands, the regulation of engineering curriculum becomes essential to ensure relevance, quality, and alignment with national educational objectives. The implementation of national education policies and the advancement of societal goals foster the innovation, inclusivity, and competency among graduates.
National education policies serve as the guiding framework, setting overarching goals and objectives for engineering education aligned with broader societal needs and economic development agendas. These policies provide the foundation upon which regulatory bodies and academic institutions formulate curricular guidelines and standards.
Regulation 2022
Amendment R-2022
Amendment 2024-25
Regulation 2018
Amendment R-2018
One Credit Courses Offered
Students shall be allowed to take courses offered by Industry experts for 15-20 hrs of duration and the same shall be considered as one credit courses. On successful completion and passing the examination in 3 one credit courses, a maximum of one 3 credit professional elective\open course may be waived in 7th semester. Suitable courses shall be offered after due approval of committee consisting of Head of the Department, programme coordinator, module coordinators and course coordinators in consultation with the Head of the Institution.
One credit course (Continuous Assessment only)
S.No. | Items | Marks |
1. | Test I | 50 |
2. | Quiz/ Assignment | 50 |
3. | Total Marks | 100 |
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Value Added Courses
KSRCT facilitates the students to keep pace with the latest technologies pertaining to their chosen field of studies. We have offered plenty of value added programmes wherein the students are getting trained well. The students have the option to choose the courses according to their desires and inclinations. From the expertise, students gain knowledge through the value added programmes, which will enable them to face the formidable challenges of the future. Many students have been benefited every year. It provides training and guidance to the students on the various aspects of building a career and to assist them in exploring new opportunities. It is mandatory to choose at least one course per year by each and every student. The course focusses on skill based one. It will be handled by experts from industry, external experts and internal resource persons. The course should be minimum of 15 hours with one credit and maximum of 45 hours with three credit. It has to be approved by the Governing Body. Assessment to be done with 50% weightage via assignment and remaining 50% weightage via end semester examination. Depending upon the needs of the employers, society, local and global markets, the various value added courses imparting transferable life skills are offered by the institution. A total of 107 different value-added courses were offered in the last 3 years. The impact of these value added courses signify a fruitful career building, improves placement opportunities, and it improves leadership quality through different centre of excellences.
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National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 - Download Student Handbook
The courses offered in K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology is in inline with NEP 2020 with multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary courses, Skill based Courses in order to enhance the interpersonal skills among the students. Multidisciplinary education to the students is offered through Choice Based Credit System (CBCS), Minor degree, etc where students can select their courses of interest. Thus, under CBCS the students have flexibility in learning courses offered by other disciplines. Hence, the students are given the provision to learn extra courses during a semester on the interest. The list of elective courses offered by other disciplines are offered as open electives, minor degree courses where students from any discipline can learn and credits earned by the students are accounted for the award of degree.
Students are also permitted to learn online courses offered through NPTEL, SWAYAM, Coursera, Udemy, etc and the credits waiving is permitted to students. Additional skill enhancement courses are offered to students with industry expert in order to empower the industry readiness among the students. Students are also permitted to attend industry internship and industrial training to have practical exposure in order to improve the employability skills.
The curriculum offered by the institution is designed with diverse perspectives of cross cutting issues such as professional ethics, human values, life skills. Hence, the multidisciplinary in learning promotes the flexibility in learning enabling lifelong learning among the students. The academic curriculum with interdisciplinary enrichment enables the students to learn various course of interest and apply the knowledge and skills in the own discipline of study.
The introduction courses in the curriculum of R2018 and R2022 related to environment such as Waste water management, Environmental science, Environmental Hazards and Management, Pollution and its management, etc imparts environmental education among the students. Additionally, the value-based education is offered through courses including professional ethics, constitution of India and Universal Human Values are offered as mandatory courses where the students learn about the involvement and service to the community. Additionally, the students are provided with sufficient awareness about various societal challenges though various outreach activities. Hence, it transforms the students into responsible citizens and also plays a vital role in development of sustainable societies in and around the surroundings of the institution.
Academic Bank of Credits (ABC) - Download Handbook
The mobility of students between programmes by storing and transferring the credits for the award of the degree is facilitated with the use of Academic Bank of Credits (ABC). Hence, it supports for any-time, any-where, and any-level learning. ABC will facilitate mobility among the students and the recognition of credits earned by students across institution across Higher Education Institutions is supported.
At K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, a student can accumulate credits in order to obtain qualifications required for the award of degree or to document personal achievements for lifelong learning purposes. Currently 2430 students of our institution have registered in Academic Bank of Credits.
Process Involved in ABC
The credits earned by students will be deposited in their ABC ‘Academic Account.’ If the student moves to a different institution, the accumulated credits get transferred to the account of the new institution. Credits may be transferred from an institution to be accumulated in another programme offered by the same or another institution. Once the credit is redeemed for the award of the above, it would be irrevocably debited from the respective student’s ‘Academic Account’ of ABC.
Benefits of ABC
Minor/Honour Degree
B.E/B.Tech with Minor Degree:
Students who wish to explore their special interests in areas other than the chosen discipline of Engineering may opt for additional courses in minor specialization groups offered by departments other than their parent department.
The students will be permitted to register the courses from Semester V onwards provided the marks earned by the students until Semester III is CGPA 7.50 and above with no standing arrears.
Lateral Entry students, shall be permitted to register for the courses from Semester V onwards, provided the students have earned a minimum CGPA of 7.50 until Semester III and have cleared all the courses in the first attempt.
Students who register for a minor degree may opt for additional courses in minor specialization groups offered by a department other than their parent department.
Students can also opt for industry relevant tracks of any branch to obtain the minor degree. A student has to earn 18-20 extra credits, by studying six additional courses, each carrying three to four credits (in each course, three credits for theory and one credit for lab).
A student must earn minimum of 6 credits in a semester for minor degree.
B.E/B.Tech with Honour Degree:
A student has to earn 18 to 20 additional credits by studying advanced courses from different verticals of the same programme. Six credits from NPTEL shall be considered out of 18 credits as approved by the BoS and Academic Council.
The assessment pattern of courses will be like the regular programme evaluation. Students aspiring for honours degree must have CGPA of 7.5 (upto third semester) Students shall register from V Semester onwards with no history of arrears and shall complete all the courses Honours degree within VIIth semester.
If a student decides not to opt for honours, after completing a certain number of additional courses, the additional courses studied shall be considered instead of the Professional Elective courses which are part of the curriculum.
If the student has studied more number of such courses than the number of Professional Elective courses required as per the curriculum, the courses with higher grades shall be considered for the calculation of CGPA. Remaining courses shall be printed in the mark sheet, however, they will not be considered for calculation of CGPA.
Details of Honour Degree
S.No. | Department | Specialization |
1. | Mechanical Engineering | Design |
2. | Electrical and Electronics Engineering | Same Discipline |
3. | Electronics and Communication Engineering | Internet of Things |
4. | Computer Science and Engineering | Full Stack Development |
5. | Information Technology | Full Stack Development |
6. | Mechatronics Engineering | Robotics and Automation |
7. | Civil Engineering | Same Discipline |
8. | Textile Technology | Fashion Technology |
9. | Biotechnology | Agriculture Biotechnology |
10. | Food Technology | Food Biotechnology |
11. | Artificial Intelligence and Data Science | Data Science |
Details of Minor Degree
S.No. | Department | Specialization |
1. | Electronics and Communication Engineering | Internet of Things |
2. | Computer Science and Engineering | Full Stack Development |
3. | Information Technology | Full Stack Development |
Statutory Committee
Governing BodyAcademic Council
Board of Studies
Finance Committee
Non-Statutory Committee
Core Committee/Planning and Evaluation CommitteeGrievance Redressal Committee
Examination Committee
Admission Committee & Redressal Cell for 7.5% Preferential Quota Govt. School Students
Students Welfare Committee
Anti - Sexual Harassment/ Women Empowerment Committee
Extracurricular Activities Committee
Anti-Ragging Committee
Library Committee
Examination Malpractice Enquiry Committee
Academic Audit Committee
SC/ST Cell
Equal Opportunity Cell
The following links are provided to collect the stakeholder feedback:
S.No. | Category | URL Link |
1. | Employer | Click Here |
2. | Faculty | Click Here |
3. | Student | Click Here |
4. | Alumni | Click Here |
The following links are provided to generate the stakeholders feedback analysis report generation:
S.No. | Category | URL Link |
1. | Employer | Click Here |
2. | Faculty | Click Here |
3. | Students | Click Here |
4. | Alumni | Click Here |