Training & Placement Cell

The Training and Placement Cell at K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology acts as the pivotal interface connecting our students with prospective companies. We collaborate with industry partners to enrich faculty exposure in skill development through training initiatives. Certified faculty then impart industry-standard skills to students, aligning with current industry norms.

Our partnership with various industries equips students with industry-standard skills, following models like Train-Hire-Deploy or Hire- Train-Deploy for seamless integration into various industries from day one. Self-learning plays a crucial role in industry readiness, fostering adaptability and innovation, empowering individuals to thrive in today's rapidly evolving professional landscapes. Internships offer students genuine, practical experience within their field of study, bridging the gap between academic learning and professional practice. They are invaluable opportunities for skill development, networking, and gaining insights into the engineering industry, ultimately preparing students for successful and rewarding careers

Our institution is committed to empowering students with a balanced mix of traditional foundations and cutting-edge technologies, equipping them with the necessary tools to meet the dynamic demands of the modern workforce.


Director - Placement
Placement Officer
Training Officer
Talent Acquisition Coordinator

Core Team

Verbal & Soft Skill Trainer
Aptitude Trainer
Aptitude Trainer
Technical Trainer
Technical Trainer
Technical Trainer
Technical Trainer
Technical Trainer

Technical Expert Team

Certified by Wipro
Certified by Wipro
Virtusa Trainer
Java Trainer
Mr. K. Senthil Kumar
Certified by Wipro
Mr. K. Dinesh
Certified by Wipro
Mrs. M. Varshana Devi
Certified by Wipro

Department T&P Coordinators

S.No. Name of the Faculty Department
1 Mr. P. Prakash Mech
2 Mr. S. Shriram Senthil EEE
3 Mr. S. Saravanan ECE
4 Mr. R. Satheesh Kumar ECE
5 Mr. S. Vadivel CSE
6 Mr. K. Dinesh Kumar CSE
7 Dr. C. Nallu Samy IT
8 Mr. K. Senthil Kumar IT
9 Mr. M. Sanjay MCT
10 Mr. K. Angu Senthil CIVIL
11 Mr. P. Maheswaran TXT
12 Mr. R. Mohanraj NST
13 Dr. B. Rengesh BT
14 Mr. G. Bharath FT
15 Mr. S. Vignesh CSBS
16 Ms. S. Sripriya AI&DS
17 Mr. P. Sabarish MBA
18 Mr. Praveen AIML

Office Facilitators

Office Assistant
Office Assistant
Lab Attender

Our Recruiters

And Many More..

Centre of Excellence/MoUs

S No Name of the Company Specialization Hours Category # of Students Benefitted Outcomes
1 Wipro Java, DBMS & Web Technologies 240 Train-Hire-Deploy 1080 Training & Placement
2 Virtusa CRM 30 Hire-Train-Deploy 60 Internship & Placement
3 Virtusa Dot Net 120 Hire-Train-Deploy Internship & Placement
4 Virtusa Java, Testing 75 Hire-Train-Deploy Internship & Placement
5 Aspire Systems FSD 220 Hire-Train-Deploy 48 Internship & Placement
6 Augusta Blockchain Technologies 45 Hire-Train-Deploy 2 Internship & Placement
7 DxC Technologies Cloud Infrastructure and its Services 100 Training & Certification 64 Training & Placement
8 Autodesk Fusion 360 40 Training & Certification 60 Training
9 Autodesk Revit Architecture 40 Training & Certification 40 Training
10 IVTL ReactJS 15 Offshore DC 15 Internship & Training
11 BHUMI NGO Java 45 Training 50 Training
12 BHUMI NGO Python 45 Training 55 Training
15 UiPath RPA 36 Training & Certification 60 Training & Certification
16 PaloAlto Cybersecurity 60 Training & Certification Yet to Start Training & Certification
17 Cognizant Foundation AWS Cloud 120 Training & Certification 102 Training & Certification
18 Nasscom Future Skills Prime Certification Acquiring data & Introduction to Cybersecurity 10 Certification 3000 Certification
19 CISCO Cybersecurity 120 Certification 350 Certification
20 Salesforce Trailmix & Business Automation 80 Certification 1548 Certification

And Many More..


S. No Name of the Department 2023-24 2022-23 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 TOTAL
1 Mechanical Engineering 262 103 141 24 62 28 88 38 746
2 Electrical & Electronics Engineering 263 89 90 12 62 89 56 105 766
3 Electronics & Communication Engineering 306 85 129 37 61 125 72 23 838
4 Computer Science & Engineering 228 77 82 43 94 69 82 47 722
5 Nano Science & Technology 25 26 37 12 19 39 25 0 183
6 Food Technology 96 99 91 30 35 132 14 0 497
7 Mechatronics Engineering 95 80 74 13 2 8 30 26 328
8 Textile Technology 114 166 50 98 35 22 13 16 514
9 Information Technology 133 131 62 72 31 95 56 38 618
10 Civil Engineering 110 102 35 17 13 17 17 7 318
11 Biotechnology 36 51 45 15 33 9 16 5 210
12 Master of Business Administration 57 64 65 37 25 0 0 0 248
13 Artificial Intelligence & Data Science 45 62 1 NA NA NA NA NA 108
14 Computer Science & Business Systems 143 4 0 NA NA NA NA NA 147
Grand Total 1913 1139 902 410 472 633 469 305 6243

Training Details

Empowering students to elevate their qualitative and technical prowess within their specific fields.

Placement Details

Placement services are vital in assisting students as they move from education to employment, enhancing their job market success through resource provision, support, and networking opportunities.

Photo Gallery

HR Conclave

Digital SKilling Centre


Infosys Foundation - CSR Activity

Higher Education & Competitive Exams

S. No. Passed out Batches Number of students opted for Higher Studies in Total
India Abroad
1 2022-23 12 07 19
2 2021-22 21 11 32
3 2020-21 28 06 34
4 2019-20 60 04 64
Total 121 28 149
S.No. Passed out Batches Number of students Qualified in Competitive Exams Total
1 2023 -24 - 2 - - 1 - 3
2 2022-23 1 - - 1 1 1 4
3 2021-22 4 1 - - - 2 7
4 2020-21 5 2 - 2 5 - 14
5 2019-20 8 2 1 - 2 - 13
Total 18 7 1 3 9 3 41

Competitive Exams

Details of Competitive Examinations Qualified (2023-2024) Name of the Student Examination Qualified
1 Ganesh Babu Karunanidhi IELTS
3 Praveen Kumar S GATE 2024
4 Sabarika M GATE 2024

Details of Competitive Examinations Qualified (2022-2023) Name of the Student Name of the Degree Examination Qualified Name of the University/Institution
1 Shashikumar Vadivel Arunthathiyar MSc -- Automotive Engineering IELTS University of Hertfordshire
2 Manoj Kumar S ME / Construction Engg & Management TANCET Thiagarajar College of Engineering
3 Bharath Kumar R MBA CAT NIT Trichy
4 Poovarasi P MTech Nano Science & Technology CUET Pondicherry University

Higher Education

Students - Admitted for Higher Studies (2022 to 2023)

Sl.No Name of the Student Name of the Degree Name of the University/Institution Abroad/India Page No.
1. Geneis Bengt Micah B MSc Environmental Enginnering Technische Universitat Humbarg Abroad
2. Manthra.R M.Sc., Biotechnology University of Esses Abroad
3. Abishek Gerard Master of Food Systems Engineering KU LEUVEN Abroad
4. Advay Vinoth MSc University College Cork, Ireland Abroad
5. Abhinav Manoharan Nair MSc -- Food Quality and Safety Universitat Bayreuth Abroad
6. Alan Job Glison MSc -- Food and Nutrition Science Sheffield Hallam University Abroad
7. Angel Maria Shaji Graduate Certificate -- Food Processing -- Operational Leadership FANSHAWE College Canada Abroad
8. Tamil Eniyan G M.E Structural Engineering Nandha Engineering College Erode India
9. Surya Mouli R M.E Structural Engineering K S Rangasamy College of Technology India
10. Vijayaprasanna P M.E Structural Engineering K S Rangasamy College of Technology India
11. Jagatheeswaran S M.E Structural Engineering Nandha Engineering College, Erode India
12. Sekar A M.E (PSE) K S Rangasamy College of Technology India
13. Killivalavan G M.Tech Textile Technology Anna University Chennai India
14. Vijayalakshmi.J M.Tech., Biotechnology Periyar Maniammai Institute of Technology, Thanjavur India
15. Dinisha.S M.Tech., Biotechnology Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore India
16. Vidhya.R M.Tech., Biotechnology K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology India
17. Sanjay. S M.Tech Biotechnology Srivenkateswara College of Engineering India
18. Subash N M. Tech -- Food Processing Technology Annamalai University India
19. Malavika M M. Tech -- Food Technology K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology India

Students - Admitted for Higher Studies (2021-2022)

Sl.No Name of the Student Name of the Degree Name of the University/Institution Abroad/India
1. Shashikumar Vadivel Arunthathiyar MSc -- Automotive Engineering University of Hertfordshire Abroad
2. Pujitha R MSc Construction project Management University of Portsmouth Abroad
3. Abdul Rahim MSc Business and Management University of Strathclyde Glasgow Abroad
4. Gunasekaran Gowtham Diploma in Business and Sales Management ICA Abroad
5. Kamalesh Ganesan MSc Management with Project Management BPP University, London Abroad
6. Kavin Rajkumar MSc Management with Project Management BPP University, London Abroad
7. Naveen Prabaharan Xavier Latharani ME Materials Engineering University of Houston Abroad
8. Nirmal kumar MBA University of Roehampton Abroad
9. Alkesh Jose MSc University of Wollongong Australia Abroad
10. Ragav R PGDM (Supply Chain Management) Fleming college, Canada. Abroad
11. Srisankar S Subramanian MSc Management w Project Management BPP University, London Abroad
12. Gayathry E ME (ISE) K S Rangasamy College of Technology India
13. Denesh Kanna G R MBA International Business Pondicherry University India
14. Kalai Kalangiyam G K MTech Nano Science & Technology Pondicherry University India
15. Poovarasi P MTech Nano Science & Technology Pondicherry University India
16. Rakesh V ME (ISE) K S Rangasamy College of Technology India
17. Ranjith Kumar R MBA K S Rangasamy College of Engineering India
18. Hariharan N M.Tech Textile Chemistry SSM College of Engineering India
19. Jeyakrishnan N MBA SRM College of Management India
20. Jayavishnu E M.Tech Biotechnology Bannariamman Institute of Technology Sathyamangalm India
21. Arnica R M.Tech Biotechnology K S Rangasamy College of Technology India
22. Moovin S M.Tech Biotechnology K S Rangasamy College of Technology India
23. Abirami M M.Tech Biotechnology Kumaraguru College of Technology India
24. Karthika Priya B PhD (Sc) in Biochemistry IISc, Bangalore India
25. Manoj Kumar S ME / Construction Engg & Management Thiagarajar College of Engineering India
26. Bavadharini S B ME Environmental Engineering Anna University, Chennai India
27. Baraneetharan S S ME Structural Engineering K S Rangasamy College of Technology India
28. Ashok Raj R B ME Construction Engineering and Management Sona College of Technology India
29. Bharath Kumar R MBA NIT Trichy India
30. Harish Kumar R R MTech Nano Science & Technology PSG College of Technology India
31. Aswini Preetha MBA JAIN Deemed to be University India
32. Kirubahari S Ph. D Anna University, Chennai. India
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