About Department

The Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science was started in 2020 with the goal of training students and conducting research in the fields of Artificial Intelligence & Data Science. Bachelor of Technology in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science is a 4-year undergraduate Engineering Degree programme. Artificial Intelligence and Data Science are one of the most rapidly growing technologies which has high lucrative prospects across the globe in all industries. This course aims to bring up budding engineers as connoisseurs in Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and other underlying fields of Artificial Intelligence. A well-deployed teaching-learning process of K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology inculcates the young aspiring minds of the students by analyzing the learning needs of every student and provides a conducive environment for learning with parental care. The core Faculty team with well-experienced, dedicated, highly qualified and expertise in the domain area of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science augments the learning capabilities of the students and facilitate them to understand the fundamental concepts through innovative methods of teaching. The Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science has laboratories with high-end processing systems with seamless Wi-Fi connectivity, essential software and tools which helps the students to unleash their curiosity to practically implement the methods, algorithms learned in theory classes and analyze the results.


To be a leader in providing skill sets for globally competent Engineers, Researchers, Entrepreneurs and Managers in Mechanical Engineering domain.


  • To offer quality education through experiential learning using ICT tools and socially–relevant projects.
  • To engage Faculty and Students in fundamental, heavy engineering and applied research related to energy, environment and safety concerns.
  • To groom students to venture into successful entrepreneurs and managers.

The PEOs of UG Programme

    PEO1: Core Competence: Graduates will demonstrate their technical skills and competency in various applications through the use of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
    PEO2: Successful Career: Graduates will establish their knowledge by adopting Artificial Intelligence and Data Science technologies to solve the real world problems
    PEO3: Ethics and life-long learning: Graduates will engage in lifelong learning to excel in their profession with social awareness and responsibility

The POs of UG Programme

    PO1: Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
    PO2: Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
    PO3: Design /development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
    PO4: Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
    PO5: Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations
    PO6: The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
    PO7: Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
    PO8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
    PO9: Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings
    PO10: Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions
    PO11: Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one‘s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
    PO12: Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

The PSOs of UG Programme

Engineering Graduates will be able to:

    PSO1: Develop IT infrastructure: Ability to design, implement and apply computational skills related to Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
    PSO2: Design / Develop software products: Ability to apply tools and techniques to provide successful solutions in the multidisciplinary field
    PSO3: Innovative Career: Ability to critique the role of information and analytics for a innovative career, research activities and consultancy.

Contact Details

Head of the Department

    98429 99825

Training & Placement Co-ordinator

    99624 35353

Alumni Co-ordinator

    99624 35353

From the HoD's Desk


Professor & Head

AICTE Faculty ID: 1-461677963 | College ID: CTCSF010

LinkedIn Profile | IRINS Profile |  Profile

Mail-ID: [email protected], [email protected]

Dr. Mohanraj Elangovan, Professor and Head,Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science at K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode, Tamil Nadu, India. He has more than 16 years of Experience in Teaching and Research in the domain of Computing. He is a Life Member of ISTE. He is a recognized research supervisor in Anna University, Chennai in the Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering. He has published more than 25 research articles in reputed journals indexed in SCI, SCIE, Web of Science and Scopus. His Research interest includes Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, Image Processing, Network Security, Internet of Things, etc.

Faculty List

2024-25 - View here

Our Intellectuals

Faculty Image

Designation: Professor

Specialization : Data Mining, Data Science, Networking

Faculty Image

Designation: Professor

Specialization: VLSI

Faculty Image

Designation:Assistant Professor

Specialization : Blockchain, Automation, IoT

Faculty Image

Designation:Assistant Professor

Specialization : Cloud Computing

Faculty Image

Designation:Assistant Professor

Specialization : Data Mining,Networking

Faculty Image

Designation:Assistant Professor

Specialization : Programming, Data Science

Faculty Image

Designation:Assistant Professor

Specialization : Networking,Python,IOT.

Faculty Image

Designation:Assistant Professor

Specialization : JAVA, Software Testing, Web Development.

Our Non-Teaching staffs

Faculty Image


College ID : CTPLS007

Mail ID:[email protected]

Faculty Image


College ID: CTEXS001

Mail ID:[email protected]

Students List

S.no Batch Regulation Name-list
1 2024-28 R 2022 PDF
2 2023-27 R 2022 PDF
3 2022-26 R 2022 PDF
4 2021-25 R 2018 PDF

Curriculum & Syllabi

Under Graduate - B.Tech(Artificial Intelligence and Data Science)

Regulation R 2022

Batch Syllabi
2024-28 PDF
2023-27 PDF
2022-26 PDF

Regulation R 2018

Batch Syllabi
2021-25 PDF
2020-24 PDF

Teaching and Learning

Role Play
In order to get clear understanding Algorithm,students have completed their roleplay
Case Study
Analyzing real-life cases to understand the application of theoretical concepts.
Flipped Class
To Enhance the learning of students for better understanding the concepts.
Peer Teaching
Students teach each other under the guidance of the instructor.


S.No. Batch Duration No.of Students
1. 2022-26 06 week 07
2. 2022-26 04 week 10
3. 2021-25 04 week 38
4. 2021-25 06 week 05
5. 2021-25 12 week 06
6. 2020-24 08 week 26
7. 2020-24 10 week 15
8. 2020-24 12 week 12


S.No. Batch No.of Students Placed Percentage Highest CTC
1. 2021 - 25 19 46% 12 LPA
2. 2020 - 24 48 95% 8 LPA

Higher Education

S.No. Batch No. of Students
1. 2020 - 24 02

Competitive Exams

S.No. Acedamic Year No. of Students Examination Attended
1. 2021-25 03 GATE
2. 2020-24 01 GATE

Academic Laboratory

Lab Incharge -Faculty &staff: Mr.S.Raja & Mr.Ganesan R P

MailId:[email protected]

Class Rooms

No of classes : 04

Research Centre Recognition Number:4260700

S.No. Particulars Count
1. Ph.D. Doctorates 3
2. Ph.D. Supervisor 1
3. Ph.D. Pursuing 6


S.No. Academic Year Agency Name of the Event/Activity Amount
1. 2023-24 MSME An automated chronic disease management system for cardiac detection and prevention on emergency using Internet of Medical Things 9,18,000
2. 2022-23 AU-CFD Problem Solving and Python Programming 30,000


S.No. Academic Year Agency Title of Project Amount
1. 2023-24 Naan Mudhalvan AI Healthcare Recommender 10,000
2. 2023-24 IITM Research Park Interactive Tactile Book 25,000


S.No. Academic Year Book Chapters Journals Conference
National International National International
1. 2024-25 06 - 04 - 04
2. 2023-24 02 - 03 - 13
3. 2022-23 02 - 03 - 06

Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)

S.No. Academic Year Patents Copyrights
Filed Published Granted Filed Granted
1. 2024-25 - 06 - - -
2. 2023-24 - 05 - - -


S.No. Academic Year Type of the Event Event Name Participated / Price Won Image
1. 2024-25 Poem presentation Akila Indian Tamil Sangam celebration Second Price
2. 2024-25 Poster presentation Janmashtami celebration Cash Price Rs.4000
3. 2023-24 Design Challenge Empower 2023,organized by IIT Madras First Runner with Cash Prize 25000
4. 2023-24 Hackathon Graph E-Thon a 72 hours National Level Second Place
5. 2022-23 Competition Zonal round in the Federal Bank Speak for India Contest. Participated
6. 2022-23 Competition Lab to Market - Organized by PALS @ IIT Madras Participated


S.No. Academic Year Type of the Event Event Name Participated / Price Won Image
1. 2023-24 Atchayam Trust 10th Annual day celebration Humanitarian Award
2. 2023-24 Sports Hockey Tournament Third place
3. 2022-23 Sports First All India National Snowminton Championship


Events| Association| Industrial Visit

Events Happened

S.No. Date Event Title of the Event
1. 14.02.2024 & 15.02.2024 Workshop Snap AR Bootcamp
Snap AR Bootcamp workshop Last updated 3 mins ago
Snap AR Bootcamp workshop Last updated 3 mins ago

ARTIFICIX Association

Artifix Association Logo
    Office Bearers:
    Faculty Coordinators: Mr.S.Raja
    Secretary: Muthupandi B
    Treasurer: Rahul.J
    Memebers: Sujith.B & Gobinath D
    Academic year :2024 - 25

Industrial visit

S.No. Academic Year Date Industry Visited
1. 2024-25 18.10.2024 Mysuru - Silver Spirit Tech Park
2. 2024-25 06.10.2024 Iroid Technology ,Kochi
3. 2023-24 06.10.2023 Kayyath,Erunakulam, Kerala
4. 2023-24 05.09.2023 Kaynes Technologies India Limited,Badanaguppe, Karnataka
5. 2022-23 26.11.2022 Codingmart Technologies,Coimbatore
Kaynes Technologies India Limited,Badanaguppe, Karnatak Last updated ago
Iroid Technology ,Kochi Last updated 3 mins ago
Kayyath,Erunakulam, Kerala Last updated 3 mins ago
Codingmart Technologies,Coimbatore Last updated 3 mins ago
Mysuru - Silver Spirit Tech Park Last updated ago
Mysuru - Silver Spirit Tech Park Last updated ago
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