About Department

Department of Mechanical Engineering was established in the year 1994. The department offers four-year Bachelor of Engineering programme with an annual intake of 60 students. The programme was accredited by National Board of Accreditation NBA, New Delhi in the year 2005 for 3 years, in the year 2008 for 5 years and in the year 2024 for 3 years under TIER I category. It is also recognized as a Research Centre by Anna University, Chennai to offer Ph.D. programme in part time/regular basis. State of Art Infrastructure, laboratories equipped with latest instruments / equipment’s and software’s. Separate lab for research and development, Product development. OBE is practicing with Monitoring Mechanism and continuous feedback from stakeholders. Curriculum with design component, emerging technologies with space for self and lifelong learning. Learning through industrial visit, Experimental learning, field visit and usage of ICT tools. Continual and consistent placement record and higher studies through career guidance and counselling. Well qualified, highly experienced & trained faculty members. High faculty retention and faculty student ratio is 1:13 Improved faculty publications in terms of quantity & quality.


To be a leader in providing skill sets for globally competent Engineers, Researchers, Entrepreneurs and Managers in the Mechanical Engineering domain.


  • To offer quality education through experiential learning using ICT tools and socially –relevant projects.
  • To engage Faculty and Students in fundamental, heavy engineering and applied research related to energy, environment and safety concerns.
  • To groom students to venture into successful entrepreneurs and managers.

The PEOs of UG Programme

    PEO1: Professional Competency: Graduates of the programme will adapt to emerging technological challenges with core competence in the mechanical engineering domain.
    PEO2: Employability and Entrepreneurship: Graduates of the programme will exhibit their technical knowledge and skills to secure suitable positions in technological organizations and to become entrepreneurs.
    PEO3: Higher Education and Research: Graduates of the programme will pursue advanced studies in thrust areas of mechanical engineering to carry out scientific and industrial research to meet/satisfy current requirements in respective sectors ethically.

The POs of UG Programme

    PO1: Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
    PO2: Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
    PO3: Design /development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
    PO4: Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
    PO5: Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modelling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations
    PO6: The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
    PO7: Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
    PO8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
    PO9: Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
    PO10: Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with the society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
    PO11: Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
    PO12: Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

The PSOs of UG Programme

Engineering Graduates will be able to:

    PSO1: Use modern tools in the design, analysis and manufacturing of mechanical components and systems.
    PSO2: Solve multidisciplinary problems in manufacturing and allied industries.
    PSO3: Adopt creative and innovative approaches to address real- time industrial challenges.

Contact Details

Department HoD

    Dr. A. Murugesan
    94430 90331

Training & Placement Co-ordinator

    Mr. P. Prakash
    80126 63913

Alumni Co-ordinator

    Mr. P. Prakash
    80126 63913

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From the Hod's Desk


Professor & Head

AICTE Faculty ID: 1-461678167 | College ID: CTMEF004

LinkedIn Profile | IRINS ProfileProfile

Mail-ID: [email protected], [email protected]

About Faculty Dr A Murugesan is a Professor & Head in Department of Mechanical Engineering. He completed BE (Mechanical Engineering) in the year May 1994 and ME (Thermal power Engineering) in the year December 1995 at Annamalai University, Chidambaram. Ph.D. (Mechanical Engineering) in the year July 2009 at Anna University, Chennai, in the area of alternative fuels for diesel engine. He has 28 years of teaching, 3 years in industrial and 20 years of research experience. Expertise in the areas of Thermal Engineering, Energy conservation, Alternate fuels, IC Engines, Emission control, Nano fuel additives and Automobiles. Guided 7 Ph.D. and guiding the 3 Ph.D. research scholars in the area of green fuel technology and renewable energy. He has completed the six sponsored research project funded by AICTE, TNSTC, TEDA & Gandhigram Rural University worth of 30 Lakhs. He has published 12 books and more than 300+ technical papers in national, international conferences and journals and holds 1 patent and 6 copy rights. Google scholar citations: 3594, h-index 26, I10 index 36. He is Life member in various professional bodies including ISTE, ISME, IE(I) and fellow member in international society of research and development, Indian Academic Researchers Association, The Society of Innovative Educationalist & Scientific Research Professional and so on. He also reviewer for high impact factor peer reviewed journals like international journal of Renewable and sustainable energy reviews, International Journal of Green Energy etc. He received 15 awards in his credentials.

Faculty List

2024-25 - Click here

Our Intellectuals

Faculty Image

Dean – Administration

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Composite Materials

Faculty Image
Dr. S. Gopalakrishnan

Professor & Controller of Examinations

Industrial Engineering

Faculty Image


Industrial Engineering

Faculty Image
Dr. K. Santhanam


Engineering Design

Faculty Image



Faculty Image


Engineering Design

Faculty Image
Dr. S. Jeyaprakasam

Associate Professor

Engineering Design

Faculty Image

Associate professor

Thermal Engineering

Faculty Image
Dr. K.Raja

Associate Professor


Faculty Image
Mr. S. Venkatesan

Assistant Professor

Production Engineering

Faculty Image
Dr. D. Vasudevan

Assistant Professor

Thermal Power

Faculty Image

Associate Professor

Material Characterization

Faculty Image
Mr. S. Karthick

Assistant Professor

Computer Aided Design

Faculty Image
Mr. S. Sakthivel

Assistant Professor

Engineering Design

Faculty Image
Mr. M. Prasath

Assistant Professor

Engineering Design

Faculty Image
Mr. U. Vivek

Assistant Professor

Engineering Design and Composite Materials

Faculty Image

Assistant Professor

Engineering Design

Faculty Image
Mr. P. Prakash

Assistant Professor

Computer Aided Design

Faculty Image
Mr. C. Ramesh

Assistant Professor

Computer Aided Design

Faculty Image
Mr. R. Prakash

Assistant Professor

Thermal Engineering

Faculty Image
Mr. B. Balaji

Assistant Professor

Computer Aided Design

Faculty Image
Mr. S. Karthikeyan

Assistant Professor

Production Engineering

Faculty Image
Ms. S. Srinithi

Assistant Professor

Engineering Design

Faculty Image

Visiting Professor

Industrial Safety Engineering

Our Non-Teaching staffs

Faculty Image
S Dharmaraj,SSLC,DTD.,

Lab Assistant

[email protected]

Faculty Image
R Jeevitha,B.E.,

Lab Technician

[email protected]

Faculty Image
N Murugesan,ITI.,

Lab Instructor

[email protected]

Faculty Image
A Ayyavu,B.E.,

Lab Instructor

[email protected]

Faculty Image
R. Dhanasekaran,DME.,

Lab Assistant

[email protected]

Faculty Image
K. Kathirvel,M.A,M.Phil.,

Junior Assistant

[email protected]

Faculty Image
S. Shanmugam,B.E.,

Lab Instructor

[email protected]

Faculty Image
P. Manikandan,DME.,

Lab Assistant

[email protected]

Faculty Image
S. Dhanakumar,ITI.,

Lab Assistant

[email protected]

Faculty Image
M. Manikandeswari,B.A.,

Lab Assistant

[email protected]

Faculty Image
S. Gowtham,B.E.,

Lab Instructor

[email protected]

Faculty Image
N. Balaji,DME.,

Lab Instructor

[email protected]

Faculty Image


[email protected]

Students List

S.no Batch Name-list
1 2024-28 PDF
2 2023-27 PDF
3 2022-26 PDF
4 2021-25 PDF
5 2020-24 PDF

Role of Honours

S.no Batch Roll of Honor
1 Laskhminarayanan C 1997-98
2 Umashankar E 1998-99
3 Nallasamy G 1999-00
4 Navarathinam 2000-01
5 Harikishore AJ 2001-02
6 Renuka K 2002-03
7 Duribalaji K 2003-04
8 Balakrishnan SC 2004-05
9 Ravisenthil R 2005-06
10 Vijayakumar P 2006-07
11 Chilambarasan K 2007-08
12 Mohamed Yusuf A 2008-09
13 Krishnakumar P 2009-10
14 Shiram D 2010-11
15 Gobikrishnan R 2011-12
16 Avinash A 2012-13
17 Mohanailavarasan M 2013-14
18 Sudhir RY 2014-15
19 Vahinisubramaniyan 2015-16
20 Siddaarth DR 2016-17
21 Sarathi R 2017-18
22 Swaminathan S 2018-19
23 Mohamed Jameel M 2019-20
24 Meghanathan SD 2020-21
25 Dharaneesh A 2021-22
26 Rakshan S V 2022-23

Distinguished Alumni

S.no Batch Name of the Alumni Designation
1 1998 Mr. Selvakumar K Director, Subiksham Software Solutions, Coimbatore
2 1998 Mr. Karthik Sankarasubbu Software Advisor, Federal Reserve Bank of NewYork, New Jersey, USA
3 1998 Dr. Ramesh Venkatesan CEO, Kaizenat Technologies Pvt Ltd, Bangalore
4 1998 Mr. Sathish S Deputy General Manager, Daimler India commercial vehicles Pvt Ltd, Chennai
5 1998 Mr. Saminathan S Managing Director, Sun Emirates Mechanical Works LLC, Dubai
6 1998 Dr. Parthiban P Professor, National Institute of Technology, Trichy
7 1998 Mr. Vinodh Gunasekaran Vice President, Perfios Software Solutions Pvt Ltd, Bangalore
8 1998 Mr. Lakshminarayanan INDUSTRY PRINCIPAL, Infosys, Mysore
9 1998 Mr. Sivakumar Ganapathi MANAGER, Cognizant Technology Solutions US Corp(CTS),USA
10 1998 Mr. Umapathy Viswanathan DIRECTOR , Vendor Relations, BlueCross BlueShield, Chicago, USA
11 1998 Mr. Thangam Sakthivel ENGINEERING MANAGER, Bosch, Coimbatore
12 1999 Mr. Vijay R DGM (Design), HAL, Bangalore
13 1999 Mr. Sureshkumar G Senior Manager, HAL, Bangalore
14 1999 Mr. Sakthivel M Associate Professor, Anna University Regional Campus, Coimbator
14 1999 Mr. Selvakumar G SENIOR ENGINEERING MANAGER, IBM India Pvt Ltd, Bangalore
15 1999 Mr. Senthilkumar P R MANAGING DIRECTOR, Nayam Oraganics Private Limited, Bangalore
16 2000 Mr. Praveen Alavandar Manager, Petrofac International (UAE) LLC, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
17 2000 Mr. A. Senthil Kumaran Entrepreneur, Kumaran Group of enterprises, Chennai
18 2000 Mr. Nallasamy Gurusamy RENAULT PROJECT MANAGER, Renault Nissan Technology and Business centre, Mahindra World city, Chennai
19 2001 Dr. Saravanan N Principal Engineer, Mahindra Research Valley, Chennai
20 2001 Mr. Balamurugan P Deputy General Manager, Tata Motors Ltd, Bangalore
21 2002 Dr. Sasikumar P Scientist Engineer SG (Mission Chandrayaan - 3), Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, ISRO, Trivandrum, Kerala
22 2002 Dr. Ravikumar Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi
23 2003 Mr. Muralidharan R Program Manager, Faurecia Interior System India, Chennai
24 2003 Mr. Karthi M Senior Project Manager, HCL Technologies, Bangalore
25 2004 Mr. Sathis Kumar K Deputy Director (Mission Chandrayaan - 3), ISRO Headquarters, Bangalore
26 2008 Mr. Dhanajayan P S Project Manager, Onward Technologies Ltd, Chennai
27 2008 Mr. Dhayanidhi K Principal Engineer R&D, ESAB INDIA LIMITED, Chennai
28 2008 Mr. Baskaran A Manager Engineering Division, Kubota Agricultural Machinery India Pvt Ltd, Chennai
30 2013 Dr. Avinash Alagumali Postdoctoral Research Associate, Schulich School of Engineering, University of Calgary, Canada

In-House Meets

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Curriculum & Syllabi

Under Graduate - B.E(Mechanical Engineering)

Regulation R 2022

Batch Syllabi
2023-27 PDF
2022-26 PDF

Regulation R 2018

Batch Syllabi
2021-25 PDF
2020-24 PDF
2019-23 PDF
2018-22 PDF

Regulation R 2014

Batch Syllabi
2017-21 PDF
2016-20 PDF
2015-19 A PDF
2015-19 B PDF
2014-18 A PDF
2014-18 B PDF

Regulation R 2010

Batch Syllabi
2010-14 PDF

Regulation R 2008

Batch Syllabi
2008-12 PDF

Regulation R 2007

Batch Syllabi
2007-11 PDF

Teaching & Learning

Experiential Learning
Students have undergone hands on training on Hydraulic logic circuits of Meter
Group Discussion
The Group discussion session was conducted to get more exposure on composite materials
Experiential Learning
Virtual simulation of force systems for engineering mechanics
Experiential Learning
The demo session was conducted to get more exposure on material formation
Experiential Learning
The demo session was conducted to get more exposure on various additive manufacturing process
Field Visit
Students visited TVS Mobility on a field trip to gain a thorough understanding of heavy Vehicle engines
Role Play
In order to get clear understanding on value engineering,students have completed their roleplay.
Flipped Class
To Enhance the learning of students for better understanding the concept of stress analysis.

Video Lectures

Power Plant Engineering

Flexible Manufacturing System

Thermal Turbo Machines

Engineering Materials and Metallurgy

Kinematics of Machines

Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines

Design of Mechanical Transmission System

Engineering Mechanics

Metrology and Measurements

Engineering Mechanics

Manufacturing Processes

Machining Processes

Product Design and Manufacturing

Basics of Mechanical Engineering

Applied Hydraulics and Pneumatics

Quality Control and Reliability Engineering

Design of Mechanical Transmission System

Product Design for Manufacture

Automation in Manufacturing

Machine Learning

Engineering Economics and Financial Accounting

Systems Applications and Products in Data Processing

Product Development

Solar Bicycle guided by Dr.M.Gnanasekaran
Self-Generating Electric Bicycle
BAJA Vehicle FMAE Season-2 Runners

Rotatable Bi-cycle handle bar and Foldable Pedal guided by Mr.B.Balaji
Automatic Chess Board guided by Mr.M.Prasath
Innovative e-Bike Electric Two-Wheeler design competition

GO-KART Vehicle Overall Winner in KRC powdered by AIMS
Bio Reactor guided by Dr.P.S.Sampath
Mini Groundnet Shelling Machine guided by Dr.P.S.Sampath

Industry Supported Courses by Welding Research Institute(WRI),BHEL,Tirchy

S.No. Name Of Course
1. Welding Process
2. Welding Engineering
3. Weldability of Materials

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S.No. Academic Year No.of Students
1. 2023-24 200
2. 2022-23 122
3. 2021-22 112
4. 2020-21 38


S.No. Batch No.Of Students Placed Percentage Highest CTC
1. 2020 - 24 122 99.14 % 4,50,000
2. 2019 - 23 77 90.59 % 6,00,000
3. 2018 - 22 96 88.07 % 7,50,000
4. 2017 - 21 130 86.06 % 12,00,000
5. 2016 - 20 140 83.33 % 6,20,000

Prime Recruiters list


Higher Education

S.No. Batch No. of Students Key Institutions
1. 2020 - 24 01 Anna University, Chennai
2. 2019 - 23 01 Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai
3. 2018 - 22 07 BPP University, London
4. 2017 - 21 09 Concordia University, Canada
5. 2016 - 20 07 CMS Business School (JAIN), Bengaluru


S.No. Student/ Faculty Name Start-up Name Registration No. Contact No Email ID
1. Logesh N salemnaturalmangoes.com UDYAM-TN-20-0118458 9080182365 [email protected]

Competitive Exams

S.No. Acedamic Year No. of Students Examination Attended
1. 2023-24 06 GATE-06
2. 2022-23 01 TANCET-01,GATE-02
3. 2021-22 02 GATE-02
4. 2020-21 04 TANCET-02,GATE-02

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Academic Laboratory

Fabrication and Reverse Engineering Laboratory
Area : 44.1m x 13.7m
Lab Incharge - Faculty & staff: Mr.S. Sakthivel & Mr. N. Murugesan, Mr. Dhanasekaran
Machine Shop
Area : 50’3”X 59’10” = 2972.73 Sq.ft
Lab In charge – Faculty & staff:: Dr.G.Venkatchalam & P.Manikandan
Strength Materials Laboratory
Area : 50’2”X 30”=1506 Sq.ft
Lab In charge – Faculty & staff: Dr.S.Jeyaprakasam & Mr. S. Gowtham
Dynamics Laboratory
Area : 61’ x 47’5””= 2897.50 Sq.ft
Lab In charge - Faculty & staff: Mr.K.S.Karthick & Mrs.R. Jeevitha

Special Laboratory

Research Laboratory
Area : 29’8”X36” = 1072.80 Sq.ft
Lab Incharge – Faculty & staff: Dr.A.Kumaravel & R.Jeevitha
CMM Laboratory
Area : 20 X 11’9”” = 236 Sq.ft
Lab In charge – Faculty & staff: Dr.G.Mylsami & S.Dhanakumar
CNC Laboratory
Area : 29’8”X36” = 1072.80 Sq.ft
Lab Incharge - Faculty & staff: Dr.G.Venkatachalam & P.Manikandan
Additive Manufacturing Laboratory
Area : 17’6” X 23’1” = 403.95 Sq.ft
Lab In charge - Faculty & staff: Mr.M.Prasath & S.Dhanakumar
Project Laboratory
Area : 17’6” X 23’1” = 403.95 Sq.ft
Lab In charge - Faculty : Dr.K.Raja

Industry supported laboratory

Fluid Mechanics & Fluid Machinery Laboratory by Ponni Sugars Erode Ltd
Area : 50’2”X 30” = 1506 Sq.ft
Name of the Industry: Ponni Sugars Limited, Erode
Type of Support: Pump, cut section model, valves etc.
Lab In charge – Faculty: Dr.K.Mohan & Staff : Mr.A.Ayyavu
Heat Transfer Laboratory supported by Legion Brothers
Area Size - 60.8 X 29.2
Name of the Industry: Legion Brothers, Bangalore
Type of Support: Cut section model for heat exchanger
Lab Incharge – Faculty - Dr. D. Vasudevan & Staff – R. Karthikeyan
Thermal Engineering Laboratory supported by Legion Brothers
Area Size 60.8X 29.2
Name of the Industry: Legion Brothers
Type of Support: Cut section model for engine block
Lab Incharge - Faculty & staff : Dr.D.Vasudevan
Design center supported by Autodesk India Ltd, & Altair
Area Size 15.6 m X 9.35 m = 145.86 sq m
Name of the Industry: ALTAIR
Type of Support: Software AutoCAD, Fusion 360
Lab Incharge – Dr. K. Santhanam &Mr. S. Shanmugam

Seminar/Conference Hall

Seminar/Conference Hall
Seating Capacity : 180

Class Rooms

Area Size : 32’75” x 28’
No of classes : 07

Department Library

Department Library
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Research Centres (Anna University Research Center No. 4260717)

S.No. Particulars No's
1. Ph.D. Doctorates 14
2. Ph.D. Supervisors 10
3. Ph.D. Pursuing 12
4. Ph.D. Completed 25


S.No. Academic Year Name of the Funding Agency Title of the proposal/ Project Investigator(s) Amount
Sanctioned (Rs.)
Duration Sanction
Order No.
1. 2023-24 Technology Development Programmes (TDP) - DST SEMI-Automated BSFL farm for municipal wet waste to enhance circular bioeconomy Dr. Kumaravel A
Dr. Kathirselvam M
42,08,000 3 Years TPN-94216/29.01.2024 Ongoing
2. 2023-24 Fund for Improvement of S&T Infrastructure (FIST) FIST-PROJECT (Level-A) Dr. Gopalakrishnan R. Dr.Kumar P. Dr. Kalpana B. Dr. Kathriselvam M. Dr.Mythili Gnanamangai B. 46,00,00 2 Years SRFST/COLLEGE/2023/1423 Ongoing
3. 2022-23 TNSCST Design and Fabrication of Solar Powered Seed Sprayer Machine Dr.Jeyaprakasam S 7500 06 Months TNSCST/SPS/BS/2022-2023-EME-0318 Completed
4. 2022-23 CADALAN Offshore Private Limited Modeling and analysis of Y Type 18 inch strainer Dr.Santhanam K. Mr.Tamilarasu P Mr.Balaji B Mr.Moorthi M Mr.Gunasekhar S 80,000 8 months - Completed
5. 2021-22 All India Council for Technical Education Idea Lab Dr. Kumaravel A 1,13,62,000 2 years AICTE/Idea20200075/2021 Completed
6. 2019-20 TNSCST Smart Trolley Kathirselvam M 7,500 06 Months TNSCST/SPS/AR/2019-2020 Compled
7. 2019-20 AICTE-RPS MODROBS Dr.Kumaravel A 16,23,922 2 years 9-240/idc/modrobs/policy-1/2019-20 Completed
8. 2019-20 AICTE-RPS Investigation on Emission control in direct injection LHR Diesel Engine attached with electrically controlled EGR operated on oxygenated fuel blend doped with nano particles Dr.Murugesan A 12,12,000 3 years 8-29/RFID/RPS/POLICY-1/2016-2017 Completed


S.No. Academic Year Name of the Funding Agency Title of the proposal/ Project Investigator(s) Amount
Sanctioned (Rs.)
Duration Sanction
Order No.
1. 2023-24 Ponni Sugars Modern Technology and Energy Efficient Equipment & Machinery for Energy Economy Dr.K.Mohan
1,00,000 One Day 408094 Completed
2. 2019-20 STTP - AICTE Smart Materials for Intelligent Future: Industrial and Defence Perspective Dr.Kumaravel A Kathirselvam M 2,79,900 06 Days Ref.No.34-65/316/RIFD/STTP/Policy-1/2018-19 Completed
3. 2018-19 FDP – Anna University Dynamics of Machines Dr. Kumaravel A 30,000 05 Days Lr.No.30/CFD/MoM-PSCM/Summer/Online FDTP/UD, Constituent, RO & SF/2021-340 Completed


S.No. Academic Year Book Chapters Journals Conference
National International National International
1. 2023-24 02 - 11 - 08
2. 2022-23 01 19 25 30 15
3. 2021-22 - - 09 - 45
4. 2020-21 02 - 15 35 -
5. 2019-20 - - 20 - -

Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)

S.No. Academic Year Patents Copyrights
Filed Published Granted Filed Granted
1. 2023-24 02 13 03 06 -
2. 2022-23 01 02 - - -
3. 2021-22 - 01 - - -
4. 2020-21 01 - - - -


T25 Digital Ultra-Turrax Homogenizer
Computerized Single Cylinder Diesel Engine Equipped with Electronic Controlled EGR System and Port Fuel Injector.
Computerized Multi Fuel Variable Compression Ratio (VCR) Engine with Data Acquisition System Test Rig
Computerized Single Cylinder Four Stroke Diesel Engine Loaded with Eddy Current Dynamometer.
AVL 444 Di Gas Analyzer
AVL 437 Standard Smoke Meter
Wear Test Rig - Pin on Disc Equipment
Digital Display Izod Impact Testing Machine
Heat Transfer Analysis of Fins Using Data Acquisition System
Coordinate Measuring Machine
Stir casting cum squeeze casting machine


S.NO. Academic Year Name of faculty (Chief Consultant) Client Organization Title of Consultancy of project Duration Amount received (in Rupees)
1. 2023–24 Dr.M.Gnanasekaran SLS Engineers, Coimbatore Design and Fabrication using Plasma Cutting Machine 3 Months 50,000
2. 2023–24 Dr.M.Gnanasekaran Sri Akshara Hitech, Coimbatore CNC Machining 3 Months 50,000
3. 2023–24 Dr.G.Mylsami Anand Motor Industries, Pallipalayam Casing Material Testing 6 Months 1,00,000
4. 2023–24 Mr.P.Prakash RP 3D Systems 3D Printing 2 Months 50,000
5. 2023–24 Dr.K.Mohan Maxwell Auto Component, Coimbatore Pattern making 6 Months 1,00,000
6. 2023–24 Mr.S.Venkatesan Sri Krishna Enterprise CAM Design 6 Months 1,00,000
7. 2022–23 Dr.K.Raja CADALAN offshore Private Limited, Coimbatore Modeling and Analysis of Gas free Non Return Valve 4 Months 80,000
8. 2022–23 Dr.P.S.Sampath Sree Vari Yarn Mills B.Komarapalayam 638183 Maintanence of Textile Machinery, Yarn Quality Improvement and Man Power Training 6 Months 1,15,000
9. 2022–23 Dr.K.Santhanam CADALAN offshore Private Limited, Coimbatore Modeling and Analysis of Basket Strainer 2 Months 40,000
10. 2021–22 Dr. Kumaravel A Magna Tronix, West Mambalam, Chennai -6000033 Analyse the Vibrating Screen Machine Using Finite Element Method 6 Months 1,80,000
11. 2021–22 Dr. Jeyaprakasam S SRI Chakkra Agri Industry, 387/2, C. Vellore Road, Kabilar Malai Post, Paramathi velur Taluk, Namakkal – 638182 Design and Development of Solar Seed Drier 3 Months 75,000
12. 2021–22 Prasath M Olive Bio products Private Limited, Chinnathambi palayam, Anthiyur - 638501 Reverse Engineering in Areca Leaf Plate Die 1 Month 30,000
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S.NO. Date of Signing Organization Validity
1. 13.07.2023 MACBRO Technology India Pvt. Ltd. Erode 3 Years
2. 19.12.2023 Prime Tech, Chennai 3 Years
3. 04.04.2024 Sri Ranga Polymer, Karur 3 Years
1. 26.08.2022 Sri Navasakthi Paper Boards, Tiruchengode 3 Years
2. 26.09.2022 Legion Brothers, Bengalore 3 Years
3. 09.02.2023 Coexin Technologies, Healthcare Private Limited, Kozhikode 3 Years
1. 03.12.2021 Ponni Sugars (Erode) Ltd, Pallipalyam 3 Years
1. 17.03.2021 Paranthaman Exporters, Erode 3 Years
2. 02.04.2021 Maxwell Auto Components Pvt. Ltd, Coimbatore 3 Years
3. 23.06.2020 PRD Rigs India Pvt.Ltd,Tiruchengode 3 Years
4. 23.06.2020 Sony Rigs and Hydraulics Pvt.Ltd,Tiruchengode 3 Years

Centre of Excellence

S.NO. Centre of Excellence
1. MACBRO Centre of Excellence in CAD
2. Centre of Sustainable Energy Studies (cenSES) Centre of Excellence
3. Auto Desk Fusion 360 Centre of Excellence for Modeling and Simulation
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S.No. Academic Year Type of the Event Student Name Participated / Price Won
1. 2024-25 Seminar on Green Manufacturing in The Institution of Engineers (India) A.R.Someswharan, P.Vijayprabhakar, S.Prithiv Raj I Prize
2. 2024-25 Technical Quiz R.Shivakumar A.Harini I Prize
3. 2023-24 Techanical Paper Presentation Vijayalakshmi D Shivakumar R III Prize
4. 2023-24 Coding Vijayalakshmi D Shivakumar R I Prize
5. 2022-23 Technical Symposium Paper Presentation and Technical Quiz Vishvak B, Yogesawaran JJ, Vishal pandey K. I Prize
6. 2021-22 Conference Mouleeswar S. R Participation
7. 2019-20 Paper Presentation Parthipan B II Prize
8. 2019-20 Paper Presentation Dineshkumar V, Karthikeyan S. II Prize
9. 2019-20 Paper Presentation Mithun Addav M, Sahaya Jervin S, Sabinus. II Prize
10. 2019-20 Components Assembly Prince Victor P Meghanathan S.D Dina R II Prize


S.No. Academic Year Type of the Event Student Name Participated / Price Won
1. 2024-25 SAEISS 6th Bicycle Design Challenge 2024 G.Avinesh, M.Ravisankar, E.Raghunath, K.P.Arunachalam, P.Thilageswaran, R.Mohan Prasanth 3rd in Best Design (Shield with Cash Prize of Rs.5,000), 3rd in Overall Performance (Shield with Cash Prize of Rs.15,000)
2. 2023-24 Hackfest-23 Ranjith M I prize Rs. 1,00,000
3. 2023-24 A National Level Kart design & Racing Event season 2 Gowtham M R, Mohamed Aslam M, Pavani Shankar M, Dhanushpranav R, Rajamanickam K, Shankar R, Sridhar S, Yogeswaran J, Kowshigan R, Sandeep K, Dinesh M, Manoj C, Abishek C, Athish S, Depan M, Elamurugan S, Pradhiban G, Pridhivraj S, Rajkumar L, Jeyasheelan D, Surya K, Thennavan M, Vignesh R, Sriprasanna T A, Nandhikesh C S, Abiner Philp, Kandharaj M, Mariamervin M, Ravishankar M, Avinesh G, Sriharan S. Overall championship in 130cc Rs.25000, Best build quality award in 130cc - Rs.3000, Autocross in 130cc - Rs.3000, Kalpana chawla award - Rs.5000.
4. 2023-24 2nd National level Karting Championship "RUSH HOUR 2023" Gowtham M R, Mohamed Aslam M, Rajamanickam K, Yogeswaran J, Kowshigan R, Sandeep K, Pradhiban G, Pridhivraj S, Ravishankar M, Avinesh G, Sriharan S, Kandharaj M, Shankar R, Thennavan M, Rajkumar L, Sriprasanna s, Athish S, Deepan M, Arunchalam K. BMC Award, Best Team Spirit Award.
5. 2023-24 Best Engineering College Student Prithiv Raj S Dr.APJ.Abdul Kalam award
6. 2023-24 Tier II GD & T Mohammed Apsal S, Naveen Kumar M, Somesaran A R. First Position
7. 2023-24 Sheetmetal Competition National Level Student Convention Sri Haran S, Avinesh G, Jaganathbalaji N, First Position
8. 2023-24 Welding Competition Kesavan R R, Jaivikas S, Gibi M. Third Position
9. 2023-24 Computer Aided Manufacturing Competition Sri Maha Vishnu R, Naveen Kumar G, Kannan M, Third Position
10. 2023-24 Sheetmetal Competition Sri Haran S, Avinesh G, Jaganathbalaji N. Second Position
11. 2023-24 Mobile App Development Siva S Third Position
12. 2023-24 SAEISS Bicycle Design Challenge Raghunath E, Diyaneshvar R Y, Janarthan S, Martin James G, Ravishankar M. Team Dream Warriors
13. 2023-24 SAEISS Bicycle Design Challenge Martin James G, Janarthan S, Diyaneshvar R Y, Dharanidharan R, Raghunath E. Dream Warriors
14. 2023-24 Workshop on SAEISS Bicycle Design Challenge Janarthan V, Bhaskar S, Jaivikas S, Avinrsh G, Arunchalam K P. Precision Pioneers
15. 2023-24 SAEISS Bicycle design Challenge 2024 Arunchalam K P, Krishna Kumar J, Jaivikas S, Bhaskar S, Janarthanan V, Avinesh G. Best Presentation First Prize
16. 2023-24 SAEINDIA Southern section Dr.G.Padmanabham Memorial electric two wheeler design competition 2024 Deepan M, Kamalesh B, Nithish A, Jaganathbalaji N, Navishnu R, Sakthivel M, Kaushal S, Nithilan S, Prithiv Raj S, Ragavan T S, Chandra Kumar E. Phoenixeon Participation
17. 2023-24 SAEINDIA Southern section Dr.G.Padmanabham Memorial electric two wheeler design competition 2024 Navishnu R, Jaganathbalaji N, Sri Maha Vishnu R, Prithiv Raj S, Kannan M. Phoenixeon Participation
18. 2022-23 GoKart Dhanush S, Naveen Kumar C, Chanduru V M, Mohammad Anas, Vivekanandhan M, Manu Barath K, Sanjeeth R, Humza N, Mohammed Farooq V R, Niketh S, Arjun K, Rajamanickam K, Mohamed Aslam M, Yogeshwaran J J, Gowtham M R. I prize Rs.15000
19. 2022-23 ICT Academy Arjun V S, Kalaiarasan E, Sri Rangavasalu N, Abishek.M, Mohammed Fyasi. I prize
20. 2022-23 ISTE V.S Arjun Best Student Award
21. 2021-22 Project Contest Dhanush S, Dharaneesh A, Mohan Bharathi K. I Prize
22. 2021-22 Project Contest Sanjayrajan V, Sandhieep K R, Shankar P V. II Prize
23. 2021-22 Project Contest Guna S, Gunaseelan G, Afzal Hassan Z. III Prize
24. 2020-21 India Design Week Competition 2022 Arjun V S, Kalaiarasan E, Sri Rangavasalu N, Abishek.M, Mohammed Fyas. I Prize
25. 2020-21 National Level Technical Symposium R.Dina,E.Prasath I Prize
26. 2020-21 ISTE Neresh P ISTE Best Student Award
27. 2019-20 Go - Kart Abdul Wahid.T, Ezhilarasan.V, Hari.G, Naviyarasan R, Rithish R, Abinav.R.G, Sasibalan.S, Siva Kumar.A. Championship with Cash Prize Rs. 1,10,500
28. 2019-20 Go - Kart Abdul Wahid.T, Ezhilarasan.V, Hari.G, Naviyarasan R, Rithish R, Abinav.R.G, Sasibalan.S, Siva Kumar A. First Prize in Business Plan and Acceleration Test (Prize Rs. 25,000)
29. 2019-20 BAJA Abdul Wahid.T, Ezhilarasan.V, Hari.G, Naviyarasan R, Rithish R, Abinav.R.G, Sasibalan.S, Siva Kumar A. Maneuverability Test (First Price): 15,000/- Suspension Test (Second Price): 10,000/- Overall, Runner Up:40,000/-
30. 2019-20 Clay Sculpting Kavin Kumar S III Prize
31. 2019-20 Short Film CharanRaj V, Harshad Gajanan Shivpuje,Vinothan V. I Prize
32. 2019-20 Clay Sculpting Competition Sandeep P R, Gokulraj C Naveenkumar G, Kavinkumar S. Won 3rd Prize with The Cash Prize Of 3000
33. 2019-20 Paper Presentation Sasikumar P R, Vishal Pandey K. Won 1st Prize with The Cash Prize of 1000/- in Paper Presentation
34. 2019-20 Technical Quiz Saranraj N Won 1st Prize with The Cash Prize of 1000
35. 2019-20 Technical Quiz Yogeshwaran J J Won 1st Prize with The Cash Prize of 1000
36. 2019-20 RC Plane Competition Vishnuram M K Won 2nd Prize with The Cash Prize of 5000/- in Aero Crew Aviation


S.No. Academic Year Type of the Event Student Name Participated / Price Won
1. 2024-25 All India Inbitational karate and Kobudo Championship Dharneeshwaran S.M. I Place
2. 2023-24 Men's Doubles Open Badminton Tournament Lokesh K, Suryaraj K. III Place
3. 2023-24 Tamilnadu State Amateur Kickboxing Championship - 2024 Venkatesh Kannan S Bronze Medal (3rd place)
4. 2023-24 Kick Boxing (Theni District Amateur Kickboxing Association) Venkatesh Kannan S I Price & Gold Medal
5. 2023-24 Basketball Marthamuthu V III Place
6. 2023-24 Volleyball Thennavan M III Place
7. 2023-24 Basketball Parthiban G Silver
8. 2023-24 Basketball Thennavan M Silver
9. 2022-23 Volleyball Mathanpandian T Gold
10. 2022-23 Kabbadi Prakash V Gold
11. 2022-23 Volleyball Rithikrashan S Gold
12. 2022-23 Kabbadi Yuvaraj M Gold
13. 2022-23 Basketball Saisudharsan N Gold
14. 2022-23 Basketball Mouleeswaran S Gold
15. 2022-23 Kabbadi Rishikaran G Gold
16. 2022-23 Volleyball Mohamedparvees M Silver
17. 2022-23 Cricket Rakshan S.V Silver
18. 2022-23 Volleyball Rahul M Silver
19. 2022-23 Volleyball Rokesh R Silver
20. 2022-23 Volleyball (above 19) Srinivas S Silver
21. 2022-23 Football (above 19) Siva K Bronze
22. 2022-23 Hockey Shanmugaprasath S Bronze
23. 2022-23 Football Sathishkumar G Bronze
24. 2022-23 Hockey(above19) Premnath M Bronze
25. 2022-23 Football Subramanium M Bronze
26. 2021-22 Kabbadi (U19) Mohamed Thoufiq S Gold
27. 2021-22 Kabbadi (above19) Mohamed Thoufiq S Gold
28. 2021-22 Football Nishanth S Runner
29. 2021-22 Kabbadi Siva KK Winner
30. 2021-22 Badminton Survaraj K I Place
31. 2021-22 Badminton Lokesh K I Place
32. 2021-22 Badminton Survaraj K I Place
33. 2021-22 Badminton Paneerselvam A I Place
34. 2021-22 Basket Ball Rakesh R I Place
35. 2021-22 Basket Ball Sanjeeth R I Place
36. 2021-22 Badminton Paneerselvam A II Place
37. 2021-22 Badminton Harish K II Place
38. 2021-22 Badminton Lokesh R II Place
39. 2021-22 Football Biju P III Place
40. 2021-22 Football Lokesh R III Place
41. 2021-22 Football Paramesh G III Place
42. 2021-22 Kho Kho Premnath M III Place
43. 2020-21 Hockey Krishnan T II Place
44. 2020-21 Hockey Gudivarasu M II Place
45. 2020-21 Hockey Aakash S II Place
46. 2020-21 Hockey Deepak A II Place
47. 2020-21 Volleyball Gowtham P III Place
48. 2020-21 Volleyball Mohamad Parvees M III place
49. 2020-21 Volleyball Aakash S III place
50. 2020-21 Volleyball Krishnamoorthi S III place
51. 2020-21 Basketball Aakash S III place
52. 2020-21 Kho-Kho SivaRanjith K III place
53. 2020-21 Dance Prabhuram M I Place
54. 2020-21 Badminton Lokesh L I Place
55. 2020-21 Badminton Survaraj K I Place
56. 2020-21 Tennis Survaraj K III place
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Chatbot: Hello, This is Kalki!✨,your Virtual Admissions Counsellor. Let's Talk!
Chatbot: Welcome to K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology (KSRCT). Let's start the chat by selecting one from the below.

SPARK Association

    Office Bearers:
    Faculty President: Dr.A.Murugesan, HOD/Mech, KSRCT
    Faculty Coordinators: Mr.S.Sakthivel, AP/Mech, Mr.S.Karthick, AP/Mech
    President: Mr.SL.Lingashwaran ,III Year
    Secretary: Mr.N.Jaganathbalaaji, III Year
    Vice-President: Mr.G.S.Priyan , II Year
    Treasurer: Mr.M.Kannan, III Year
    Joint Treasurer: Mr.R.Jothi Krishnan, II Year
    Joint Secretary: Mr.N.Surya, II Year
    Association Memebers: All the Students of Mechanical Engineering
    Academic year : 2024 - 25
S.NO. Date Event Title of the Event
1. 28.08.2024 Inaugration SPARK Association
2. 28.08.2024 Guest Lecture Career Opportunities for Mechanical Engineers in Core Industries
3. 14.10.2024 Guest Lecture Product Life Cycle Management
4. 19.11.2024 Guest Lecture Application of AI and Machine Learning in CAD
    Academic year : 2023 - 24
S.NO. Date Event Title of the Event
1. 12.03.2024 Guest Lecture Job Opportunities & innovation Technology for youth in the Developing World
2. 11.01.2024 Guest Lecture Advances in modern Machining
3. 09.11.2023 Guest Lecture Design of Values and its maintenance
4. 27.09.2023 Guest Lecture Modern tool usage in mechanical Engineering
5. 30.08.2023 Guest Lecture Entrepreneurial opportunities in hydraulic Routing and Heavy Automotive Sectors
6. 11.08.2023 Guest Lecture Dynamics of Heated Structures
    Academic year : 2022 - 23
S.NO. Date Event Title of the Event
1. 26.09.2022 Guest Lecture Entrepreneur Scope for Mechanical Engineers
2. 19.05.2023 Valedictory function Association Valedictory function academic year 2022-23
    Academic year : 2021 - 22
S.NO. Date Event Title of the Event
1. 05.06.2021 Virtual Webinar Virtual Webinar on “Key Technological Innovations in Automotive Seat Manufacturing
2. 28.08.2021 Virtual Webinar Virtual Webinar on “New technology innovations for space applications - Mechanical Engineering perspective
3. 04.05.2022 Hand on training Vibration analysis using Ansys Work Bench

Professional Body


    Name of the profession Body: Indian Society of Technical Education (ISTE)
    Membership Details: 96
    Academic year : 2023 - 24
S.NO. Date Event Title of the Event
1. 11.01.2024 Guest Lecturer Advances in Modern Machining
    Membership Details: 181
    Academic year : 2022 - 23
S.NO. Date Event Title of the Event
1. 14.02.2023 Workshop Emerging Technologies and Career opportunities for an Engineering Graduates
2. 01.09.2022 Techno Quiz ISTE Staff Members
    Membership Details: 211
    Academic year : 2021 - 22
S.NO. Date Event Title of the Event
1. 01.04.2022 Workshop Entrepreneurial Ideas for Mechanical Engineers
2. 12.11.2021 Techno Quiz Innovations in Non-Conventional IC Engines
    Membership Details: 80
    Academic year : 2020 - 21
S.NO. Date Event Title of the Event
1. 29.04.2021 Student Convention 19th Annual ISTE TN Engineering Students Convention
2. 30.04.2021 Student Convention 8th Annual ISTE TN Polytechnic Students Convention
    Membership Details: 135
    Academic year : 2019 - 20
S.NO. Date Event Title of the Event
1. 27.08.2019 Guest Lecturer Entrepreneurship Opportunities in India
2. 15.10.2019 Internal Events Free Hand Sketching


    Name of the profession Body: Institution of Engineers (IEI)
    Membership Details: 53
    Academic year : 2023 - 24
S.NO. Date Event Title of the Event
1. 12.03.2024 Guest Lecture Job Opportunities & innovation Technology for youth in the Developing World
2. 11.01.2024 Guest Lecture Advances in modern Machining
3. 09.11.2023 Guest Lecture Design of Values and its maintenance
4. 27.09.2023 Guest Lecture Modern tool usage in mechanical Engineering
5. 30.08.2023 Guest Lecture Entrepreneurial opportunities in hydraulic Routing and Heavy Automotive Sectors
6. 11.08.2023 Guest Lecture Dynamics of Heated Structures


    Name of the profession Body: Indian Welding Society (IWS)
    Membership Details: 60
    Academic year : 2023 - 24
S.NO. Date Event Title of the Event
1. 18.03.2024 Workshop Welding for Begineers
    Academic year : 2022 - 23
S.NO. Date Event Title of the Event
1. 10.02.2023 Workshop Recent Trends in Welding Technology
2. 12.11.2022 Workshop One Day Workshop on Non Destructive Testing
    Academic year : 2021 - 22
S.NO. Date Event Title of the Event
1. 23.03.2022 Workshop Recent Trends in Welding Technology
2. 12.11.2021 Seminar Modern Welding Techniques
    Academic year : 2020 - 21
S.NO. Date Event Title of the Event
1. 15.03.2021 Workshop Recent Trends in Welding Technology
2. 27.12.2020 Seminar Modern Welding Techniques
    Academic year : 2019 - 20
S.NO. Date Event Title of the Event
1. 18.02.2020 Workshop Recent Trends in Welding Technology
2. 23.11.2019 Seminar Modern Welding Techniques


    Name of the profession Body: lndian Institute of Welding (IIW)
    Membership Details: 27
    Academic year : 2024 - 25
S.NO. Date Event Title of the Event
1. 09.11.2024 One Day Workshop Advances in Welding Technology


    Name of the profession Body: lndian Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ISHRAE)
    Membership Details: 33
    Academic year : 2024 - 25
S.NO. Date Event Title of the Event
1. 29.11.2024 One Day Workshop Exposure to District Cooling System

Cells & Clubs

    Name of the Cells/Clubs: SAEINDIA
    Faculty Advisor: Dr. K.Raja, Assistant Professor & Mr.B.Balaji, Assistant Professor
    Students’ Chairperson: Mr. A.R. Someshwaran, IV Year

KSRCT SAEINDIA Collegiate Club is functioning for the welfare of engineering students to excel in this mobility world. The club comprises of Students and faculty members from the Mechanical Engineering and other Engineering Departments. It is actively involving in various technical innovative disciplines/competitions/challenges under by SAEINDIA. We organized a various events such as student convention, guest lectures and workshop on the topics of recent trends in automobile. We hosted events organized by SAEINDIA Southern Section for the benefit of the students.

Academic Year Members # Internal Activities Seminar/Workshop # SAEINDIA Southern Section (SAEISS) Competition/Challenge Participated
Faculty Students
2024-25 05 55 01 04
2023-24 04 68 05 04
2023-24 04 57 03 06
2021-22 02 50 03 01
2020-21 02 50 03 -
2020-21 02 50 01 -


Team PRECISION PIONEERS - II received award for 3rd Price in Best design (Cash Prize of Rs 5000) & 3rd in Overall Performance (Cash Prize of Rs 15000) from SAEISS 6th Bicycle Design Challange on 26.10.2024 & 27.10.2024

Dr. K. Raja Received the Appreciation award from SAEINDIA Southern Section on 19.10.2024

Mr. B. Balaji Received the Appreciation award from SAEINDIA Southern Section on 19.10.2024

Dr.M.Kathirselvam, Received Best Young Engineer Award from Institution of Engineers (India) – Salem Local Chapter on 16.09.2024

Dr.D.Vasudevan, Received Best Engineer Award from Institution of Engineers (India) – Salem Local Chapter on 16.09.2024

Mr. Avinesh G, Received Best Student Award from Institution of Engineers (India) – Salem Local Chapter on 16.09.2024

Mr. Sri Mahavishnu R K, Received Student Engineer Award from Institution of Engineers (India) – Salem Local Chapter on 16.09.2024

Dr.A.Murugesan Prof & Head, “Excellence in Teaching and Administration” Awarding agency- Department of Botany, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore On 29.7.2024.

Dr.A.Kumaravel, Prof & Dean Administration, “Excellence in Teaching and Administration” Awarding agency- Department of Botany, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore On 29.7.2024.

All India Seminar on “Green Manufacturing: Sustainable Materials for Future Applications, Sponsered by IEI Salem on 01.08.2024 & 02.08.2024

Workshop on SAEISS 6th Bicycle Design Challenge on 03.08.2024 & 04.08.2024

SAEINDIA Student Convention 2024 Tier-I Events on 30.08.2024 & 31.08.2024

BEST PRESENTATION AWARD with Cash Prize Rs.10,000/- in SAEISS Bicycle Design Challenge-2024 on 25.02.2024
SAEISS Student Convention 2024 Tier –III Sheet Metal Event Winner on 16.03.2024
Dr. K.Raja received Leadership Award from SAEISS Award Ceremony on 21.10.2023
Best Performer award and Best assembler award with cash prize of Rs.6000/- in SAEISS National Level Reverse Engineering Competition 2022 on 11.03.2023.
Dr. R.Rajendran, Chairman - SAEISS appreciated Dr.K.Raja for acted as a Champion for National Level Reverse Engineering Competition 2022 on 11.03.2023.
Dr. K.Raja, Nominated as a Secretary of SAEISS Salem Davison on 01.04.2023
Appreciation for hosting SAEISS Student Convention 2024 Tier –
II Salem Division Events on 16.03.2024.


ASME is a USA based not-for-profit membership organization that enables collaboration, knowledge sharing, career enrichment, and skills development across all engineering disciplines, toward a goal of helping the global engineering community develop solutions to benefit lives and livelihoods. ASME serves a wide-ranging engineering community through quality learning, the development of codes and standards, certifications, research, conferences and publications, government relations, and other forms of outreach.


ASME - KSRCT Student Section

ASME-KSRCT Student Section represents our college globally. The section enriches the engineering student experience and prepares students to enter the professional realm, by providing mentoring, volunteer and leadership opportunities.
Student section members are encouraged to join ASME “national” membership. Membership offers a broad range of benefits for students including career guidance resources, problem-solving tools, scholarship opportunities, industry information and much more. Students can also start building a larger network of individuals in the engineering community that will be helpful as they progress through their career.

About Student Member Benefits

Joining ASME’s student membership community allows you to network with other like-minded individuals, and focus on your professional development skills as you progress through school and into your professional journey.
Membership offers networking events, student competitions, volunteer opportunities, and access to key resources that will open doors when you start your professional career. Take advantage of extensive student benefits, most of which are available at no additional cost or at a substantial discount. The students’ benefits are as follows.

ASME – KSRCT Student Section Office barriers

S.No. Position Name Designation
1. Faculty Advisor Dr. Kumaravel A Dean / Administration
2. Faculty Coordinator Mr. Ramesh C AP/Mech
3. Chair Mr. Megadharsan T Mechanical
4. Vice Chair Mr. Mohankumar K Mechatronics
5. Secretory Ms. Bavanandhika S ECE
6. Joint Secretory Mr. Pushparaj S EEE

Events Participated

Participated in QS Reimagine Education Awards 2023
Participated in QS Reimagine Education Awards 2023

Industry Visit

Academic Year (2023-24)
S. No Name of industry Students Attended Year Date of Visit
1. Sri Kandhan Tex, Thokkavadi 62 II 09.03.2024
2. TVS Mobility Private Limited, Tiruchengode 86 III 02.03.2024
3. Vedagiri HiTech Spinning Mill, Komarapalayam 34 IV 03.02.2024
4. SAN Engineering Solution, Erode 43 III 03.02.2024
5. TVS Mobility,Sankagiri 54 I 06.01.2024
6. Mettur Thermal Power Station-I, Mettur 60 IV 09.11.2023
7. Diesel Loco Shed, Erode 79 III 26.09.2023
Academic Year (2022-23)
S. No Name of industry Students Attended Year Date of Visit
1. Gedee Naidu Museum, Coimbatore 66 II 09.02.2023
2. U R Rao Satellite center, Bangalore 48 II 02.12.2022
7. Energy development company limited, Bangalore 44 IV 04.11.2022
8. S.M Enterprises, Bangalore 44 IV 05.11.2022
9. TVS Mobility, Sankagiri 63 III 27.09.2022
10. PRD Rigs Pvt Ltd, Tiruchengode 45 I 24.11.2022
Academic Year (2021-22)
S. No Name of industry Students Attended Year Date of Visit
1. TVS Mobility, Sankagiri 78 II 13.02.2022
2. Gedee Naidu Museum, Coimbatore 66 III 19.12.2021
3. Lakshmi Mills, Coimbatore 71 IV 22.11.2021
4. PRD Rigs Pvt Ltd, Tiruchengode 79 II 19.11.2021
5. Seshasayee Paper and Boards Limited, Erode 82 III 06.09.2021
Academic Year (2019-20)
S. No Name of industry Students Attended Year Date of Visit
1. PRD Rigs Pvt Ltd, Tiruchengode 73 II 29.02.2020
2. Seshasayee Paper and Boards Limited, Erode 63 III 19.12.2019
3. Lakshmi Mills, Coimbatore 57 IV 06.11.2019
4. Seshasayee Paper and Boards Limited, Erode 69 II 08.09.2019
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