About Department

We Department of Mechatronics Engineering was established in year 2001 with a vision to create qualified mechatronics engineers to serve the automation industry. We department provides B.E., Mechatronics Engineering and M.E., Industrial Safety Engineering with an intake of 60 and 18 respectively. We department has excellent laboratory facilities which include Robotics,Advanced Microcontroller, PLC, CAD/ CAM, Hydraulic and Pneumatic Control, Drone, Research and Embedded laboratory equipped with modern software’s. We department has erudite and highly interactive faculty, well qualified in various spheres of mechatronics & safety engineering. Besides teaching, we department is actively involved in industrial consultancy and conducting training programmes for student, faculty and industrial people.


To become a pioneer in producing competent Mechatronics Engineers, researchers and entrepreneurs through quality education.


  • To produce competent and ethically bound Mechatronics professionals by imparting the technical knowledge and skills through quality teaching learning process.
  • To build an environment that is favourable for employability skills through collaborations with academia and industry
  • To groom the students to focus on higher studies, research, entrepreneurship and be committed to the societal welfare and quality of life by creating an effective ecosystem

The PEOs of UG Programme

    PEO1: Core Competencies: Our graduates apply engineering knowledge to solve problems in Mechatronics and relevant fields.
    PEO2: Employability: Our graduates demonstrate technical and professional skills to ethically address the industrial and societal needs.
    PEO3: Higher Studies, Research and Entrepreneurship: Our graduates pursue higher studies, research and entrepreneurship in diverse fields.

The POs of UG Programme

    PO1: Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
    PO2: Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
    PO3: Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
    PO4: Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
    PO5: Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modelling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations
    PO6: The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
    PO7: Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
    PO8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
    PO9: Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
    PO10: Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with the society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
    PO11: Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
    PO12: Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

The PSOs of UG Programme

Engineering Graduates will be able to:

    PSO1: Specify, design and develop automation systems for the given engineering applications.
    PSO2: Design and evaluate mechatronic systems using the state-of-the-art equipment and software tools.

The PEOs of PG Programme

    PEO1: Fundamental : Graduates of the programme will become professionally competent in the field of Safety, Health and Environment issues, expertise in all sorts of hazard evaluation, risk assessment and safety management systems.
    PEO2: Employability: Graduates of the programme will become principal auditors in pinpointing vulnerable areas, therefore suggesting corrective/preventive actions to industries. They are also highly proficient enough in handling emergency scenario, disaster mitigation and extremely knowledgeable in developing emergency preparedness plan.
    PEO3: Technical Competence: Graduates of the programme will have adequate skill in investigating accidents thereby preventing accident in proactive and reactive approach. They will adhere to Indian and International standards in handling Safety, Health and Environment aspects enhancing lifelong learning and engineering ethical behaviour.

The POs of PG Programme

    PO1: Ability to individually carryout the STEM based (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) research project.
    PO2: Ability to write, present and publish technical articles in reputed international/national conferences and journals.
    PO3: The skill developed by the student should be at a level of higher than the requirements in the appropriate bachelor program.
    PO4: Ability to acquire in depth knowledge of engineering design concepts and application of the same to solve complex engineering problems.
    PO5: Ability to find optimum safe and cost effective solutions in the development of mechanical systems taking into consideration sustainability, societal, environmental and public health aspects.
    PO6: Ability to support professional ethics and social responsibilities consistent with their roles as design engineers.

The PSOs of PG Programme

Engineering Graduates will be able to:

    PSO1: Design and develop an appropriate embedded system for commercial and industrial application by using optimum resources with better performance.

Department Contact

Head of the Department

    99434 42987

Training & Placement Co-ordinator

    99651 67895

Alumni Co-ordinator

    80729 52003

From the Hod's Desk


Professor & Head.,

World Top 2% Scientist

AICTE Faculty ID: 1-461790203  | College ID: CTMTF018

LinkedIn Profile | IRINS ProfileProfile

Dr.S.S.Saravanakumar a Professor & Head in Department of Mechatronics Engineering at K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode, Namakkal District, TamilNadu, India. He completed BE (Mechanical Engineering) in the year 2002 at Raja College of Engineering & Technology and ME (Manufacturing Technology) in the year 2004 at Annamalai University, Chidambaram. Ph.D (Mechanical Engineering) in the year 2014 at Anna University, Chennai . He has 19 years of teaching experience. He has guided 5 Ph.D.Scholars . He has Specialized in the areas of Composite Materials, Nano Hybrid Composites, Applied Materials, Manufacturing Engineering, Hybrid Composite Materials, natural fibers. He has Published 19 Articles in Collaboration with institutions in Outside the Country

Faculty List

Our Intellectuals

Faculty Image


MSME & EDC coordinator

Faculty Image


NBA coordinator

IC Engines–Alternate Fuels

Faculty Image


IC Engines–Alternate Fuels

Treasurer-Alumni Association

Faculty Image


Thermal power Engineering

Faculty Image

Associate Professor

Continuous Quality Improvement

UBA Coordinator

Faculty Image

Associate Professor

Heat Treatment, Composite Materials

Faculty Image

Associate Professor

Energy Harvesting from vibration

Faculty Image

Associate Professor

Engineering Design

Faculty Image

Assistant Professor

VLSI Design

Faculty Image

Assistant Professor

Internal Combustion Engineering

Faculty Image
Mr.S.Hari Prasadh

Assistant Professor

Power System Engineering

Faculty Image
Mr.T.Manoj Kumar

Assistant Professor

Product Design and Development

Faculty Image

Assistant Professor

Industrial Safety Engineering

Faculty Image

Visiting Professor

Industrial Safety Engineering

Faculty Image

Teaching Assistant

Mechatronics Engineering

Our Non-Teaching staffs

Faculty Image


[email protected]

Faculty Image


[email protected]

Faculty Image


[email protected]

Faculty Image


[email protected]

Faculty Image
S. Aiswarya.,MBA

Junior Assistant

[email protected]

Students List

S.no Batch Name-list
1. 2024-28 PDF
2. 2023-27 PDF
3. 2022-26 PDF
4. 2021-25 PDF
5. 2020-24 PDF

Roll of Honours

S.no Batch Roll of Honor
1. 2019-23 Parvesh Ahmed Km
2. 2018-22 Dominic Robince.J
3. 2017-21 Pugalenthi C
4. 2016-20 Saranya M

Distinguished Alumni

In-House Meets

Curriculum & Syllabi

Under Graduate - B.E. Mechatronics Engineering

Regulation R 2022

Batch Syllabi
2024-25 PDF
2023-24 PDF
2022-23 PDF

Regulation R 2018

Batch Syllabi
2021-22 PDF
2020-21 PDF
2019-20 PDF
2018-19 PDF

Regulation R 2014

Batch Syllabi
2017-18 PDF

Post Graduate - M.E. Industrial Safety Engineering

Regulation R 2022

Batch Syllabi
2024-25 PDF
2023-24 PDF
2022-23 PDF

Regulation R 2018

Batch Syllabi
2018-21 PDF

Regulation R 2014

students table starts here
Batch Syllabi
2014-17 PDF

Teaching & Learning

Experiential Learning
Experiential learning with drone involves hands-on experiences and practical application to enhance understanding, skills, and proficiency in using these crucial components of industrial problems. Here's a step-by-step guide for experiential learning with drone
Industrial Visit
Faculty members are actively encouraging and motivating students to undertake projects related to Electric Vehicles, fostering an environment of innovation and learning in this rapidly evolving field. Comprehensive safety measures have been thoroughly introduced and explained, ensuring that everyone is well-versed with the protocols and practices to maintain a safe working environment
Flipped Class
The flipped classroom approach implemented for the subject of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) has proven to be exceptionally beneficial for students, fostering a deeper comprehension of the intricate concepts involved. Through this method, students gain a comprehensive understanding of UAV technologies, applications, and operations, as well as the underlying principles of flight dynamics, control systems, and sensor integration
Group Dicussion
The GD on "Sensors in Automation" with the topic "Solving Chennai's flood problem as a Mechatronics Engineer" prompts collaborative brainstorming on sensor-driven solutions. Participants explore ideas like real-time monitoring systems and automated floodgate mechanisms, enhancing technical skills and fostering innovation. Through this exercise, they develop communication, critical thinking, and ethical decision-making abilities crucial for addressing real-world challenges adeptly.

Role Play
The outcomes of role-playing activities in the SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) topic are profoundly enriching for students, offering them a dynamic and immersive learning experience. By assuming various roles such as system operators, control engineers, and cybersecurity analysts within a simulated SCADA environment, students gain firsthand exposure to the complexities of managing industrial control systems
Seminar presentations
The seminar presentation on medical robots yields valuable outcomes, empowering participants with a deeper understanding of the transformative role of robotics in healthcare. Through engagingThe seminar presentation on medical robots provides attendees with key insights into the evolving landscape of healthcare technology.
Equilibrium of rigid bodies ensures stability in spinwheel activities, where forces and torques balance out to maintain steady motion. Understanding translational and rotational equilibrium is vital for designing spinwheel mechanisms that remain stable during operation.
Word Puzzel
Word Puzzel participants will engage in hands-on demonstrations and experiments to explore fundamental concepts in statics and particles. Through interactive exercises, they will learn about the equilibrium of forces and the behavior of particles at rest or in uniform motion.

Video Lectures

Course Name: Industrial Automation Protocols

Course Name: Hydraulic and Pneumatic Control

Course Name: Robotics and automation

Course Name: Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing

Course Name: Non-Conventional Machining Process

Course Name: Thermal Energy Based Process

Course Name: Chemical and electrochemical energy Based Process

Course Name: Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines

Course Name: Manufacturing Technology

Course Name: Engineering Mechanics

Course Name: Sensors and instrumentation

Course Name: Robotics and Control

Course Name: Engineering Mechanics

Course Name: Drone Technology

Course Name: Industrial Drives and Control

Course Name: Microprocessor and Microcontroller

Course Name: Engineering Drawing

Product Development

Analysis of IoT Based E-Vehicle Battery Efficiency Monitoring System
Lithium Ferro- Phosphate Battery based EV
Delivery Drone

In Touch Power Generated Tiles
Smart Agriculture Drone

Industry Supported Courses

S.No. Date Name Of Course Industry Associated
1. 22.08.2023 Drone Technology Garuda Aerospace Private Limited
2. 05.12.2023 Manufacturing Technology Bharath Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL), Tirchy
3. 26.10.2023 System Design Control ARK Infosolutions, Pvt., Ltd., Coimbatore
4. 14.09.2023 Automobile Technology C Cube Technologies, Erode
5. 07.06.2022 Applied Material Technology Oradnance Factory, Tiruchirappalli
6. 30.09.2022 Manufacturing Technology Velmuruga Engineering Works, Coimbatore
7. 16.02.2023 Hydraulic and Pneumatic Control VIGN Engineering and Services Pvt., Ltd., Chennai
8. 31.01.2023 Machine Design C Cube Technologies, Erode
9. 20.04.2022 Programmable Automation Controllers Genn Automation, Coimbatore.
10. 10.05.2022 Robotics Engineering Sigma Academy, Coimbatore.
11. 19.09.2022 Machine Design Technip Energies India Limited, Chennai
12. 29.03.2021 Theory Of Machines Hyundai Motor India Limited, Chennai
13. 30.03.2021 Industrial Automation Protocols Armada Industrial Automation
14. 19.08.2019 Robotics Engineering Axis Global Automation, Coimbatore
15. 16.08.2019 Microprocessor & Microcontroller Delphi Technologies, Coimbatore

Internship Details

        The students shall undergo mandatory Internship/Industrial training during the summer/winter vacation with prior approval from the Head of the Institution. Mechatronics Engineering students will learn to integrate mechanical, electrical, and software components to create efficient and reliable solutions through their internship. In this case, the training has to be undergone by the students for at least continuous two weeks in an organization and credits shall be awarded as prescribed in the curriculum. Students are permitted to undergo internship in Industry/ University/ Research organization. Credits shall be Internship given for students undergoing internship/doing projects in relevant industry as given below:

Duration of Training/Internship Credits
2 Weeks* 1
4 Weeks 2
8 Weeks & above 3

Academic Year 2024-25

Duration No of Students
2 Weeks 55
4 Weeks 16
6 Weeks 2
8 Weeks 8
Total 81

Academic Year 2023-24

Duration No of Students
2 Weeks 18
3 Weeks 16
4 Weeks 14
8 Weeks 4
12 Weeks 4
Total 56

Academic Year 2022-23

Duration No of Students
4 Weeks 47
5 Weeks 11
8 Weeks 22
Total 80

Academic Year 2021-22

Duration No of Students
2 Weeks 15
3 Weeks 10
4 Weeks 17
6 Weeks 1
8 Weeks 18
12 Weeks 5
Total 66

Academic Year 2020-21

Duration No of Students
2 Weeks 13
4 Weeks 1
7 Weeks 5
8 Weeks 10
12 Weeks 1
Total 30


        Mechatronics engineering students enjoy diverse placement opportunities in industries ranging from automotive and aerospace to consumer electronics and healthcare. With skills in mechanical, electrical, and computer engineering, they are sought after for roles in robotics, automation, and product development.

S.No. Batch No.Of Students Placed Percentage Highest CTC Pdf
1. 2024 37 95 6,15,100 View pdf
2. 2023 49 91 6,15,100 View pdf
3. 2022 34 89 13,40,080 View pdf
4. 2021 70 89.7 4,01,988 View pdf
5. 2020 62 88.5 10,00,000 View pdf


Prime Recruiters list

Higher Education

        Higher education in the field of mechatronics offers students an interdisciplinary approach to engineering that integrates mechanical, electrical, and computer science principles. Mechatronics departments in universities typically offer undergraduate and graduate programs tailored to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of advanced technologies and systems used in various industries.

S.No. Batch Name of the student Name of the Degree Name of the University/institution
1. 2021-22 Nizar Ahmed A M.Sc Business Management University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom
2. 2021-22 Rakesh V M.E., Industrial Safety Engineering K.S. Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode
3. 2020-21 Vijay Krishnan P G M.E. Industrial Safety Engineering Knowledge Institute of Technology, Salem,
Tamil Nadu


        Mechatrains engineering startups capitalize on emerging trends in robotics, automation, and transportation, fostering innovation and attracting investor interest. With a focus on designing and implementing advanced train systems, they contribute to sustainable mobility solutions, addressing growing urbanization challenges

S.No. Student / Faculty Name Start-up Name Registration No. Contact No Email ID
1. Mukeshkanna K Tech Power UDYAM-TN-20-0070703 8248287016 [email protected]
2. Jayasuriya K Aero Crew Aviation UDYAM-TN-14-0040064 8668136543 [email protected]
3. Hari Prasadh S Arone UDYAM-TN-14-0040092 9360843377 [email protected]


        Mechtrains engineering startups capitalize on the rising demand for advanced transportation solutions, offering innovative approaches to rail systems and urban mobility. Leveraging cutting-edge technology and automation, they enhance efficiency, safety, and sustainability in transportation infrastructure.

S.No. Batch Name of the Student Name of the Organization
1. 2021-22 Chandru V M Chandru Enterprises, Namakkal
2. 2020-21 Dinesan S IDOFLY, Chennai
3. 2019-20 Soundhrapandiyan S P SSP Kitting Machines, Pallipalayam

Academic Laboratory

EDC & MPMC Laboratory
Area Size - 169.5 sqft
Faculty & staff - Dr.M.Sasikumar & Mr.P.Ramasamy
Programmable Logic Controller Laboratory
Area Size – 204.0 sqft
Lab Incharge - Faculty & staff - Mrs.V.Indumathi & Mr.S.Senthil
Hydraulic and Pneumatic Control Laboratory
Area Size – 169.5 sqft
Lab Incharge - Faculty & staff - Dr.R.Senthilmurugan & Mr.S.Saravanan
Robotics and Machine Vision Laboratory
Area Size - 169.5 sqft
Lab Incharge - Faculty & staff - Dr.M.Ravi & Mr.P.Ramasamy

Special Laboratory

NICE Laboratory
Area Size - 204.0 sqft
Lab Incharge - Faculty & staff Mrs.V.Indumathi & Mr.T.Ravikumar
Research and product development laboratory
Area Size - 100 ft.sq
Lab incharge Dr.P.Mohanram& S.Hariprasad Staff- S.Saravanan
Drone Design Laboratory
Name of the Industry - Garuda Aerospace Private Limited
Type of Support - Pilot Training
Lab Incharge - Faculty & staff Mr.S.Hari Prasadh & Mrs.S.Gomathi

Industry supported laboratory

Programmable Logic Controller Laboratory
Area Size - 204.0 sqft
Name of the Industry - Armada Industrial Automation
Type of Support - Experiment Kit
Lab Incharge - Faculty & staff Mrs.V.Indumathi & Mr.S.Senthil
Hydraulic and Pneumatic Control Laboratory
Area Size – 169.5 sqft
Name of the Industry - Enthu Technology Solutions
Type of Support - Experiment Kit
Lab Incharge - Faculty & staff - Dr.R.Senthilmurugan & Mr.S.Saravanan
Robotics and Machine Vision Laboratory
Area Size - 169.5 sqft
Name of the Industry - Ausweg Info Control Private Limited
Type of Support - 4 Axis Robot
Lab Incharge - Faculty & staff Dr.M.Ravi & Mr.P.Ramasamy
CAD / CAM Laboratory
Area Size - 169.5 sqft
Name of the Industry - Kagan Industries
Type of Support - Guest Lecture
Lab Incharge - Faculty & staff Dr.A.Ramesh Kumar & Ms. S. Dharani

Seminar/Conference Hall

Seating Capacity - 70

Class Rooms

MC 303
Area Size – 100 ft.sq
MC 208
Area Size – 100 ft.sq

Department Library

Area Size - 1076.39 ft.sq
Area Size - 1076.39 ft.sq

Research Centres

S.No. Particulars Number
1. Ph.D. Doctorates 09
2. Ph.D. Supervisors 05
3. Ph.D. Pursuing 05
4. Ph.D. Completed 05

Project Funding

S.No. Academic Year Agency Title of the Project Amount
1. 2024-25 TANII Training infrastructure for developling UAV and drones funded by TANII 18,00,000
2. 2023-24 MSME Baby Incubator for New born 15,00,000
3. 2023-24 MSME MEDI-QR for Pharmaceutical industry for each tablet 14,00,000
4. 2023-24 MSME Edible Straw Using Oil Cake 14,61,000
5. 2023-24 Niral Thiruvizha Fire Fighting Drone 10,000
6. 2023-24 Niral Thiruvizha Design and Fabrication of Piezoelectric Mat 10,000
7. 2023-24 Niral Thiruvizha Formation of Nanocomposite Embedded With Oleic Acid Modified AI203/Graphene Oxide From Waste Tyres as Coolant for Radiators 10,000
8. 2021-22 Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology (TNSCST) under Student Projects Scheme Development of IoT Based Electric Vehicle Battery Monitoring System 7,500


Google Scholars Scopus Web of Science
Citations 3550 2196 1343
H Index 30 24 21
Publication 188 133 84

S.No. Academic Year Book Chapters Journals Conference
International International
1. 2024-25 1.Interlayer Morphology of Friction Stir Spot Welding
2.Metallurgical transition
3.Thermo-mechanical Analysis
4.Fundamentals of biofuels
06 03
2. 2023-24 - 12 -
3. 2022-23 - 15 08
4. 2021–22 Tribology of Lightweight Materials 11 -
5. 2021–22 Morphology of Recycled Metal Composites - -
6. 2020-21 - 21 -


S.No. Academic Year Patent Copyrights
Filed Published granted Field Published granted
1. 2024-25 30 30 1 4 4 -
2. 2023-24 10 09 - - - -
3. 2022-23 05 05 - - - 05
4. 2021-22 03 03 - - - -
5. 2020-21 02 02 - - - -


S.No. Name of the Major Equipment
1. Muffle Furnace
2. 3D Printer AION 500
3. 3D Scanner Einscan Pro plus
4. Solar Panel
5. Stir & Squeeze casting set up
6. Pin-on-Disc Tribometer
7. Jobber XL CNC Turning Centre
8. PX40 CNC Milling Centre


S.NO. Academic Year Name of the Company Amount(Rs.)
1. 2024-25 DatumAlys 2,00,000
2. 2023-24 Velmurugan Engineering Works 40,000
3. 2022-23 Velmurugan Engineering Works, Coimbatore 35,000
4. 2021-22 Salem Industrial Products, Namakkal 40,000
5. 2020-21 Maruthi Hollow Bricks, Namakkal 2,00,000
6. 2019-20 Flexi Efficads Private Limited, Bangalore 25,000
7. 2018-19 Rodamine Apparel Industries Private Limited, Tiruppur 62,250


S.NO. MoU Date Name of the Company Validity
1. 15.07.2024 AVATAR Robotics 2023-27
2. 25.10.2023 Praya Labs, Thiruvanamalai 2023-24
3. 05.09.2022 Garuda Aerospace Private Limited, Chennai 2022-23
4. 07.03.2022 Enthu Technology Solutions India Private Limited, Coimbatore 2021-22
5. 03.01.2022 Tessolve Semiconductor Private Limited, Bangalore 2021-22
6. 04.12.2022 MSME–Facilitation Center, Chennai 2021-22
7. 12.11.2020 NOVA 3D, Coimbatore 2020-21
8. 12.11.2020 Armada Industrial Automation, Thanjavur 2020-21
9. 01.11.2019 Zhagharam Technology, Erode 2019–20
10. 01.03.2019 Salem Productivity Council, Salem 2018-19

Centre of Excellence

    Parametric Technology Corporation(PTC)
    IDEA Lab


Academic Year No of Participation No of Students Won prizes
2024-25 15 -
2023-24 65 14
2022-23 61 12
2021-22 43 09


Academic Year No of Participation No of Students Won prizes
2024-25 10 -
2023-24 67 19
2022-23 67 12
2021-22 42 08


Academic Year No of Participation No of Students Won prizes
2024-25 10 01
2023-24 23 05
2022-23 24 07
2021-22 17 04

Drone paper presentation at Coimbatore
Won the first place at HACKFEST - 23 by BIT, along with a reward of one lakh cash
Won the third place at VIT Affordable medical device development hackthon
Won the 2023 Best Innovator Award Given away by TEDCO, Madurai

Association - Flourishing Association of Mechatronics Engineers (FAME)

    Office Bearers:
    President: Dr.M.Baskaran
    Vice-President: K.Kalaiselaven
    Treasurer: V.Jaisabari
    Advisory Committee:
      Dr.N.Tiruvenkadam, Professor/MCT
      Dr.C.Vijayakumar Professor/ MCT
      R.Senthil Murugan, Professor/ MCT
      Dr.M.Ravi, Professor/ MCT
    Academic year :2023-24
S.NO. Date Event Title of the Event
1. 07.08.2023 Inauguration The Robotics Society Students Chapter Inauguration
2. 28.07.2023 Guest Lecture Guest Lecture on Technological innovations in Mechatronics for Defence Applications

Professional Body

    Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) Student Chapter
S.NO. Academic year No.of Student Members Number of programs Conducted
1. 2023-24 91 03

Industrial Visit

S.No. Academic Year Date Industry Visited
1. 2024-25 30/08/2024 FANUC INDIA Private Limited, Coimbatore
Industry Visit Image
Industry Visit to PRD Rigs (Paranthaman Exporters), Perundurai
Industry Visit Image
Visit to Essae Gears
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