About Department

The Department of Biotechnology was started in the year 2002, is offering B.Tech., Biotechnology course at UG level and DBT sponsored GAT-B for M.Tech., Biotechnology at PG level. A total of 15 regular and 01 adjunct faculty members along with 05 lab technicians and 02 programmers are engaged in the department activities. A team of well experienced and dedicated faculty members possessing 10 doctorates, with 07 research supervisor. A total of 5 part-time and 4 full-time research scholars are pursuing their Ph.D., programme. Our faculty members are recipient of ‘Young Scientist Award’ and ‘Summer Faculty Research Fellowship from TNSCST, Chennai and Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, respectively. Our students received ‘Student Project Scheme’ from Tamil Nadu State council of Science and Technology (TNSCST), Chennai, ‘Summer Research Fellowship’ from Indian Academy of Sciences (IASc), Bangalore and Indian National Science Academy (INSA), New Delhi. The Department has good publication profile, 05 grant patents, 02 copyrights, 32 books and is funded by sponsoring agencies like DST-FIST, DBT-STAR, NTRF, AICTE-MODROBS, ICMR, MoEF, TNSCST, DST-SERB etc.,

Programmes Offered


To produce competent Scientists, Technologists, Entrepreneurs and Researchers in Biotechnology through quality education.


  • To be recognized as a place of excellence in teaching-learning through continual improvement process
  • To work in close liaison with the industry to achieve socio-economic development through biotechnological ventures
  • To facilitate students to perform as competent professional Biotechnologists

The PEOs of UG Programme

    PEO1: Technical Knowledge: Graduates are professionally competent in Biotechnology to solve problems in environmental, food, biochemical and biomedical engineering and technology
    PEO2: Career Growth: Graduates demonstrate proficiency in theory and practice of biotechniques through life-long learning
    PEO3:Professional Practices: Graduates perform as an individual and / or member of a team with professional and ethical behaviour

The POs of UG Programme

  • PO1: Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
  • PO2: Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
  • PO3: Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
  • PO4: Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
  • PO5: Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
  • PO6: The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal, and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
  • PO7: Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
  • PO8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
  • PO9: Individual and teamwork: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
  • PO10: Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
  • PO11: Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
  • PO12: Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

The PSOs of UG Programme

Engineering Graduates will be able to:

    PSO1: Developing Technocrats: Design and execute industry oriented experiments in biotechnology using modern tools and techniques.
    PSO2: Research and Technology Transfer: Apply the knowledge of bioengineering and Technology to demonstrate research skills and develop technology for commercialization.

Contact Details

Department HoD


98943 32421

[email protected]

Training & Placement Co-ordinator

Dr. Rengesh Balakrishnan

98419 97754

[email protected]

Alumni Co-ordinator

Mr. R. Arulvel

88709 21600

[email protected]

From the Hod's Desk


Associate Professor & Head

AICTE Faculty ID: 1-7459674050 | College ID: CTCEF010

LinkedIn Profile | IRINS Profile | Profile

Mail-ID:[email protected], [email protected]

Dr. B. Kalpana is an Associate Professor in the Department of Biotechnology at K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, with significant academic and research experience. She earned her Ph.D. in Biotechnology from the Indian Institute of Technology Madras in 2021 and holds an M.Tech in Nanoscience and Technology from K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, an M.Phil in Biotechnology from Periyar University, and an M.Sc. in Biotechnology from Alagappa University. Dr. Kalpana's research focuses on biotechnology, nanoscience, and metagenomic analysis of oral microbiomes. She has published extensively, with notable works on nanoparticle synthesis, environmental applications, and microbial diversity in oral health. Her doctoral thesis explored the biofilm microbiome in early childhood caries and the efficacy of plant extracts against carious biofilms. She has received several awards, including the Tamilnadu Young Scientist Award and the Prathista Industries Ltd. Innovation Award. Dr. Kalpana holds a patent for carbon nanotube-based electrodes and has deposited numerous microbial sequences in NCBI. Active in the academic community, she has presented her research at various conferences and is a life member of professional bodies such as the Indian Society of Technical Education and the Asian PGPR Society. Dr. Kalpana's contributions to teaching and research continue to inspire her students and peers.

Faculty List

2024-25 - View here

Our Intellectuals

Faculty Image
Dr.Puniethaa Prabhu


Bioinformatics, Computational Biology

Faculty Image
Dr.S. Sidhra


Biochemistry and Animal studies

Faculty Image
Dr. K. Syed Zameer Ahmed

Associate Professor

Biochemistry and Animal studies

Faculty Image
Dr. Rengesh Balakrishnan

Associate Professor

Waste valorization, Upstream process development, Kinetic modelling

Faculty Image
Dr. K. Kavitha

Associate Professor

Bio Technology

Faculty Image
Dr. B. Mythili Gnanamangai

Associate Professor

Nanobiotechnology and Food Microbiology

Faculty Image
Dr. A. Karthik

Associate Professor

Nanocomposite Coating

Faculty Image
Dr. S. Nadana Sabapathi

Associate Professor

Bio Chemistry

Faculty Image

Assistant Professor

Plant Biotechnology

Faculty Image
Ms. P. Divya

Assistant Professor

Nanobiotechnology,Aquaculture, Microbiology, Genetics engineering

Faculty Image
Dr. J. S Swathy

Assistant Professor

Nanobiotechnology,Aquaculture, Microbiology, Genetics engineering

Faculty Image
Ms. M.S Kalaiarasi

Assistant professor

Biopharmaceutical technology, Cell culture techniques, Plant extraction studies and Docking studies.

Faculty Image
Mr. R.Arulvel

Assistant Professor

Enzyme Engineering, Bioprocess and Plant phytochemicals

Faculty Image
Ms. S.Rubavathi

Assistant Professor

Microbiology, Downstream Processing

Faculty Image
Dr. Piyush Kumar Gupta

Adjunct Faculty

Biomaterials development and Nanotoxicology

Supporting Staff

Faculty Image
Mr. P.Manojkumar.,M.Tech.,

Lab Instructor

[email protected]

Faculty Image
Ms. R. Kokila,M.sc.,

Lab technician

[email protected]

Faculty Image
Mrs. K.E.Shanthi,B.Com CA., PGDCA.,


[email protected]

Faculty Image


[email protected]

Faculty Image

Lab Assistant

[email protected]

Faculty Image

Lab Assistant

[email protected]

Faculty Image

Lab Assistant

[email protected]

Faculty Image

Lab Assistant

[email protected]

Faculty Image

Lab Assistant

[email protected]

Faculty Image
Ms. R.Swetha,B.Sc.,

Lab Assistant

[email protected]

Students List


S.no Batch Name-list
1 2024-28 PDF
2 2023-27 PDF
3 2022-26 PDF
4 2021-25 PDF


S.no Batch Name-list
1 2024-26 PDF
2 2023-25 PDF
3 2022-24 PDF

Role of Honours

S.no Batch Roll of Honor
1 Priyavashini P 2019-23
2 Elavarasan M 2018-22
3 Sathish Kumar N K 2017-21
4 Aishwarya V M 2016-20
5 Rajeswari S 2015-19
6 Ghanapathy Ram K S 2014-18
7 Vishnu Priyan V 2013-17
8 Jerlin J & Priyanga R 2012-16
9 Deepak Kumar P 2011-15
10 Geetha Rani Y 2010-14
11 Brindhashree S M 2009-13
12 Hemalatha K 2008-12
13 Ardra P 2007-11
14 Sindhuja R 2006-10
15 Yamini Abhinaya R 2005-09
16 Vinoth Edal Joseph S 2004-08
17 Lakshmi Priya R 2003-07
18 Srividya S 2002-06

Distinguished Alumni

S.no Batch Name of the Alumni Designation
1. 2022-24 Mr. Naresh S Assistant Manager Innovative foods Limited Cittoor, Andhra Pradesh
2. 2022-24 Ms. Nivinaya Priya L QMS Specialist NATEC Medical Ltd., Moka 80829, Mauritius
1. 2021-23 Mr. Kamalnath S PhD Scholar, School of Engineering, University of Limerick, Ireland
2. 2020-24 Ms. Sowmiyamathi S Quality Control Omega Health Care
3. 2020-24 Mr. Elayabarathi M V Associate Analyst , Zifo Technology, Chennai
4. 2020-24 Ms. Madhumitha A Quality Control Corro Health Infotech, Coimbatore
5. 2020-24 Mr. Dhanush S M.Tech., Biotechnology, Karunya University
6. 2020-24 Ms. Sunfiya R Quality Control Gromore Biotech, Hosur
7. 2020-24 Mr. Vivek P D Product Executive Biocon
4. 2020-22 Mr. Manimaran V QC Executive, Premas Biotech PVT.Ltd, IMT Manesar, Gurgaon, Haryana
3 2019-23 Mr. S. Swaminathan Technical Assistant, Primas Bioscience PVT, Ltd, Perumduari
4 2019-23 Mr. K. Dinakaran Associate Analyst, Zifo R&D Solutions, Chennai
5 2019-23 Mr. A. Dhanush Kumar Technical Assistant, Primas Bioscience PVT, Ltd, Perumduari
6 2019-23 Mr. T. Mohanapriyan Technical Assistant, Primas Bioscience PVT, Ltd, Perumduari
7 2019-23 Mr. S. Maheswaran Technical Assistant, Primas Bioscience PVT, Ltd, Perunduari
8 2019-23 Ms. P. Priyavarshini Intern, Pasteur Institute of India, Coonoor
9 2019-23 Ms. Mantra M S Biotechnology, University of Essex Colchester Campus, United Kingdom
10 2019-23 Mr. Vijayalakshmi MBA, Periyar Maniammai Institute of Technology, Thanjavur
11 2019-21 Mr. Senthil Nathan Assistant Professor, Vinayaka Mission's Research Foundation Deemed to be University, Salem
12 2018-21 Mr. Vinodh Gunasekaran Quality Specialist, The Coca Cola Manufacturing Unit, Andhra Pradesh
13 2018-21 Mr. Moovin S Quality Specialist, The Cumin Club, Tamil Nadu
14 2018-20 Mrs. P. Karpagavali Project Associate, Department of Biological Science, SRM University, Andhra Pradesh
15 2018-20 Mrs. Divya K Associate, Stelis Biopharma Ltd, Doddabalapur, Bangalore
16 2017-21 Mr. Vishnupriyan V PhD Scholar, Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati
17 2017-21 Mr. Arrshath Roshan J Executive, Biocon Biologics, Bangalore
18 2017-21 Mrs. Saradha T M.Tech Student, P.S.G. College of Technology, Coimbatore
19 2017-21 Mrs. Parthiban P Professor, National Institute of Technology, Trichy
20 2016-20 Mr. Ajith S Executive, Anthem Bioscience, Bangalore
21 2016-20 Mrs. Gowsika SL Associate Analyst, Zifo R&D Solutions, Chennai
22 2016-20 Mr. Deepak S Project Associate, National Productivity Council (NPC), Bengaluru

In-House Meets


Curriculum & Syllabi

Regulation R 2022

Batch Syllabi
2024-28 PDF
2023-27 PDF
2022-26 PDF

Regulation R 2018

Batch Syllabi
2021-25 PDF
2020-24 PDF
2019-23 PDF
2018-22 PDF

Regulation R 2014

Batch Syllabi
2017-21 PDF
2016-20 PDF
2015-19 PDF
2014-18 PDF

Regulation R 2010

Batch Syllabi
2010-14 PDF

Regulation R 2008

Batch Syllabi
2008-12 PDF

Regulation R 2007

Batch Syllabi
2007-11 PDF

Teaching & Learning

Experiential Learning
Students have undergone hands on training on Hydraulic logic circuits of Meter
Group Discussion
The Group discussion session was conducted to get more exposure on composite materials
Experiential Learning
Virtual simulation of force systems for engineering mechanics
The demo session was conducted to get more exposure on material formation
Experiential Learning
The demo session was conducted to get more exposure on various additive manufacturing process
Field Visit
Students visited TVS Mobility on a field trip to gain a thorough understanding of heavy Vehicle engines
Role Play
In order to get clear understanding on value engineering,students have completed their roleplay.
Flipped Class
To Enhance the learning of students for better understanding the concept of stress analysis.

Video Lectures

Agricultural engineering

Bioprocess Technology

Bioresource Technology

Cell Biology and Genetics

Chemical Reaction Engineering

Environmental Biotechnology


Molecular Modelling and Drug Designing


Plant and Animal Biotechnology

Pollution and its management

Industrial Visit

S.No. Academic Year Date Industry Visited
1. 2024-25 27.09.2024 Central Marine Institute, Cochin
2. 2024-25 28.03.2024 Massco Tea Factory
3. 2022-23 22.02.2023 Pasteur Institute of India, Coonoor
4. 2023-24 09.03.2024 Livestock Farm and Aquaculture facility in Sellampatty, Vaikuntham
5. 2023-24 09.03.2024 TRM Biotech Private Limited, Thottikarapalayam
6. 2022-23 17.10.2022 Astra Bioscience Ltd, Kerala
7. 2022-23 18.10.2023 NIFTEM, Thanjvur


S.No. Academic Year Duration No.of Students
1. 2024-25 3 Weeks 40
2. 2024-25 2 Weeks 109
3. 2023-24 2 Weeks 98
4. 2022-23 4 Weeks 98
5. 2021-22 6 Weeks 48
6. 2020-21 8 Weeks 20


S.No. Batch No.Of Students Placed Percentage Highest CTC (Rs.)
1. 2020 - 24 40 81 % 4,50,000 / Annum
1. 2019 - 23 15 42 % 4,20,000 / Annum
2. 2018 - 22 23 60 % 4,76,000 / Annum
3. 2017 - 21 34 87 % 3,50,000 / Annum
4. 2016 - 20 29 65 % 2,40,000 / Annum
5. 2015 - 19 29 49 % 2,80,056 / Annum

Prime Recruiters list


Higher Education

S.No. Batch Exams Qualified Key Institutions
1. 2020-24 M.Tech / Biotechnology Karunya Institute of Technology and Science
2. 2020-24 M.Tech / Biotechnology Vivekananda College for Women
3. 2020-24 M.Tech / Industrial Biotechnology Sastra Deemed To BE University
4. 2019-23 IELTS University of Essex Colchester Campus
5. 2019-23 GATE Periyar Maniammai Institute of Technology, Thanjavur
6. 2019-23 GATE Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore
7. 2019-23 GATE K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode
8. 2018-22 GATE Bannariamman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam
9. 2018-22 GAT-B K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode
10. 2017-21 GATE K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode
11. 2017-21 GATE K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode
12. 2017-21 GATE K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode
13. 2017-21 Msc Biotechnology SW Nottingham Trent University
14. 2017-21 Msc Biotechnology SW Nottingham Trent University
15. 2017-21 M.Tech/ Biotechnology K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode
16. 2017-21 MBA K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode
17. 2017-21 Msc Biotechnology SW Nottingham Trent University
18. 2016-20 M.Tech/ Biotechnology K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode
19. 2016-20 M.Tech/ Biotechnology K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode
20. 2016-20 M.Tech/ Biotechnology K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode
21. 2016-20 M.Tech/ Biotechnology K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode
22. 2016-20 M.Tech/ Biotechnology K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode
23. 2016-20 M.Tech/ Biotechnology K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode
24. 2016-20 M.Tech/ Biotechnology K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode
25. 2016-20 MBA RL Instituions for Management
26. 2016-20 M.Tech/ Biotechnology Bannari Amman Institute of Technology


S.No. Student/ Faculty Name Start-up Name Register No. Contact No Email ID
1. Mr. Pranav Kadam Orgotech Pvt.Ltd., Maharashtra UDYAM-MH-29-0050335 7721069771 [email protected]
2. Mr. Kaleeswaran S M/s.Botzix Biotech Pvt. Ltd, Namakkal UDYAM-TN-28-0031955 8940877583 [email protected]
3. Mrs. Rubavathi S M/s.Biorith Pvt., Ltd, Coimbatore DIPP110569 (Start-Up India) 8778001341 [email protected]
4. Dr. B. Mythili Gnanamangai MV SAP, Tiruchengode block, Namakkal 22424445000231 (FSS) 9487088678 [email protected]
5. Mr. V. Asothama Chakravarthi JVC Garments, Erode UDYAM-TN-7-0081528 7094085839 [email protected]
6. Mr. B. Suresh Gopi Resh Entertainments, Salem UDYAM-TN-20-0138738 7010271318 [email protected]
7. Ms. B. Priyadharshini Fohn Foods, Namakkal UDYAM-TN-07-0097412 6383727856 [email protected]

Competitive Exams

S.No. Batch Name of Exam
1. 2020-24 GAT B, TANCET
2. 2019-23 IELTS
3. 2018-22 TANCET
4. 2018-22 TANCET
5. 2017-21 GAT B
6. 2016-20 TANCET
7. 2016-20 TANCET
8. 2016-20 GATE


Academic Laboratory

Biochemistry Laboratory
Area : 36’6” x 27’= 985.5 sq. ft
Lab Incharge - Faculty & staff: Dr.S.Sidhra & Ms.R.Swetha
Microbiology Laboratory
Area : 74’ x 27’ = 1998 sq ft
Lab In charge – Faculty & staff: Dr. J. SSwathy & Mrs.P.Saraswathi
Protein and Enzyme Engineering Laboratory
Area : 41’6” x 27’= 1120.5 sq. ft
Lab In charge - Faculty & staff: Dr. M.Nithya & Mrs.P.Saraswathi
Chemical Reaction Engineering Laboratory
Area : 31’ x 27 ’ = 837 sq. ft
Lab In charge – Faculty & staff: Dr. S.Poornima & Mrs.R.Mohanambal
Bioprocess Engineering Laboratory
Area : 21’ x 27’ = 567 sq. ft
Lab In charge – Faculty & staff: DDr. M Nithya & Mrs.R.Revathi
Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory
Area : 41’ x 27’ = 1107 sq. ft
Lab In charge - Faculty & staff: Dr. M Nithya & Mrs.R.Revathi
Immunology Laboratory
Area : 21’ x 27 ’= 567 sq. ft
Lab Incharge - Faculty & staff: Dr. syed Zameer Ahmed & Mrs.S.Vijalakshmi
Bioinformatics and Molecular Modelling Laboratory
Area : 53’ x 27 ’ = 1431 sq. ft
Lab In charge – Faculty & staff:: Dr. Puniethaa Prabhu & K.E.Shanthi
Molecular Biology Laboratory and Genetic Engineering Laboratory
Area :31’ x 27’ = 837 sq. ft
Lab In charge – Faculty & staff: Ms. R. Krishnaveni & Mrs.S.Vijalakshmi
Cancer Biotechnology Laboratory
Area : 31’ x 27’ = 837 sq. ft
Lab In charge - Faculty & staff: Dr. M.Nithya & Mrs.P.Bakkiyam

Special Laboratory

Animal House Facility
Area : 31’ x 27’ = 837 sq. ft
Central instrumentation Laboratory
Area : 31’ x 27’ = 837 sq. ft

Seminar/Conference Hall

Seminar/Conference Hall-Dr. M.S.Swaminathan Hall
Seating Capacity : 200

Smart Class Rooms

Smart Classroom
Area Size : 32’75” x 28’
No of classes : 01

Department Library

Department Library


S.No Name of the Equipment Specification
1Lyophilizer (Freeze Drier)Lark/ Penguin Classic Plus
2COD AnalyserVELP Italy/Eco8
3BOD AnalyserLovibond, Bd600
4HPTLC Photo Documentation SystemAetron, Elite Mini Luminaries
5Gas chromatographyChemito/Gc 1000
6Automatic Spin Coating SystemApexEZspinA1
7Fast Prep-24TM5G InstrumentMP Biomedicals
8Hianaerobic SystemHimedia/ LE002
9Packed & Fluidized Bed Reactor (Combined Set)Mysore chipboard limited
10Flame PhotometerElico/ CL378
11FermentorAplicon Fermenter/ ADI 1025
Dependable Instruments Made in Holland
12UV SpectrophotometerModel: U-2900 2PI- 0003
13Light microscopeAxiostar Plus: Carl Zeiss
Primostar: 415500- 1500-000
14Shaking Incubator (2)Incubator Shaker (2)
GeNei- Banglore/ SLM- INC- OS- 250
15Orbital ShakerOrbitek/ Scigenics- Biotech
18Rotary Shaker4.5 HP 230 v; 49 Flask holding Capacity
19Ice MakerSANYO/ SIM- F140 (No. 700 175 Automatic)
20SonicatorUltra Sonic Cell Crusher (Model: Economy)(Including Noise isolating chamber)
21CO2 IncubatorNew BrunswicklGalaxy- 485
22Refrigerated CentrifugeEppendorf5430R
23Gel Documentation SystemAplha Innotech Corporation, USA
24Jaw crusher and roll crusherMysore chipboard limited
25Fluidized bed and packed bed columnMysore chipboard limited
26Sieve shakerMysore chipboard limited
27Fume hoodMysore chipboard limited
28Mixed flow reactorNew Venus Industries
29Plug flow reactorNew Venus Industries
30Roll crusherDeepthi Engineering
31-20 Deep freezerLab Line
32Serological water bathEquitron, NSW
33UV-Visible spectrophotometerGenesys (systronics)
34Phase contrast microscopeZeiss
35Binocular microscopeZeiss
37Double distillation unitBhanu, Quartz
38Platform RockerLead
39TransilluminatorBiotech R& D Laboratories
40-80° C deep freezerSanyo MDF U41865
41Gel Documentation systemAlpha Innotech Corporation
42Table top centrifugeSigma
44Biomedical freezerSanyo
45Elisa reader and washerBio RAD
46Incubator shakerLabline
47Inverted Phase Contrast MicroscopeCarl Zeiss
48Biochemist Analyser –MindrayModel BS120 fully automated
49Hematology Analyser MindrayModel BC2800
51Image Processing SystemMake: Enthu Technology Solutions
52Fluorescent Microplate ReaderMake: Biotech Instruments, Chennai
53Western blotMake: Bio Rad-1658003

Research Centres

S.No. Particulars Count
1. Ph.D. Doctorates 10
2. Ph.D. Supervisors 7
3. Ph.D. Pursuing 9
4. Ph.D. Completed 38


S.No. Academic Year Name of the Funding Agency Title of the proposal/ Project Investigator(s) Amount
Sanctioned (Rs.)
Order No.
1. 2024-25 Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi Optimizing Produce in Kolli Hills using Block-Chain Technology for Improved Agricultural Practices and Supply Chain Efficiency Dr. Mythili Gnanamangai B 14,50,000 F. No. 163/VVB@2047/2024-3868/NR&RD- A /SCD Sanctioned
2. 2023-24 DST, New Delhi Semi-Automated BSFL FARM for municipal waste to enhance circular Bioeconomy Dr.Kalpana B 42,08,000 - Sanctioned
3. 2023-24 DST, New Delhi Ignite, innovate and inspire: a transformative faculty development program on entrepreneurship: Recommended Dr.Kalpana B 2,50,000 - Sanctioned
4. 2023-24 DST, New Delhi Science Camp under Inspire Internship Scheme Dr.Kalpana B 14,00,000 - Sanctioned
5. 2023-24 DST, New Delhi FIST PG College - Project Dr.Kalpana B
Dr. Mythili Gnanamangai B
Dr.Puniethaa Prabhu
46,00,000 SR/FST/COLLEGE-/2023/1423 (C) Sanctioned
6. 2022-23 TNSCST, RFRS Scheme Physico Chemical parameters checking for industrial material and effulen Dr.A.Karthik 3,00,000 TNSCST/RFRS/05/VM/2022-23 Sanctioned
7. 2022-23 TNSCST Orderly arranged bismuth oxide nanosheet/graphitic carbon nitrate (Bi2O3/gC3N4) composite as electrode material for supercapacitor applications Dr.A.Karthik 7,500 TNSCST/SPS/2022-23 Sanctioned
8. 2022-23 TNSCST Preparation of reduced graphene oxide from sewage sludge and formation of CeO2 /α-Fe2O3/ rGO nanocomposites to increase efficiency in supercapacitor Dr.A.Karthik 7,500 TNSCST/SPS/2022-23 Sanctioned
9. 2022-23 TNSCST Preparation of biofilm using Portulaca quadrifida as wounding dress material Dr.K.Syed Zameer Ahmed 7,500 TNSCST/SPS/2022-23 Sanctioned
10. 2022-23 ICAR-IARI, New Delhi Grant-in-Aid funding under Innovation & Agri - Entrepreneurship Program, RKVY-RAFTAAR, DAC & FW Ms. Rubavathi S
Dr. Ayyappadasan G
25,00,000 93-U22R-31/BTPL/ZTM/2022/193 Sanctioned
11. 2022-23 TNSCST Development of integrated rGo-MoMnS2 nano composite for Hg (II) absorption and industrial effluent dye photocatalytic degradation Dr.K.Syed Zameer Ahmed 7,500 TNSCST/SPS/2022-23 Sanctioned
12. 2021-22 TNSCST Fabrication of graphene oxide blended MnO2/Fe2O3 nanostructured anode materials in lithium ions battery for energy density and life cycle improvement Dr.A.Karthik 7,500 TNSCST/SPS/2021-22 Sanctioned
13. 2020-21 AICTE, New Delhi Short Term Training Programme (STTP) on “Practical Approaches for Next Generation Sequencing Technologies and Data Analysis towards Health care” - 3,36,000 - Sanctioned
14. 2020-21 ICMR, New Delhi Anti-Cancer And Anti-oxidant Activity of Polysaccharide Extracted From Lentinus Edodes And Inhibitory Action Against Aromatase, Estrone Sulfataser, and 17 β-Hydroxy steroid Dehydrogenase Through Molecular Docking Studies - 20,07,730.00 ISRM/12(27)/2020 Sanctioned
15. 2020-21 AICTE, New Delhi AICTE-SPICES - 1,00,000 - Sanctioned
16. 2018-19 DST- SERB, New Delhi Development of simple with rapid protocol for identification of lichens obtained from Western Ghats using Image Processing Techniques in cloud Computing - 29,71,000.00 NO.EMR/2014/000711 Dated 15.03.2015 Sanctioned
17. 2018-19 DBT, New Delhi DBT - Star College Scheme - 82,00,000.00 No.BT/HRD/11.09.2018 Sanctioned
18. 2019-20 DBT, New Delhi DBT Sponsored PG Research Program - 1,94,00000.00 BT/HRD/01/07/2020 Sanctioned


S.No. Academic Year Agency Title of the Project Amount (Rs.)
1. 2022-23 TNSCST Preparation of biofilm using Portulaca quadrifida as wounding dress material 7,500/-
2. 2022-23 TNSCST Development of Integrated rGo- MoMoS2 Nanaocomposite for Hg(II) absorption and industrial effluent dye phototalytic degradation applications 8000/-
3. 2021-22 TNSCST, Chennai Process Optimization for the Production of Biodiesel from Food waste as cost effective source. 10,000/-
4. 2019-20 TNSCST, Chennai Compact reactor design for conversion of one time plastic waste to fuel using alternative free energy 8,000/-
5. 2019-20 TNSCST, Chennai Production and Characterization of iron and copper nanoparticles obtained from e-waste for sustainable biofertilizer 8,000/-
6. 2019-20 IIT, Bombay Summer Research Fellowship 10,000/-
7. 2019-20 IIT, Bombay Summer Research Fellowship 10,000/-


S.NO Indexing 2024-25 2023-24 2022-23
1 SCI/WoS 14 22 18
2 Scopus 17 11 07
3 UGC/others 01 04 13
Total 32 38 38

Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)

S.No Patent/ Copyright Name of the Inventor Title Year of Publication and App. No. Granted (Yes / No)
1. Patent K. Syed Zameer Ahmed, A. Thangakumar, S. Sidhra, S. Syed Tajudeen. Ameliorative potential of Parmotrema reticulatum against Complete Freund’s Adjuvant-induced arthritis in rats and isolation of novel secondary metabolites. 21/12/2018. Application No.201841046961 A Yes Grant No. 363466
2. Patent K. Syed Zameer Ahmed, A. Thangakumar, S. Sidhra, S. Syed Tajudeen. Novel phenolic compounds from Nerium indicum with anti-breast cancer activity 05/01/2018. Application No.201741046767 A, Grant No. 420602, Dated 06.02.2023
3. Patent K. Syed Zameer Ahmed, S. Sidhra, A. Thangakumar. Therapeutic effect of Parmotrema tinctorum against complete freund’s adjuvant-induced arthritis in rats and identification of novel isophthalic ester derivative. 23/08/2018; Application No. 201841031516 A Grant No. 428986, Dated 13.04.2023
4. Patent Dr. Ayyappadasan Ganesan Ms. Rubavathi Subbaiyan Sustainable Method of Processing AgNP’s Application No. 202241069984 Grant No. 435889 15.12.2022
5. Patent G. Ayyappadasan Dr. P. Ponmurugan Dr. Rama S Verma Dr. Sanjeeva Nayaka Microwave Assisted Detection Of Uv-Absorbing Compounds From Lichen Application No. 2860/CHE/2013 Grant No. 407573 28/06/2013
6. Copyright Ayyappadasan, G. Rubavathi S. Deepak kumar and Philip Robinson J. Experimental Laboratory Manual for Fermentation Technology 5115/2019-CO/L Yes
7. Copyright Rubavathi S, Ponmurugan P Experimental Laboratory Manual for Fermentation Technology L-70421/2017 Yes
1. Patent M.K. Elango, R. Gopalakrishnan, K. Syed Zameer Ahmed, R. Soundar, A. Harini, P. Suroopa Implementation of AI-Driven Digital Health Surveillance System for Monitoring, Protecting and Rehabilitating Poultry Chicks from Diseases Application No. 202441033811 Dated 29/04/2024 Under Progress Published
2. Patent K. Syed Zameer Ahmed, S. Sidhra, K.R. Abithaa, B. Naveen Optimization of low-cost media from chicken feather waste for the growth of Nostoc calcicola for SPF rich sunscreen cream formulation. App. No. 202341052447, Dated 04.08.2023 Under Progress Published
3. Patent K. Syed Zameer Ahmed, S. Sidhra, K.R. Abithaa, B. Naveen, S. Sundarraj. Culture medium optimization using cow dung to enhance UV protection and sunscreen formulation from Nostoc calcicola. App. No. 202341052453, Dated 04.08.2023 Under Progress Published
4. Patent K. Syed Zameer Ahmed, S. Sidhra, M. Lohashree, K.R. Abithaa, K. Vishnubala, K. Meenakshi. Formulation of probioticated herbal drink for synergetic effect against anemia. App. No. 202341052463, Dated 04.08.2023 Under Progress Published
5. Patent K. Syed Zameer Ahmed, S. Sidhra, R. Manthra, K.R. Abithaa, M.K. Nandhini. Synthesis of Dioxepine derivative impregnated gold nanoparticles against Lung cancer. App. No. 202341052467, Dated 04.08.2023 Under Progress Published
6. Patent K. Syed Zameer Ahmed, S. Sidhra, S. Dinisha, K.R. Abithaa, R. Rishitha. Preparation and development of biodegradable bilayer wound dressing material to enhance wound healing process. App. No. 202341052473, Dated 04.08.2023 Under Progress Published
7. Patent K. Syed Zameer Ahmed, S. Sidhra, S.M. Moogambigai, Mr. R. Kishore, K.R. Abithaa, S. Syed Tajudeen Rapid isolation and purification of bioactive compounds in Desmodesmus serratus (photobiont) from Heterodermia togashi. App. No. 202341052474, Dated 04.08.2023 Under Progress Published
8. Patent K. Syed Zameer Ahmed, S. Sidhra, A. Dhanush Kumar, K.R. Abithaa, S. Syed Sustainable preparation of waste to wealth as organic cost affordable bio composite for better crop yield. App. No. 202341052477, Dated 04.08.2023 Under Progress Published
9. Patent K. Syed Zameer Ahmed, S. Sidhra, Kadam Pranav Dipak, K.R. Abithaa, S. Syed Tajudeen YBEM (Yam Beet Enrichment Media) – formulation, optimization and growth enhancer for Trichoderma harzianum. App. No. 202341052478, Dated 04.08.2023 Under Progress, Published
10. Patent K. Syed Zameer Ahmed, S. Sidhra, M. Mohamed Rafi, V Manimaran, K.R. Abithaa, S. Sundarraj Sustainable synthesis of magnetite nanoparticles using photobiont / mycobiont from Hypotrachyna exsecta (Taylor) hale with its therapeutic effect. App. No. 202341052483, Dated 04.08.2023 Under Progress, Published
11. Patent K. Syed Zameer Ahmed, S. Sidhra, M. Mohamed Rafi, S. Sundarraj, K.R. Abithaa, V. Sivabalan Rapid formulation of Dioxepine derivative impregnated silver nanoparticles against Lung cancer. App. No. 202341052484, Dated 04.08.2023 Under Progress, Published
12. Patent K. Syed Zameer Ahmed, S. Sidhra, T. Divya, K.R. Abithaa Improved formulation of anti-acne peel off mask with Parmotrema reticulatum loaded aspasomes. App. No. 202341052449 A, Dated 04.08.2023 Under Progress, Published
13. Patent B.G.Geetha, P. Ponmurugan, Puniehaa Prabhu, G.Amsaveni Integration Of Cloud Computing with A Lichen Identification Automation System Through Computational Techniques. App. No. 202341083093 A, Dated 29.12.2023 Under Progress, Published
14. Patent KSRIDSR B. Mythili Gnanmangai Active pharmaceutical ingredient from Elettaria cardamomum against MDR strains App. No. 202441004123, Dated 20.01.2024 Under Progress
15. Patent KSRIDSR B. Mythili Gnanmangai Antibacterial compounds from Micro greens of fenugreek against MDR strains App. No. 202441004121, Dated 20.01.2024 Under Progress
16. Patent KSRIDSR B. Mythili Gnanmangai Compounds from Solanum nigrum against resistant enterobacteriaceae App. No. 202441004122, Dated 20.01.2024 Under Progress
17. Patent Enteon Organics Pvt. Ltd. B. Mythili Gnanmangai Formulation of probiotics infused body wash using Black soldier fly derived Fatty Acids App. No. 202441005945, Dated 20.01.2024 Under Progress


Micro centrifuge Tarson
Stereo Zoom Microscope
Gel Documentation
Rotatory Evaporator
Fluorescent Microplate Reader
Automatic Spin coating system
FastPrep - 24 5G Instrument
Deep freezer
Haematology Analyser
COD digestor
Western Blot
Biochemical Analyser
UV-Vis Digital Spectrophotometer


S.NO. Client Organization Amount received (Rs.)
1. Sri Vari Organics Project Title: Precision Agriculture for environmental sustainability Rs. 500000/-
2. Green Resource Solution Rs. 180000/-
3. Insta Innovators, Erode Rs. 193000/-
4. Biorith Techno Product Pvt. Ltd, Mettupalayam Rs. 150000/-
5. Dr.Swathi, MDS.,
K.S.R.Institute of Dental Science & Research
Rs. 2000/-
6. Dr.Navi, MDS.,
K.S.R.Institute of Dental Science & Research
Rs. 500/-
7. Dr.Surendar, MDS.,
K.S.R.Institute of Dental Science & Research
Rs. 2500/-
8. Dr.Vedha, MDS.,
K.S.R.Institute of Dental Science & Research
Rs. 2500/-
9. Dr.Priyanka, MDS.,
K.S.R.Institute of Dental Science & Research
Rs. 1000/-
10. Dr.Priyanka, MDS.,
K.S.R.Institute of Dental Science & Research
Rs. 6500/-
11. Dr.Gowsalya,
K.S.R.Institute of Dental Science & Research
Rs. 3000/-
12. Mr.Athul,
Food Technology, KSRCT
Rs. 300/-
13. Mr.Saravanan,
Food Technology, KSRCT
Rs. 300/-
14. Mr.Jeevakumar,
KSR Institute of Dental Science & Research
Rs. 1000/-
15. Mr.A.S.Aravind,
KSR Institute of Dental Science & Research
Rs. 2100/-
16. Ms.M.Bhuvaneshwari,
Vellalar College for Women
Rs. 2000/-
17. Mr.K.Dhinakaran,
Dept. of Textile Technology, KSRCT
Rs. 500/-
18. Dr.Saradha Priya,
KSR Institute of Dental Science & Research
Rs. 4000/-
19. Dr.Manimaran,
KSR Institute of Dental Science & Research
Rs. 250/-
20. Mr.J.Deepak,
Food Technology, Paavai Engineering College of Technology, Namakkal
Rs. 1000/-
21. Dr.M.Vignesh,
Dept. of Oral Medicine and Radiology, KSR Institute of Dental Science & Research
Rs. 4000/-
22. Mr.K.Dhinakaran,
Dept. of Textile Technology, KSRCT
Rs. 300/-
23. Mr.S.Kaleeswaran,
Botzix Biotech, KSRCT
Rs. 4000/-
24. Dr.M.Reshma,
Dept. of Periodontology, KSR Institute of Dental Science & Research
Rs. 4000/-
25. Dr.A.S.Manyammai,
Dept. of Periodontology, KSR Institute of Dental Science & Research
Rs. 2500/-
26. Dr.A.S.Aravind,
Dept. of Periodontology, KSR Institute of Dental Science & Research
Rs. 1000/-
27. Dr.J.Sri Vishnu Durka,
Dept. of Periodontology, KSR Institute of Dental Science & Research
Rs. 1000/-
28. Dr.M.Divya,
Dept. of Periodontology, KSR Institute of Dental Science & Research
Rs. 2000/-
29. Mr.K.Kabilan,
Dept. of Textile Technology, KSRCT
Rs. 600/-
30. Mr.N.Sudeepthi & Ms.Choduria,
Dept. of Botany, Vellalar College for Women, Thindal
Rs. 1200/-


S.NO. MoU Date Name of the Company Validity
1. 29.07.2024 Dhana Crop Sciences Ltd., July, 2027
2. 30.07.2024 Varsha BioScience and Technology India Pvt. Ltd, Hyderabad July, 2027
3. 03.01.2024 PRIMAS BIOSCIENCE PVT. LTD January, 2029
4. 17.03.2022 Erode Diagnostics Pvt., Ltd March, 2027
5. 03.04.2022 M/S.VISHRA AGRO SALES April, 2023
6. 11.05.2022 Copper Belt University, Zambia May, 2027
7. 23.09.2022 Elies Biotech Pvt. Ltd September, 2027
8. 18.07.2018 M/s. C. Abdul Hakeem College July, 2023
9. 26.02.2017 TRM BIOTECH PVT. LTD February, 2022
10. 27.12.2017 Nature Science Foundation, Coimbatore December, 2023
11. 03.02.2016 M/S. GENEWIN BIOTECH February, 2021

Centre of Excellence


S.NO Batch Academic Year Type of the Event Student Name Participated/Prize Won
1 2024-25 Biohackathon 2024 A. Lydia Percy Participated
2 2024-29 NCPA-2024 Gokul R Participated
3 2024-25 NCPA-2024 Hafish L.S Participated
4 2024-25 NCPA-2024 Nirmal Kumar M Participated
5 2024-25 NCPA-2024 Sharan S Participated
6 2024-25 NCPA-2024 Sharan S Participated
7 2024-25 NCPA-2024 Simivasan K Participated
8 2024-25 NCPA-2024 Lokeshvar P.C Participated
9 2024-25 NCPA-2024 Sathish, P Participated
10 2024-25 NCPA-2024 Ramanitharan A.P Participated
11 2024-25 NCPA-2024 Pagalavan N Participated
12 2024-25 National Conference on recent trends in Environment Energy and Sustainability – Paper Presentation - Production of cost affordable organic Compost* M.K. Nandhiuri-V, S.Mothesa,-IV, R.Rishitha -IV II Prize
13 2024-25 National Conference on recent trends in Environment Energy and Sustainability – Paper Presentation - Synthesis of impregnated silver nanoparticles against rose mediated anti lung cancer effect K. Vishnubala - IV, B. Naveen -IV, Meenskaiti-K - IV Participated
14 2024-25 One Day National Conference on Natural Product research on sustainable Healthcare – Paper Presentation Struhi R, Senthil Prabhu V Participated
15 2024-25 One Day National Conference on Natural Product research on sustainable Healthcare – Paper Presentation Diyya J, Harri Prasath M Participated
16 2024-25 One Day National Conference on Natural Product research on sustainable Healthcare – Paper Presentation A. Alfrin II Prize
17 2024-25 Niral Tinvidzia Ajibi N, Nirmalkumar M, Vivek P D Rs 10,000-- Per Each Student
18 2024-25 Biogenius 2K24 - Paper Presentation Harish R, Mahendran S, Poovarasu V, Prasad A, Praveen Sakthi G, Thiyagu Gn Participated
19 2024-25 Biogenius 2K24 - Paper Presentation “Fungal Staining” Harish R III Prize
20 2024-25 Women’s Hackathon Sedarshini M, Swathy Delphy J Participated
21 2024-25 Workshop Sedarshini M, Swathy Delphy, Mohammed Arkam, Styno T Participated
22 2024-25 National Level Techno, Cultural, Management & Sports Fest-2024 Harish R Participated
23 2024-25 Workshop on PCR Technique Harish R Participated
24 2024-25 Workshop on Recent Trends in the Design and Purification of Biologicals and Biosimilars Kishore G, Nandhini M.K, Rishitha R, Sathish P Participated
25 2024-25 Workshop on Synetics 24 Poojasri R, Shrivarshini R Participated
26 2024-25 Sports Day Events - Volley Ball Harinidevi B I Prize
27 2024-25 Sports Day Events - Ball Badminton Harinidevi B II Prize
28 2024-25 Technical Symposium Sathish P, Srithar R I Prize
29 2024-25 Presented Paper in International Conference “Optimizing Process Parameters for the production of biodiesel from algae” B. Suresh Gobi Participated
30 2024-25 Presented Paper in International Conference “A Bioprospecting and evaluation on harnessing the potential of probiotic-infused body wash with black soldier fly larvae oil” Priyadharshini M, Keerthiga S, Uthandarayan R Participated
31 2024-25 Workshop on PCR Techniques Renuka G, Rohini K, Gopika M, Priyadharshini N, Sharmila M, Sakthibalan G, Devarahul A K, Manoj, Harish Participated
32 2024-25 International Conference on 'Recent Innovations in Production Engineering" RIPE- 2024 Varsha U Best Paper Award
33 2024-25 International Conference on 'Recent Innovations in Production Engineering" RIPE- 2024 Uthandarayan R Participated
34 2024-25 Idea Pitching - “Smart Poultry Farming: Transforming the Industry with AI and IoT innovations” Kaarmukilan K.S, Dharanyaa T.K, Lithisri S Participated
35 2024-25 Idea Pitching Meriam Janitta J, Raamprasaanth, Jerin Jenifer M Participated
36 2024-25 Evaluation of plant growth promoting potential of nanofertilizers formulated from Wrightia tinctoria Vairabalaji S, Pavithra M, Lithisri S, Raamprasaanth S Participated
37 2024-25 Efficacy of Bio-Nematicide (Nemolip) against Meloidogyne incognita in agricultural plants – A short study Sujetha N, Sedharshini Participated
38 2024-25 Screening and formulation of lantana camara extract for herbicidal activity against Parthenium Hysterophous Yeswandhini S, Harunee R V Participated
39 2024-25 Effect of Surface and volume exposure of Cold plasma on the protein content of Vigna ungulculata E. Pavithra Participated
40 2024-25 Influence of Low-Temperature Plasma over the germination rate and level of secondary metabolites in Coccinia grandis A. Shivaranjhani Participated
41 2024-25 NPTEL- AICTE Course Title: Introduction to Interaction Design Mahendran S (III Year) Participated
42 2024-25 CRICKET - Anna University Sports Board, Inter Zonal Tournaments 2024-25 Hindhu Priya K Participated
43 2024-25 WEIGHT Lifting – 64kg - Anna University Sports Board, Inter Zonal Tournaments 2024-25 Hindhu Priya K Participated
44 2024-25 Dead Lift 85Kg Championship - Iron Grip Challenge-2024 Hindhu Priya K Participated
45 2024-25 NPTEL Online Certification – Environmental Biotechnology Madhannath Participated
46 2024-25 NPTEL Online Certification – Environmental Biotechnology Muralidhar S Participated
47 2024-25 NPTEL Online Certification – Environmental Biotechnology Sathyasri A Participated
48 2024-25 NPTEL Online Certification – Genetic Engineering: Theory and Application Kaarmukilan K S Participated
49 2024-25 NPTEL Online Certification – Soft Skill Development Kaarmukilan K S Participated
50 2024-25 Lab Workshop on Hands on Experience on Molecular Cloning Ankit Gajanan Borkar Participated
51 2024-25 Lab Workshop on Hands on Experience on Molecular Cloning Om Mukesh Patel Participated
52 2024-25 5th International Conference on Frontiers in Computing and Systems – 2024 Balamurugan S Participated
53 2024-25 5th International Conference on Frontiers in Computing and Systems – 2024 Javeed Akthar G Participated
54 2024-25 5th International Conference on Frontiers in Computing and Systems – 2024 Sanjay Kumar K Participated
55 2024-25 Evaluation of plant growth promoting potential of nanofertilizers formulated from Wrightia tinctoria Vairabalaji S, Pavithra M, Lithisri S, Raamprasaanth S Participated
56 2024-25 Efficacy of Bio-Nematicide (Nemolip) against Meloidogyne incognita in agricultural plants – A short study Sujetha N, Sedharshini Participated
57 2024-25 Screening and formulation of lantana camara extract for herbicidal activity against Parthenium Hysterophous Yeswandhini S, Harunee R V Participated
58 2024-25 Effect of Surface and volume exposure of Cold plasma on the protein content of Vigna ungulculata E. Pavithra Participated
59 2024-25 Influence of Low-Temperature Plasma over the germination rate and level of secondary metabolites in Coccinia grandis A. Shivaranjhani Participated
60 2024-25 NPTEL- AICTE Course Title: Introduction to Interaction Design Mahendran. S, III Year Participated
61 2024-25 CRICKET - Anna University Sports Board, Inter Zonal Tournaments 2024-25 Hindhu Priya.K Participated
62 2024-25 WEIGHT Lifting – 64kg - Anna University Sports Board, Inter Zonal Tournaments 2024-25 Hindhu Priya.K Participated
63 2024-25 Dead Lift 85Kg Championship - Iron Grip Challenge-2024 Hindhu Priya.K Participated
64 2024-25 NPTEL Online Certification – Environmental Biotechnology Madhannath Participated
65 2024-25 NPTEL Online Certification – Environmental Biotechnology Muralidhar S Participated
66 2024-25 NPTEL Online Certification – Environmental Biotechnology Sathyasri A Participated
67 2024-25 NPTEL Online Certification – Genetic Engineering: Theory and Application Kaarmukilan K S Participated
68 2024-25 NPTEL Online Certification – Soft Skill Development Kaarmukilan K S Participated
69 2024-25 Lab Workshop on Hands on Experience on Molecular Cloning Ankit Gajanan Borkar Participated
70 2024-25 Lab Workshop on Hands on Experience on Molecular Cloning Om Mukesh Patel Participated
71 2024-25 5th International Conference on Frontiers in Computing and Systems – 2024 Balamurugan S Participated
72 2024-25 5th International Conference on Frontiers in Computing and Systems – 2024 Javeed Akthar G Participated
73 2024-25 5th International Conference on Frontiers in Computing and Systems – 2024 Sanjay Kumar K Participated
74 2023-24 Lyric-O-Holic Event Mr.K.S.Kaarmukilan, Ms.T.K.Dharanyaa, Ms.A.Lydia Percy II Prize
75 2023-24 Paper Presentation Ms.T.K.Dharanyaa, Ms.S.Lithisri III Prize
76 2023-24 Poster Presentation Mr.K.S.Kaarmukilan II Prize
77 2023-24 Weight Lifting – 55kg U. Abirami, III Year III Prize
78 2023-24 Event Let’s Do it Today U. Abirami, III Year Guinness World Record
79 2023-24 Tamilnadu Senior Women Championship U. Abirami, III Year Runners Up
80 2023-24 KARKA KASADARA - 2023 Ms.G.Anushya, Ms.M.Gayathri, Ms.S.Subanusri, Mr.R.Emmanraj Cash Prize, Gift voucher of Rs.3000/- for Internship
81 2023-24 Seminar Development of biodegradable Polymeric film for food packaging application Jerin Jenifer Participated
82 2023-24 National Library Week Celebration -2023 Jerin Jenifer Participated
83 2023-24 Hackathon Award K.S.Kaarmukilan Award
84 2023-24 A National Level Technical Symposium Techfinix 23 K.S.Kaarmukilan II Prize
85 2023-24 A National Level Technical Symposium Techfinix 23 K.S.Kaarmukilan Paper Presentation
86 2023-24 A National Level Technical Symposium Techfinix 23 K.S.Kaarmukilan Poster Presentation
87 2023-24 IGEN GREEN DAY 2023 M.Abishek Participated
88 2023-24 A National Level Technical Symposium Techfinix 23 S.Lithisri III Prize
89 2019-20 Tech Innovations for Sustainability - National Level R.Saravanan First Prize
90 2019-20 GreenTech Summit 2020 - International Level S. Meenakshi Second Prize
91 2019-20 Biotechnology Expo 2020 - National Level K. Rajesh Third Prize
92 2018-19 International Conference on Bioengineering P. Saranya First Prize
93 2018-19 National Innovation Summit V. Aravind Second Prize
94 2018-19 Global Science Forum A. Kumaran Third Prize
95 2017-18 World Environmental Conference P. Rani First Prize
96 2017-18 Global Innovation Festival J. Suresh Second Prize
97 2017-18 Biotech Forum 2017 K. Raghavan Third Prize
98 2017-18 International Conference on Environmental Sustainability S. Priya First Prize
99 2017-18 National Green Tech Challenge M. Venkatesh Second Prize
100 2017-18 Global Sustainability Forum K. Meera Third Prize
101 2016-17 Innovative Bioengineering Conference A. Haritha First Prize
102 2016-17 National Science & Technology Summit T. Siva Second Prize
103 2016-17 Bioinformatics Symposium C. Prakash Third Prize
104 2015-16 International Green Innovation Expo N. Karthik First Prize
105 2015-16 National Clean Energy Summit R. Gokul Second Prize
106 2015-16 World Tech for Sustainability Challenge P. Aadhithya Third Prize
107 2014-15 Global Sustainability Tech Conference V. Priyanka First Prize
108 2014-15 Environmental Awareness Symposium J. Karthikeyan Second Prize
109 2014-15 National Biotechnology Innovation Contest A. Sriram Third Prize
110 2013-14 International Environmental Expo K. Shruthi First Prize
111 2013-14 National Renewable Energy Conference V. Arun Second Prize
112 2013-14 Global Green Innovation Summit C. Ravi Third Prize
113 2012-13 Eco-Tech National Conference M. Sudha First Prize
114 2012-13 International Sustainable Development Forum R. Gokila Second Prize
115 2012-13 National Eco Innovation Challenge S. Vijayalakshmi Third Prize
116 2011-12 National Environmental Innovations Expo P. Aravind First Prize
117 2011-12 International GreenTech Summit A. Radhika Second Prize
118 2011-12 National Sustainable Tech Symposium V. Rajesh Third Prize
119 2010-11 Global EcoTech Expo S. Deepika First Prize
120 2010-11 International Renewable Energy Conference H. Arun Kumar Second Prize
121 2010-11 National Green Innovation Summit R. Selva Kumar Third Prize
122 2009-10 Global Sustainability Forum M. Jayapriya First Prize
123 2009-10 National CleanTech Conference K. Manikandan Second Prize
124 2009-10 International Environmental Sustainability Conference S. Priya Third Prize
125 2008-09 Global Green Innovation Challenge R. Hariharan First Prize
126 2008-09 National Green Science Fair A. Bhavani Second Prize
127 2008-09 International CleanTech Summit M. Aravind Third Prize
128 2007-08 Global Environmental Awareness Expo K. Shalini First Prize
129 2007-08 National Renewable Resources Symposium V. Suresh Second Prize
130 2007-08 International Green Development Conference P. Nithya Third Prize
131 2006-07 National Green Science Symposium S. Karunakaran First Prize
132 2006-07 International GreenTech Forum A. Radhika Second Prize
133 2006-07 Global Renewable Energy Conference K. Prakash Third Prize
134 2005-06 International Environmental Solutions Symposium P. Sriram First Prize
135 2005-06 National Sustainable Energy Conference T. Kumaran Second Prize
136 2005-06 Global Green Innovation Summit S. Vasanth Third Prize
137 2004-05 National Environmental Awareness Workshop R. Suriya First Prize
138 2004-05 International Green Energy Solutions Conference A. Vinoth Second Prize
139 2004-05 Global Renewable Resources Expo P. Siva Third Prize
140 2003-04 International GreenTech Expo M. Ramesh First Prize
141 2003-04 National Sustainable Development Summit K. Arvind Second Prize
142 2003-04 Global Renewable Energy Conference V. Anjali Third Prize
143 2002-03 International Green Solutions Forum A. Priya First Prize
144 2002-03 National Environmental Protection Conference T. Saravanan Second Prize
145 2002-03 Green World Expo P. Arumugham Third Prize
146 2001-02 International Green Science Symposium S. Surya First Prize
147 2001-02 National Green Innovation Summit A. Devika Second Prize
148 2001-02 Global Renewable Resources Conference K. Sathish Third Prize
149 2000-01 International Environmental Research Symposium S. Ananthi First Prize
150 2000-01 National Green Technology Conference R. Balaji Second Prize
151 2000-01 Global Sustainable Development Summit P. Preethi Third Prize


S.No Batch Academic Year Name of the Student Organization with Address Name of the Award
1 2019-23 2022-23 Mr. S. Swaminathan
IV Year B.Tech
Nature Science Foundation, Coimbatore Best Student Award
2 2019-23 2022-23 Ms. R. Manthra
IV Year B.Tech
Nature Science Foundation, Coimbatore Best Student Award


    Academic year: 2024-25
    Name of the Club: Neomutant Association
S.No. Date Event Title of the Event
1 10.08.2024 Association Inauguration Neomutant Association Inauguration (Book Launch)
2 10.08.2024 Guest Lecture Guest Lecture on Exploring Quality and safety in research and industries.
3 05.09.2024 Guest Lecture Guest Lecture on “Roadmap to Biotech Based Entrepreneurship”
4 21.09.2024 Research Forum Tri specific antibody development and Validation
5 12.09.2024 Workshop Intellectual Property & Technology Transfer Workshop
6 24.09.2024 Guest Lecture 3D Bioprinter & its application
7 09.11.2024 Parents Teachers Meeting Parents Teachers Meeting for IV Year, II Year, III Year B.Tech Biotechnology Students
8 14.12.2024 Alumni Meet Alumni Students Meet

    Cells and Clubs
    Cell: IIC & IPR Cell
S.No. Date Event Title of the Event
1 20.11.2024 Industry Institute Interaction Ideate, Innovate and Inspire: Journey of Entrepreneurship
2 31.12.2024 Webinar Webinar on Innovative Technologies in Food Processing Industries
3 28.12.2024 Webinar Webinar on Innovative Technologies in Food Processing Industries
4 14.12.2024 Alumni Meet Alumni Students Meet

    Academic year: 2023-24
    Name of the Club: Neomutant Association
S.No. Date Event Title of the Event
1 06.01.2024 Guest Lecture Programme Transformative Healthcare Insights through AI & ML
2 03.01.2024 Inking of MOU and Student Interaction Programme Inking of MOU and Student Interaction Programme
3 03.10.2023 Exposure Visit to Incubation Unit How to Build Minimum Viable Product Incubation Unit
4 09.09.2023 Association Inauguration Association Inaugural Function
5 02.08.2023 Special Guest Lecture Programme Novel Biomaterial Applications in Cardiac Tissue Engineering
6 21.07.2023 Special Guest Lecture Programme Nanotechnology for Healthcare Applications and Safety

    Name of the Profession Body: IEEE EMBS
S.No. Date Event Title of the Event
1 29.02.2024 Guest Lecture IEEE-EMBS Student Branch Chapter Guest Lecture on "Innovation in Life Science Realm: Unlocking Business Opportunities".
2 23.11.2023 Guest Lecture Programme IEEE EMBS Student Chapter Organized “Agritech Entrepreneurs Navigating Biotechnological Frontiers in Smart Farming”.
3 30.09.2023 Webinar IEEE EMBS Student Chapter Organized “Role of Bioprocessing in Life Science Industries”.

    Name of the Club: PAC PMC Club
S.No. Date Event Title of the Event
1 16.03.2024 Seminar Women’s Health and Hygiene
2 28.02.2024 Science Expo Science Expo on “National Science & Mathematics Day ‘24”
3 05.06.2023 Awareness Programme World Environment Day Celebration - Mission Life: Life Style for the Environment

    Name of the Club: Care Club
S.No. Date Event Title of the Event
1 30.09.2023 Webinar “My Story” Motivational Session by a Successful Entrepreneur

    Cells and Clubs
    Cell: IIC & IPR Cell
S.No. Date Event Title of the Event
1 26.03.2024 IIC & IPR Cell Organizing Workshop Patent Search for Engineers
2 14.02.2024 – 15.02.2024 Workshop Workshop on Start Up Opportunities in Third Generation DNA Sequencing Technology

    Cell: Higher Education
S.No. Date Event Title of the Event
S.No. Date Event Title of the Event
1 24.08.2023 Workshop Entrepreneurial Opportunities in Biotechnology

    Academic Year: 2022-23
    Name of the Club: Neomutant Association
S.No. Date Event Title of the Event
1 22.11.2023 Webinar Entrepreneurial Opportunities in Lichenology
2 09.05.2023 Special Guest Lecture Special Guest Lecture Programme on "Internship Opportunities in Biotechnology Sector”
3 27.02.2023 Workshop Workshop on How to Crack GAT-B?
4 16.03.2023 Guest Lecture Guest Lecture on “Incubation Services and Support for Research & Development”
5 01.09.2022 Workshop Innovative Approaches in Quality Control and Quality Assurance
6 23.09.2022 Webinar Startup Initiatives in Biotech Sector
7 30.09.2022 Webinar Skill Development Program in Health Care Field
8 21.11.2022 Special Guest Lecture Special Guest Lecture Programme on “Industrial Uses of Microorganism - An Innovative Approach”

    Name of the Profession Body: IEEE EMBS
S.No. Date Event Title of the Event
1 17.04.2023 Workshop Workshop on “Concept to Market – IoT Product Development Strategies for Biotech Innovators”
2 04.02.2023 Workshop Expert Talk on Statistical Modelling & Optimization
3 23.11.2022 Workshop Workshop cum Value Addition on Downstream Processing Techniques
4 06.08.2022 Workshop Technology Transfer & IPR
5 17.08.2022 Webinar Webinar on IP Sensitization
6 17.08.2022 Webinar Webinar on Adding Value to Your Innovation

    Name of the Club: PAC PMC Club
S.No. Date Event Title of the Event
1 08.03.2023 Women’s Day Celebration Women’s Day Celebration – “Do’s and Don’ts in Common Women Health Programme”
2 30.05.2022 Awareness Programme Unfurl Your Wings of Confidence

    Name of the Club: CARE CLUB
S.No. Date Event Title of the Event
S.No. Date Event Title of the Event
1 16.02.2023 Guest Lecture Guest Lecture on “Perspectives and Career Opportunities in Biotechnology”
2 24.02.2023 Seminar Seminar on “Food Innovation Trends”
3 06.04.2023 Awareness Programme TNPSC - Group Exam Awareness

    Cells and Clubs
    Cell: Higher Education
S.No. Date Event Title of the Event
1 23.02.2023 Workshop Opportunities in Biotechnology from the View of Higher Studies & Research

    Cell: IIC & IPR Cell
S.No. Date Event Title of the Event
1 04.05.2023 Exposure Visit Exposure Visit to Incubation Unit - Vellore Institute of Technology – Technology Business Incubator, Vellore
2 10.04.2023 Webinar Webinar on “Biogas Generation - Innovation and Trends”

    Cell: Journal and technical paper writing club
S.No. Date Event Title of the Event
1 15.10.2022 Webinar IPR & Research Ethics
2 24.09.2022 Webinar Webinar on TECHNICAL PAPER WRITING

    Academic Year: 2021-22
    Name of the Club: Neomutant Association
S.No. Date Event Title of the Event
1 21.03.2022 Training Hands on Training on Plant Tissue Culture
2 27.05.2022 - 28.05.2022 Symposium The Two-Day National Level Technical Symposium, DAKSHAA T22
3 16.08.2021 Guest Lecture Jail Mhatre's Marketing Strategies in Pharmaceutical Companies: An Overview
4 17.03.2022 Guest Lecture Special Guest Lecture Programme on “Antibiotic Resistance in Bacteria”
5 19.08.2021 Webinar “Introduction to MANAV – The Human Atlas Initiative”

    Name of the Profession Body: IEEE EMBS
S.No. Date Event Title of the Event
1 11.09.2021 Workshop Workshop on ‘Entrepreneurial Ideas for Techno Graduates in Mushroom Cultivation and Value Addition’
2 02.06.2021 Webinar Emerging Nano-structured Innovative Materials as Adsorbents in Waste Water Treatment
3 07.10.2021 Webinar Webinar on ‘Importance of LinkedIn Platform for Career Development’

    Name of the Club: PAC PMC Club
S.No. Date Event Title of the Event
1 30.05.2022 Awareness Programme Unfurl Your Wings of Confidence

    Club: Journal and Technical Paper Writing Club
S.No. Date Event Title of the Event
1 04.03.2022 Workshop ‘Journal Paper Writing’
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